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AdcChannelMetric Class Reference

#include <AdcChannelMetric.h>

Inheritance diagram for AdcChannelMetric:


class  Metric
class  MetricSummary
class  State

Public Types

using Name = std::string
using NameVector = std::vector< Name >
using Index = unsigned int
using IndexVector = std::vector< Index >
using IndexRangeVector = std::vector< IndexRange >

Public Member Functions

 AdcChannelMetric (fhicl::ParameterSet const &ps)
 ~AdcChannelMetric () override
void initialize (bool force=false)
DataMap view (const AdcChannelData &acd) const override
DataMap viewMap (const AdcChannelDataMap &acds) const override
DataMap update (AdcChannelData &acd) const override
DataMap updateMap (AdcChannelDataMap &acds) const override
virtual int getMetric (const AdcChannelData &acd, Name met, double &metricValue, Name &metricUnits, double &metricWeight) const

Private Types

using MetricMap = std::map< Index, Metric >
using MetricSummaryVector = std::vector< MetricSummary >
using MetricSummaryMap = std::map< IndexRange, MetricSummaryVector >
using StatePtr = std::shared_ptr< State >
- Private Types inherited from AdcChannelTool
using Index = unsigned int

Private Member Functions

Name nameReplace (Name name, const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
StategetState () const
DataMap viewMapLocal (const AdcChannelDataMap &acds, MetricMap &mets) const
DataMap viewMapForOneRange (const AdcChannelDataMap &acds, const IndexRange &ran, MetricMap &mets) const
void processMetricsForOneRange (const IndexRange &ran, const MetricMap &mets, TH1 *ph, Name ofname, Name ofrname, bool useErrors) const
TH1 * createHisto (const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
Index channelStatus (Index icha) const
void evaluateFormulas () const
- Private Member Functions inherited from TpcDataTool
virtual DataMap updateTpcData (TpcData &) const
virtual DataMap viewTpcData (const TpcData &) const
virtual int forwardTpcData () const
- Private Member Functions inherited from AdcChannelTool
virtual ~AdcChannelTool ()=default
virtual bool updateWithView () const
virtual bool viewWithUpdate () const
virtual DataMap beginEvent (const DuneEventInfo &) const
virtual DataMap endEvent (const DuneEventInfo &) const
virtual DataMap close (const DataMap *dmin=nullptr)

Private Attributes

int m_LogLevel
Name m_Metric
Name m_DataView
Name m_PedestalReference
Name m_MetricSummaryView
NameVector m_ChannelRanges
IndexVector m_ChannelCounts
Index m_MetricBins
Index m_ChannelLineModulus
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePattern
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePatternSolid
Name m_HistName
Name m_HistTitle
Name m_MetricLabel
Index m_PlotSizeX
Index m_PlotSizeY
Name m_PlotFileName
int m_PlotUsesStatus
Name m_RootFileName
NameVector m_MetadataFlags
bool m_mdRead
bool m_mdWrite
bool m_mdWarnAbsent
bool m_mdWarnPresent
IndexRangeVector m_crs
bool m_doSummary
bool m_doSummaryError
Name m_summaryValue
Name m_summaryError
const FloatArrayToolm_pPedestalReference
const AdcChannelStringToolm_adcStringBuilder
const lariov::ChannelStatusProviderm_pChannelStatusProvider
StatePtr m_state

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Private Member Functions inherited from AdcChannelTool
static int interfaceNotImplemented ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 121 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

using AdcChannelMetric::Index = unsigned int

Definition at line 127 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 129 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 128 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

using AdcChannelMetric::MetricMap = std::map<Index, Metric>

Definition at line 300 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 302 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 301 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 125 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Definition at line 126 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

using AdcChannelMetric::StatePtr = std::shared_ptr<State>

Definition at line 325 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AdcChannelMetric::AdcChannelMetric ( fhicl::ParameterSet const &  ps)

Definition at line 73 of file

74 : m_LogLevel(ps.get<int>("LogLevel")),
75  m_Metric(ps.get<Name>("Metric")),
76  m_DataView(ps.get<Name>("DataView")),
77  m_PedestalReference(ps.get<Name>("PedestalReference")),
78  m_MetricSummaryView(ps.get<Name>("MetricSummaryView")),
79  m_ChannelRanges(ps.get<NameVector>("ChannelRanges")),
80  m_MetricMin(new RootParFormula("MetricMin", ps.get<Name>("MetricMin"))),
81  m_MetricMax(new RootParFormula("MetricMax", ps.get<Name>("MetricMax"))),
82  m_MetricBins(ps.get<Index>("MetricBins")),
83  m_ChannelLineModulus(ps.get<Index>("ChannelLineModulus")),
84  m_ChannelLinePattern(ps.get<IndexVector>("ChannelLinePattern")),
85  m_ChannelLinePatternSolid(ps.get<IndexVector>("ChannelLinePatternSolid")),
86  m_HistName(ps.get<Name>("HistName")),
87  m_HistTitle(ps.get<Name>("HistTitle")),
88  m_MetricLabel(ps.get<Name>("MetricLabel")),
89  m_PlotSizeX(ps.get<Index>("PlotSizeX")),
90  m_PlotSizeY(ps.get<Index>("PlotSizeY")),
91  m_PlotFileName(ps.get<Name>("PlotFileName")),
92  m_PlotUsesStatus(ps.get<int>("PlotUsesStatus")),
93  m_RootFileName(ps.get<Name>("RootFileName")),
94  m_MetadataFlags(ps.get<NameVector>("MetadataFlags")),
95  m_mdRead(false), m_mdWrite(false), m_mdWarnAbsent(false), m_mdWarnPresent(false),
96  m_prdtool(nullptr),
97  m_doSummary(false),
98  m_doSummaryError(false),
99  m_pPedestalReference(nullptr),
100  m_pChannelStatusProvider(nullptr),
101  m_state(new State) {
102  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::ctor: ";
103  string stringBuilder = "adcStringBuilder";
105  // Process metadata flags.
106  for ( string mflag : m_MetadataFlags ) {
107  if ( mflag == "read" ) m_mdRead = true;
108  else if ( mflag == "write" ) m_mdWrite = true;
109  else if ( mflag == "warnabsent" ) m_mdWarnAbsent = true;
110  else if ( mflag == "warnpresent" ) m_mdWarnPresent = true;
111  else {
112  cout << myname << "WARNING: Ignoring invalid metadata flag: " << mflag << endl;
113  }
114  }
115  // Fetch the channel ranges.
116  bool toolNotFound = false;
117  const IndexRangeTool* pcrt = nullptr;
118  for ( Name crn : m_ChannelRanges.size() ? m_ChannelRanges : NameVector(1, "") ) {
119  if ( crn.size() == 0 ) {
120  m_crs.emplace_back("all", 0, 0, "All");
121  } else {
122  if ( pcrt == nullptr && !toolNotFound ) {
123  pcrt = ptm->getShared<IndexRangeTool>("channelRanges");
124  if ( pcrt == nullptr ) {
125  cout << myname << "ERROR: IndexRangeTool not found: channelRanges" << endl;
126  }
127  }
128  if ( pcrt != nullptr ) {
129  IndexRange ran = pcrt->get(crn);
130  if ( ran.isValid() ) {
131  m_crs.push_back(ran);
132  } else {
133  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel range not found: " << crn << endl;
134  }
135  }
136  }
137  }
138  // Initialize the state.
139  for ( const IndexRange& cr : m_crs ) getState().crsums[cr].resize(cr.size());
140  // Fetch the pedestalreference tool.
141  if ( m_PedestalReference.size() ) {
143  if ( m_pPedestalReference == nullptr ) {
144  cout << "WARNING: Pedestal reference tool not found: " << m_PedestalReference << endl;
145  } else {
146  Index nref = m_pPedestalReference->size();
148  cout << myname << "Pedestal reference array has " << nref << " value"
149  << ( nref == 1 ? "" : "s" );
150  if ( nref ) cout << " starting at channel " << off;
151  cout << "." << endl;
152  }
153  }
154  // Fetch the naming tool.
155  m_adcStringBuilder = ptm->getShared<AdcChannelStringTool>(stringBuilder);
156  if ( m_adcStringBuilder == nullptr ) {
157  cout << myname << "WARNING: AdcChannelStringTool not found: " << stringBuilder << endl;
158  }
159  // Fetch the run data tool.
160  if ( m_MetricMin->npar() || m_MetricMax->npar() ) {
161  string stnam = "runDataTool";
162  m_prdtool = ptm->getShared<RunDataTool>(stnam);
163  if ( m_prdtool == nullptr ) {
164  cout << myname << "ERROR: RunDataTool " << stnam
165  << " not found. Metric limits will not be evaluated." << endl;
166  } else {
167  cout << myname << "RunDataTool retrieved." << endl;
168  }
169  }
170  // Set summary fields.
171  m_doSummary = m_HistName.find("EVENT%") == string::npos;
172  if ( m_doSummary ) {
173  const std::set<Name> sumVals = {"count", "mean", "rms", "drms"};
174  if ( m_MetricSummaryView.size() == 0 ) {
175  m_MetricSummaryView = "mean:dmean";
176  cout << myname << "WARNING: Missing metric summary view set to \"" << m_MetricSummaryView
177  << "\"." << endl;
178  }
179  Name vnam = m_MetricSummaryView;
180  Name enam;
181  Name::size_type ipos = vnam.find(":");
182  if ( ipos != Name::npos ) {
183  enam = vnam.substr(ipos+1);
184  vnam = vnam.substr(0, ipos);
185  }
186  if ( ! MetricSummary::isValueName(vnam) ) {
187  cout << myname << "WARNING: Invalid value for metric summary view reset from " << vnam
188  << " to mean." << endl;
189  vnam = "mean";
190  }
191  if ( enam.size() ) {
192  if ( ! MetricSummary::isValueName(enam) ) {
193  cout << myname << "WARNING: Ignoring invalid error for metric summary view: " << enam << endl;
194  } else {
195  m_doSummaryError = true;
196  }
197  }
198  m_summaryValue = vnam;
199  m_summaryError = enam;
200  }
201  // Fetch the channel status service.
202  if ( m_PlotUsesStatus ) {
203  if ( m_LogLevel >= 1 ) cout << myname << "Fetching channel status service." << endl;
205  if ( m_pChannelStatusProvider == nullptr ) {
206  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel status provider not found." << endl;
207  m_PlotUsesStatus = false;
208  }
209  }
210  // Display the configuration.
211  if ( m_LogLevel ) {
212  cout << myname << "Configuration: " << endl;
213  cout << myname << " LogLevel: " << m_LogLevel << endl;
214  cout << myname << " Metric: " << m_Metric << endl;
215  cout << myname << " DataView: " << m_DataView << endl;
216  cout << myname << " PedestalReference: " << m_PedestalReference << endl;
217  cout << myname << " MetricSummaryView: " << m_MetricSummaryView;
218  if ( m_summaryValue.size() ) {
219  cout << " (" << m_summaryValue;
220  if ( m_summaryError.size() ) cout << " +/- " << m_summaryError;
221  cout << ")";
222  }
223  cout << endl;
224  cout << myname << " ChannelRanges: [";
225  bool first = true;
226  for ( const IndexRange& ran : m_crs ) {
227  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
228  else first = false;
229  cout <<;
230  }
231  cout << "]" << endl;
232  cout << myname << " MetricMin: " << m_MetricMin->formulaString() << endl;
233  cout << myname << " MetricMax: " << m_MetricMax->formulaString() << endl;
234  cout << myname << " MetricBins: " << m_MetricBins << endl;
235  cout << myname << " ChannelLineModulus: " << m_ChannelLineModulus << endl;
236  cout << myname << " ChannelLinePattern: {";
237  first = true;
238  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
239  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
240  first = false;
241  cout << icha;
242  }
243  cout << "}" << endl;
244  cout << myname << " ChannelLinePatternSolid: {";
245  first = true;
246  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePatternSolid ) {
247  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
248  first = false;
249  cout << icha;
250  }
251  cout << "}" << endl;
252  cout << myname << " ChannelCounts: {";
253  first = true;
254  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelCounts ) {
255  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
256  first = false;
257  cout << icha;
258  }
259  cout << "}" << endl;
260  cout << myname << " PlotSizeX: " << m_PlotSizeX << endl;
261  cout << myname << " PlotSizeY: " << m_PlotSizeY << endl;
262  cout << myname << " HistName: " << m_HistName << endl;
263  cout << myname << " HistTitle: " << m_HistTitle << endl;
264  cout << myname << " MetricLabel: " << m_MetricLabel << endl;
265  cout << myname << " PlotFileName: " << m_PlotFileName << endl;
266  cout << myname << " PlotUsesStatus: " << m_PlotUsesStatus << endl;
267  cout << myname << " RootFileName: " << m_RootFileName << endl;
268  cout << myname << " MetadataFlags: [";
269  first = true;
270  for ( string mflag : m_MetadataFlags ) {
271  if ( ! first ) cout << ", ";
272  first = false;
273  cout << mflag;
274  }
275  cout << "]" << endl;
276  }
277  // We might have to move this to getMetric.
278  initialize();
279 }
ParFormula * m_MetricMax
std::vector< Index > IndexVector
const FloatArrayTool * m_pPedestalReference
const AdcChannelStringTool * m_adcStringBuilder
virtual Name formulaString() const =0
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
NameVector m_ChannelRanges
const lariov::ChannelStatusProvider * m_pChannelStatusProvider
std::vector< Name > NameVector
unsigned int Index
bool isValid() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:94
State & getState() const
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
IndexRangeVector m_crs
virtual Index npar() const
Definition: ParFormula.h:44
IndexVector m_ChannelCounts
NameVector m_MetadataFlags
void initialize(bool force=false)
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePattern
virtual Index offset() const
std::vector< string > NameVector
virtual Index size() const
RunDataTool * m_prdtool
static bool isValueName(Name vnam)
static DuneToolManager * instance(std::string fclname="", int dbg=1)
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePatternSolid
ParFormula * m_MetricMin
T * getShared(std::string name)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
virtual IndexRange get(Name nam) const =0
AdcChannelMetric::~AdcChannelMetric ( )

Definition at line 283 of file

283  {
284  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::dtor: ";
285  Index ncha = 0;
286  Index nchaData = 0;
287  Index nchaDataMax = 0;
288  Index countMax = 0;
289  Index weightSumMax = 0.0;
290  for ( const MetricSummaryMap::value_type& imsm : getState().crsums ) {
291  IndexRange cr = imsm.first;
292  const MetricSummaryVector& msums = imsm.second;
293  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
294  cout << myname << "Channel range " << << endl;
295  }
296  for ( Index kcha=0; kcha<cr.size(); ++kcha ) {
297  const MetricSummary& ms = msums[kcha];
298  ++ncha;
299  if ( ms.eventCount ) {
300  ++nchaData;
301  if ( ms.eventCount > countMax ) {
302  countMax = ms.eventCount;
303  nchaDataMax = 1;
304  } else if ( ms.eventCount == countMax ) {
305  ++nchaDataMax;
306  }
307  if ( ms.weightSum > weightSumMax ) {
308  weightSumMax = ms.weightSum;
309  }
310  }
311  }
312  if ( m_doSummary ) {
313  MetricMap mets;
314  const MetricSummaryVector& msums = getState().crsums[cr];
315  for ( Index kcha=0; kcha<cr.size(); ++kcha ) {
316  Index icha = cr.first() + kcha;
317  const MetricSummary& msum = msums[kcha];
318  if ( msum.eventCount ) {
319  Metric& met = mets[icha];
320  if ( m_summaryValue.size() ) {
321  met.setValue(msum.getValue(m_summaryValue));
322  if ( m_LogLevel >=3 ) cout << myname << "Channel: summary value: " << icha << ": " << met.value;
323  if ( m_summaryError.size() ) {
324  met.setError(msum.getValue(m_summaryError));
325  if ( m_LogLevel >=3 ) cout << " +/- " << met.error;
326  }
327  if ( m_LogLevel >=3 ) cout << endl;
328  }
329  }
330  }
331  AdcChannelData acd;
332  if ( getState().runCount == 1 ) {
333  acd.setEventInfo(
334  getState().firstRun,
335  getState().eventCount==1 ? getState().firstEvent : AdcChannelData::badIndex()
336  );
337  }
338  Name ofpname = nameReplace(m_PlotFileName, acd, cr);
339  Name ofrname = nameReplace(m_RootFileName, acd, cr);
340  TH1* ph = createHisto(acd, cr);
341  processMetricsForOneRange(cr, mets, ph, ofpname, ofrname, true);
342  }
343  }
344  if ( m_LogLevel >= 1 ) {
345  Index w = 1;
346  Index valmax = std::max(ncha, getState().callCount);
347  if ( ncha ) w = log10(valmax) + 1.01;
348  cout << myname << "Summary for metric " << m_Metric << endl;
349  cout << myname << " # inits: " << setw(w) << getState().initCount << endl;
350  cout << myname << " # calls: " << setw(w) << getState().callCount << endl;
351  cout << myname << " # events: " << setw(w) << getState().eventCount << endl;
352  cout << myname << " # runs: " << setw(w) << getState().runCount << endl;
353  cout << myname << " Maximum # entries for a channel: " << setw(w) << countMax << endl;
354  cout << myname << " Maximum weight sum for a channel: " << setw(w) << weightSumMax << endl;
355  cout << myname << " Total # channels in ranges: " << setw(w) << ncha << endl;
356  cout << myname << " # channels without data: " << setw(w) << ncha - nchaData << endl;
357  cout << myname << " # channels with data: " << setw(w) << nchaData << endl;
358  cout << myname << " # channels with max # entries: " << setw(w) << nchaDataMax << endl;
359  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
360  Index icnt = 0;
361  for ( const MetricSummaryMap::value_type& imsm : getState().crsums ) {
362  IndexRange cr = imsm.first;
363  cout << "============= Channel range " << << endl;
364  const MetricSummaryVector& msums = imsm.second;
365  for ( const MetricSummary& msum : msums ) {
366  if ( msum.eventCount ) {
367  cout << "------------- " << m_Metric << "[" << icnt++ << "]" << endl;
368  cout << myname << " weight flag: " << setw(w) << msum.weightFlag << endl;
369  cout << myname << " # events: " << setw(w) << msum.eventCount << endl;
370  cout << myname << " # weighted events: " << setw(w) << msum.weightedEventCount << endl;
371  cout << myname << " Neff: " << setw(w) << msum.neff() << endl;
372  cout << myname << " mean: " << setw(w) << msum.mean() << " +/- "
373  << setw(w) << msum.dmean() << endl;
374  cout << myname << " RMS: " << setw(w) << msum.rms() << " +/- "
375  << setw(w) << msum.drms() << endl;
376  cout << myname << " center: " << setw(w) << << " +/- "
377  << setw(w) << 0.5*msum.range() << endl;
378  }
379  }
380  cout << "===================================" << endl;
381  }
382  }
383  }
384 }
Name nameReplace(Name name, const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
std::vector< MetricSummary > MetricSummaryVector
Index size() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:88
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
void processMetricsForOneRange(const IndexRange &ran, const MetricMap &mets, TH1 *ph, Name ofname, Name ofrname, bool useErrors) const
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
static constexpr double ms
Definition: Units.h:96
void setEventInfo(EventInfoPtr pevi)
double Metric(double q, double p)
Definition: Solver.cxx:71
static int max(int a, int b)
Q_EXPORT QTSManip setw(int w)
Definition: qtextstream.h:331
Index first() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:95
static Index badIndex()
TH1 * createHisto(const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
std::map< Index, Metric > MetricMap

Member Function Documentation

Index AdcChannelMetric::channelStatus ( Index  icha) const

Definition at line 1014 of file

1014  {
1016  if ( icha >= stats.size() ) stats.resize(icha + 1, 0);
1017  Index& stat = stats[icha];
1018  if ( stat == 0 && m_pChannelStatusProvider != nullptr ) {
1019  if ( m_pChannelStatusProvider->IsBad(icha) ) stat = 2;
1020  else if ( m_pChannelStatusProvider->IsNoisy(icha) ) stat = 3;
1021  else stat = 1;
1022  }
1023  return stat;
1024 }
virtual bool IsBad(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const =0
Returns whether the specified channel is bad in the current run.
std::vector< Index > IndexVector
virtual bool IsNoisy(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const =0
Returns whether the specified channel is noisy in the current run.
const lariov::ChannelStatusProvider * m_pChannelStatusProvider
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
TH1 * AdcChannelMetric::createHisto ( const AdcChannelData acd,
const IndexRange ran 
) const

Definition at line 991 of file

991  {
992  string hname = nameReplace( m_HistName, acd, ran);
993  string htitl = nameReplace( m_HistTitle, acd, ran);
994  string slabm = nameReplace( m_MetricLabel, acd, ran);
995  TH1* ph = nullptr;
997  if ( nbins == 0 ) {
998  ph = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), htitl.c_str(), ran.size(), ran.begin, ran.end);
999  ph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Channel");
1000  ph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(slabm.c_str());
1001  } else {
1002  ph = new TH1F(hname.c_str(), htitl.c_str(), nbins, getState().metricMin, getState().metricMax);
1003  ph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(slabm.c_str());
1004  ph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# channels");
1005  }
1006  ph->SetDirectory(nullptr);
1007  ph->SetLineWidth(2);
1008  ph->SetStats(0);
1009  return ph;
1010 }
Index begin
Definition: IndexRange.h:34
Name nameReplace(Name name, const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
Index size() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:88
unsigned int Index
Index end
Definition: IndexRange.h:35
State & getState() const
void AdcChannelMetric::evaluateFormulas ( ) const

Definition at line 1028 of file

1028  {
1029  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::evaluateFormulas: ";
1030  if ( m_prdtool != nullptr ) {
1031  Index run = getState().lastRun;
1032  RunData rdat = m_prdtool->runData(run);
1033  if ( ! rdat.isValid() ) {
1034  cout << myname << "WARNING: RunData not found for run " << run << "." << endl;
1035  } else {
1036  rdat.setFormulaPars(*m_MetricMin);
1037  rdat.setFormulaPars(*m_MetricMax);
1038  }
1039  }
1040  float mmin = 0.0;
1041  float mmax = 100.0;
1042  if ( m_MetricMin->ready() ) {
1043  mmin = m_MetricMin->eval();
1044  } else {
1045  cout << myname << "WARNING: Using default metric min " << mmin << endl;
1046  }
1047  getState().metricMin = mmin;
1048  if ( m_MetricMax->ready() ) {
1049  mmax = m_MetricMax->eval();
1050  } else {
1051  cout << myname << "WARNING: Using default metric max " << mmax << endl;
1052  }
1053  getState().metricMax = mmax;
1054 }
ParFormula * m_MetricMax
virtual double eval(const Values &vars) const =0
virtual bool ready() const
Definition: ParFormula.h:56
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
bool isValid() const
Definition: RunData.h:48
virtual RunData runData(Index run, Index subRun=0) const =0
RunDataTool * m_prdtool
SetStat setFormulaPars(TFormula *form)
Definition: RunData.h:87
ParFormula * m_MetricMin
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
int AdcChannelMetric::getMetric ( const AdcChannelData acd,
Name  met,
double &  metricValue,
Name metricUnits,
double &  metricWeight 
) const

Definition at line 563 of file

564  {
565  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::getMetric: ";
566  val = 0.0;
567  weight = 0.0;
568  sunits = "";
569  AdcIndex nent = acdtop.viewSize(m_DataView);
570  const AdcChannelData* pacd0 = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, 0);
571  if ( nent && pacd0 == nullptr ) {
572  cout << myname << "ERROR: Channel " << << " view " << m_DataView
573  << " is missing its first entry." << endl;
574  return 4;
575  }
576  if ( nent ) weight = 1.0;
577  if ( met == "pedestal" ) {
578  val = nent ? pacd0->pedestal : 0;
579  sunits = "ADC count";
580  } else if ( met == "pedestalDiff" ) {
581  val = nent ? pacd0->pedestal : 0.0;
582  if ( m_pPedestalReference != nullptr ) {
583  double pedRef = m_pPedestalReference->value(, 0.0);
584  val -= pedRef;
585  } else if ( m_PedestalReference == "first" && nent ) {
586  Index icha =;
587  MetricMap& pedRefs = getState().pedRefs;
588  MetricMap::const_iterator ipdr = pedRefs.find(icha);
589  if ( ipdr == pedRefs.end() ) {
590  pedRefs[icha].value = val;
591  val = 0.0;
592  } else {
593  val -= ipdr->second.value;
594  }
595  } else {
596  cout << myname << "WARNING: Pedestal difference requested without reference." << endl;
597  }
598  sunits = "ADC count";
599  } else if ( met == "pedestalRms" ) {
600  val = nent ? pacd0->pedestalRms : 0.0;
601  sunits = "ADC count";
602  } else if ( met == "time" ) {
603  val = acdtop.time();
604  sunits = "sec";
605  } else if ( met == "fembID" ) {
606  val = acdtop.fembID();
607  } else if ( met == "fembChannel" ) {
608  val = acdtop.fembChannel();
609  } else if ( met == "apaFembID" ) {
610  val = acdtop.fembID()%20;
611  } else if ( met == "asic" ) {
612  val = acdtop.fembChannel()/16 + 1;
613  } else if ( met == "nraw" ) {
614  val = 0.0;
615  weight = 1.0;
616  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) val += acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient)->raw.size();
617  } else if ( met == "nsam" ) {
618  val = 0.0;
619  weight = 1.0;
620  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) val += acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient)->samples.size();
621  } else if ( met == "rawRms" ) {
622  double sum = 0.0;
623  AdcIndex nsam = 0;
624  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
625  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
626  double ped = pacd->pedestal;
627  for ( AdcSignal sig : pacd->raw ) {
628  double dif = double(sig) - ped;
629  sum += dif*dif;
630  ++nsam;
631  }
632  }
633  val = nsam == 0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(sum/nsam);
634  weight = nsam;
635  } else if ( met == "samRms" ) {
636  double sum = 0.0;
637  Index nsam = 0;
638  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
639  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
640  for ( double sig : pacd->samples ) {
641  sum += sig*sig;
642  ++nsam;
643  }
644  }
645  val = nsam == 0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(sum/nsam);
646  weight = nsam;
647  } else if ( met.substr(0, 6) == "samRms" ) { // samRmsNN, NN is integer
648  val = 0.0;
649  weight = 0.0;
650  istringstream sscnt(met.substr(6));
651  Index ncnt = 0;
652  sscnt >> ncnt;
653  std::vector<float> samSums; // Sum over samples for each group of cnt samples.
654  if ( ncnt == 0 ) {
655  cout << myname << "WARNING: Invalid metric: " << met << endl;
656  } else {
657  float samSum = 0.0;
658  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
659  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
660  Index nsam = pacd->samples.size();
661  Index samCount = 0;
662  for ( Index isam=0; isam<nsam; ++isam ) {
663  float sam = pacd->samples[isam];
664  samSum += sam;
665  ++samCount;
666  if ( samCount == ncnt ) {
667  samSums.push_back(samSum);
668  samSum = 0.0;
669  samCount = 0;
670  }
671  }
672  }
673  }
674  if ( samSums.size() ) {
675  float sum = 0.0;
676  for ( float samSum : samSums ) sum += samSum*samSum;
677  val = sqrt(sum/samSums.size());
678  weight = samSums.size();
679  }
680  } else if ( met == "sigRms" || met == "nsgRms" ) {
681  double sum = 0.0;
682  Index nsum = 0;
683  Index nsamtot = 0;
684  bool doSignal = met == "sigRms";
685  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
686  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
687  Index nsam = pacd->samples.size();
688  if ( pacd->signal.size() != nsam ) {
689  cout << myname << "WARNING: signal and sample sizes differ";
690  if ( m_DataView.size() ) cout << " for view entry " << m_DataView << "[" << ient << "]";
691  cout << ": " << pacd->signal.size() << " != " << nsam << "." << endl;
692  } else {
693  for ( Index isam=0; isam<nsam; ++isam ) {
694  if ( pacd->signal[isam] == doSignal ) {
695  double sig = pacd->samples[isam];
696  sum += sig*sig;
697  ++nsum;
698  }
699  ++nsamtot;
700  }
701  }
702  }
703  val = nsum == 0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(sum/nsum);
704  weight = nsum;
705  if ( m_LogLevel >= 4 ) {
706  cout << myname << "Sample count for " << met << " for channel " <<;
707  if ( m_DataView.size() ) cout << " view " << m_DataView;
708  cout << ": " << nsum << "/" << nsamtot << "."
709  << " " << met << " = " << val << endl;
710  }
711  // nsgRmsNN - Integrated noise with NN samples.
712  } else if ( met.substr(0, 6) == "nsgRms" ) {
713  val = 0.0;
714  weight = 0.0;
715  istringstream sscnt(met.substr(6));
716  Index ncnt = 0;
717  sscnt >> ncnt;
718  std::vector<float> samSums; // Sum over samples for each group of ncnt samples.
719  if ( ncnt == 0 ) {
720  cout << myname << "WARNING: Invalid metric: " << met << endl;
721  } else {
722  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
723  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
724  Index nsam = pacd->samples.size();
725  if ( pacd->signal.size() != nsam ) {
726  cout << myname << "WARNING: signal and sample sizes differ";
727  if ( m_DataView.size() ) cout << " for view entry " << m_DataView << "[" << ient << "]";
728  cout << " metric " << met << ": " << pacd->signal.size() << " != " << nsam << "." << endl;
729  continue;
730  }
731  for ( Index isam0=0; isam0+ncnt<=nsam; ++isam0 ) {
732  bool foundSignal = false;
733  float samSum = 0.0;
734  for ( Index icnt=0; icnt<ncnt; ++icnt ) {
735  Index isam = isam0 + icnt;
736  if ( pacd->signal[isam] ) {
737  foundSignal = true;
738  break;
739  }
740  float sam = pacd->samples[isam];
741  samSum += sam;
742  }
743  if ( foundSignal ) break;
744  samSums.push_back(samSum);
745  }
746  }
747  }
748  if ( samSums.size() ) {
749  float sum = 0.0;
750  for ( float samSum : samSums ) sum += samSum*samSum;
751  val = sqrt(sum/samSums.size());
752  weight = samSums.size();
753  }
754  } else if ( met == "sigFrac" ) {
755  Index nsamtot = 0;
756  Index nsig = 0;
757  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
758  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
759  Index nsam = pacd->samples.size();
760  if ( pacd->signal.size() != nsam ) {
761  cout << myname << "WARNING: Signal and sample sizes differ for sigFrac";
762  if ( m_DataView.size() ) cout << " view entry " << m_DataView << "[" << ient << "]";
763  cout << ": " << pacd->signal.size() << " != " << nsam << "." << endl;
764  } else {
765  for ( Index isam=0; isam<nsam; ++isam ) {
766  ++nsamtot;
767  if ( pacd->signal[isam] ) ++nsig;
768  }
769  }
770  }
771  val = nsamtot > 0 ? float(nsig)/float(nsamtot) : 0.0;
772  } else if ( met == "rawTailFraction" ) {
773  Index ntail = 0;
774  Index nsam = 0;
775  for ( Index ient=0; ient<nent; ++ient ) {
776  const AdcChannelData* pacd = acdtop.viewEntry(m_DataView, ient);
777  double lim = 3.0*pacd->pedestalRms;
778  double ped = pacd->pedestal;
779  for ( AdcSignal sig : pacd->raw ) {
780  double dif = double(sig) - ped;
781  if ( fabs(dif) > lim ) ++ntail;
782  ++nsam;
783  }
784  }
785  val = nsam > 0 ? double(ntail)/nsam : 0.0;
786  } else if ( nent == 1 && pacd0->hasMetadata(met) ) {
787  if ( nent != 1 ) {
788  cout << myname << "WARNING: Channel " <<
789  << " filling metadata only for the first of " << nent
790  << " entries." << endl;
791  }
792  val = pacd0->metadata.find(met)->second;
793  // Compound metric: met1+met2
794  // TODO: Move this to ctor.
795  } else if ( met.find("+") != string::npos ) {
796  vector<string> nams;
797  string metsrem = met;
798  string::size_type ipos = 0;
799  val = 0.0;
800  while ( ipos != string::npos ) {
801  ipos = metsrem.find("+");
802  string newmet = metsrem.substr(0, ipos);
803  double newval = 0.0;
804  double newwt = 0.0;
805  int sstat = getMetric(acdtop, newmet, newval, sunits, newwt);
806  if ( sstat ) {
807  cout << myname << "ERROR: Invalid sub-metric name: " << newmet << endl;
808  return 2;
809  }
810  if ( newwt != 1.0 ) {
811  cout << myname << "Evaluation of sub-metric " << newmet << " for metric " << met
812  << " returned non-unity weight " << newwt << endl;
813  return 3;
814  }
815  val += newval;
816  if ( ipos == string::npos ) break;
817  metsrem = metsrem.substr(ipos + 1);
818  }
819  } else {
820  cout << myname << "ERROR: Invalid metric name: " << met << endl;
821  return 1;
822  }
823  if ( m_LogLevel >= 4 ) {
824  cout << myname << setw(20) << met << ": " << val << endl;
825  }
826  return 0;
827 }
const FloatArrayTool * m_pPedestalReference
float AdcSignal
Definition: AdcTypes.h:21
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
AdcSignal pedestalRms
bool hasMetadata(Name mname) const
AdcCountVector raw
virtual int getMetric(const AdcChannelData &acd, Name met, double &metricValue, Name &metricUnits, double &metricWeight) const
unsigned int AdcIndex
Definition: AdcTypes.h:15
Q_EXPORT QTSManip setw(int w)
Definition: qtextstream.h:331
Channel channel() const
AdcSignal pedestal
AdcFilterVector signal
const AdcChannelData * viewEntry(Name vpnam, AdcIndex ient) const
virtual float value(Index ival) const
AdcSignalVector samples
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
std::map< Index, Metric > MetricMap
State& AdcChannelMetric::getState ( ) const

Definition at line 329 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

329 { return *m_state; }
void AdcChannelMetric::initialize ( bool  force = false)

Definition at line 388 of file

388  {
389  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::initialize: ";
390  if ( !force && getState().initCount ) return;
391  if ( m_LogLevel >= 1 ) cout << myname << "Initializing " << m_crs.size()
392  << " channel ranges." << endl;
393  // Loop over channels and fetch status for each.
394  Index ncha = 0;
395  for ( const IndexRange& ran : m_crs ) {
396  for ( Index icha =ran.begin; icha<ran.end; ++icha ) {
397  channelStatus(icha);
398  ++ncha;
399  }
400  }
401  if ( m_LogLevel >= 1 ) cout << myname << "Initialized " << ncha << " channels." << endl;
402  ++getState().initCount;
403 }
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
IndexRangeVector m_crs
Index channelStatus(Index icha) const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
string AdcChannelMetric::nameReplace ( Name  name,
const AdcChannelData acd,
const IndexRange ran 
) const

Definition at line 832 of file

832  {
833  StringManipulator sman(name, false);
834  sman.replace("%CRNAME%",;
835  sman.replace("%CRLABEL%", ran.label());
836  sman.replace("%CRLABEL1%", ran.label(1));
837  sman.replace("%CRLABEL2%", ran.label(2));
839  if ( pnbl == nullptr ) return name;
840  DataMap dm;
841  dm.setInt("chan1", ran.first());
842  dm.setInt("chan2", ran.last());
843  return pnbl->build(acd, dm, name);
844 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
const AdcChannelStringTool * m_adcStringBuilder
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
Index last() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:96
static std::string build(const AdcChannelStringTool *ptool, const AdcChannelData &acd, const DataMap &dm, std::string spat)
void setInt(Name name, int val)
Definition: DataMap.h:131
Name label(Index ilab=0) const
Definition: IndexRange.h:106
Index first() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:95
void AdcChannelMetric::processMetricsForOneRange ( const IndexRange ran,
const MetricMap mets,
TH1 *  ph,
Name  ofname,
Name  ofrname,
bool  useErrors 
) const

Definition at line 849 of file

850  {
851  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::processMetricsForOneRange: ";
852  unsigned int ngraph = m_PlotUsesStatus ? 4 : 1;
853  NameVector statNames = {"All", "Good", "Bad", "Noisy"};
854  LineColors lc;
855  std::vector<int> statCols = {,,, lc.brown()};
856  Name hname = ph->GetName();
857  Name htitl = ph->GetTitle();
858  // # channels vs. metric
859  if ( m_MetricBins > 0 ) {
860  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Plotting # channels vs. metric. Count is " << mets.size() << endl;
861  for ( MetricMap::value_type imet : mets ) {
862  double met = imet.second.value;
863  ph->Fill(met);
864  }
865  if ( ofpname.size() ) {
866  TPadManipulator man;
868  man.add(ph);
869  man.addAxis();
870  man.showUnderflow();
871  man.showOverflow();
872  man.print(ofpname);
873  }
874  } else {
875  // Metric vs. channel.
876  Name slaby = ph->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
877  TGraphVector graphs(ngraph, nullptr);
878  TGraphErrorsVector egraphs(ngraph, nullptr);
879  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Plotting metric vs. channel. Count is " << mets.size() << endl;
880  for ( Index igra=0; igra<ngraph; ++igra ) {
881  string gname = hname;
882  string gtitl = htitl;
883  StringManipulator smanName(gname, false);
884  smanName.replace("%STATUS%", statNames[igra]);
885  StringManipulator smanTitl(gtitl, false);
886  smanTitl.replace("%STATUS%", statNames[igra]);
887  if ( useErrors ) {
888  egraphs[igra] = new TGraphErrors;
889  graphs[igra] = egraphs[igra];
890  } else {
891  graphs[igra] = new TGraph;
892  }
893  TGraph* pg = graphs[igra];
894  pg->SetName(gname.c_str());
895  pg->SetTitle(gtitl.c_str());
896  if ( ! useErrors ) pg->SetMarkerStyle(2);
897  pg->SetMarkerColor(statCols[igra]);
898  pg->SetLineColor(statCols[igra]);
899  pg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Channel");
900  pg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(slaby.c_str());
901  }
902  TGraph* pgAll = graphs[0];
903  TGraphErrors* pgeAll = egraphs[0];
904  double ex = 0.25;
905  Index nfill = 0;
906  Index icha0 = ran.begin;
907  for ( MetricMap::value_type imet : mets ) {
908  Index icha = imet.first;
909  double met = imet.second.value;
910  double err = imet.second.error;
911  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) {
912  cout << myname << " " << met << ": " << met << " +/- " << err << endl;
913  }
914  Index bin = (icha + 1) - icha0;
915  ph->SetBinContent(bin, met);
916  if ( err ) ph->SetBinError(bin, err);
917  double gval = met;
918  Index iptAll = pgAll->GetN();
919  float xcha = icha + 0.5;
920  pgAll->SetPoint(iptAll, xcha, gval);
921  if ( pgeAll != nullptr ) pgeAll->SetPointError(iptAll, ex, err);
922  if ( m_PlotUsesStatus ) {
923  Index stat = channelStatus(icha);
924  if ( stat > 0 ) {
925  TGraph* pgStat = graphs[stat];
926  TGraphErrors* pgeStat = egraphs[stat];
927  Index iptStat = pgStat->GetN();
928  pgStat->SetPoint(iptStat, xcha, gval);
929  if ( pgeStat != nullptr ) pgeStat->SetPointError(iptStat, ex, err);
930  }
931  }
932  ++nfill;
933  }
934  if ( m_LogLevel >= 3 ) cout << myname << "Filled " << nfill << " channels." << endl;
935  if ( ofpname.size() && nfill > 0 ) {
936  TPadManipulator man;
938  //man.add(ph, "hist");
939  //man.add(ph, "axis");
940  man.add(pgAll, "P");
941  if ( m_PlotUsesStatus ) {
942  for ( int igra : {1, 3, 2} ) {
943  TGraph* pgra = graphs[igra];
944  if ( pgra->GetN() ) man.add(pgra, "P");
945  }
946  }
947  man.addAxis();
948  if ( m_ChannelLineModulus ) {
949  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
951  }
952  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePatternSolid ) {
953  man.addVerticalModLines(m_ChannelLineModulus, icha, 1.0, 1);
954  }
955  } else {
956  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePattern ) {
957  if ( icha > icha0 && icha < ran.last() ) {
958  man.addVerticalLine(icha, 1.0, 3);
959  }
960  }
961  for ( Index icha : m_ChannelLinePatternSolid ) {
962  if ( icha > icha0 && icha < ran.last() ) {
963  man.addVerticalLine(icha, 1.0, 1);
964  }
965  }
966  }
967  man.setRangeX(ran.begin, ran.end);
968  float mmin = getState().metricMin;
969  float mmax = getState().metricMax;
970  if ( mmax > mmin ) man.setRangeY(mmin, mmax);
971  //man.showGraphOverflow("BLTR", 2, statCols[0]);
972  man.setGridY();
973  man.print(ofpname);
974  }
975  if ( m_LogLevel > 1 ) {
976  cout << myname << "Created plot ";
977  cout << "for " << nfill << " channels in range " << << endl;
978  cout << myname << " Output file: " << ofpname << endl;
979  }
980  }
981  if ( ofrname.size() ) {
982  TFile* pfile = TFile::Open(ofrname.c_str(), "UPDATE");
983  ph->Write();
984  if ( m_LogLevel > 1 ) cout << myname << "Wrote " << ph->GetName() << " to " << ofrname << endl;
985  delete pfile;
986  }
987 }
int setGridY(bool flag=true)
static ColorType blue()
Definition: LineColors.h:26
int add(unsigned int ipad, TObject *pobj, std::string sopt="", bool replace=false)
Index begin
Definition: IndexRange.h:34
static ColorType red()
Definition: LineColors.h:27
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
int setCanvasSize(int wx, int wy)
unsigned int Index
Index end
Definition: IndexRange.h:35
State & getState() const
int showOverflow(bool show=true)
Name name
Definition: IndexRange.h:32
static ColorType green()
Definition: LineColors.h:28
Index last() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:96
int showUnderflow(bool show=true)
Index channelStatus(Index icha) const
std::vector< TGraphErrors * > TGraphErrorsVector
int addAxis(bool flag=true)
std::vector< TGraph * > TGraphVector
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePattern
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
int addVerticalModLines(double xmod, double xoff=0.0, double lenfrac=1.0, int isty=3)
std::vector< string > NameVector
int setRangeX(double x1, double x2)
int addVerticalLine(double xoff=0.0, double lenfrac=1.0, int isty=1)
QTextStream & bin(QTextStream &s)
int setRangeY(double y1, double y2)
static ColorType brown()
Definition: LineColors.h:29
int print(std::string fname, std::string spat="{,}")
IndexVector m_ChannelLinePatternSolid
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::update ( AdcChannelData acd) const

Reimplemented from AdcChannelTool.

Definition at line 432 of file

432  {
433  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::update: ";
434  DataMap ret = view(acd);
435  string mnam = m_Metric;
436  if ( m_mdWrite ) {
437  if ( m_mdWarnPresent && acd.hasMetadata(mnam) ) {
438  cout << "WARNING: Run-event-channel " << << "-" << acd.event() << "-"
439  << << " already has metadata field " << mnam << endl;
440  }
441  float mval = ret.getFloat("metricValue");
442  acd.setMetadata(mnam, mval);
443  }
444  return ret;
445 }
DataMap view(const AdcChannelData &acd) const override
bool hasMetadata(Name mname) const
AdcIndex run() const
AdcIndex event() const
Float getFloat(Name name, Float def=0.0) const
Definition: DataMap.h:220
Channel channel() const
void setMetadata(Name mname, float val)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::updateMap ( AdcChannelDataMap acds) const

Reimplemented from AdcChannelTool.

Definition at line 449 of file

449  {
450  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::updateMap: ";
451  MetricMap mets;
452  DataMap ret = viewMapLocal(acds, mets);
453  if ( m_mdWrite ) {
454  string mnam = m_Metric;
455  for ( const auto& imet : mets ) {
456  Index icha = imet.first;
457  AdcChannelDataMap::iterator iacd = acds.find(icha);
458  if ( iacd == acds.end() ) {
459  cout << myname << "ERROR: Channel map is missing channel " << icha << endl;
460  } else {
461  AdcChannelData& acd = iacd->second;
462  if ( m_mdWarnPresent && acd.hasMetadata(mnam) ) {
463  cout << "WARNING: Run-event-channel " << << "-" << acd.event() << "-"
464  << << " already has metadata field " << mnam << endl;
465  }
466  float mval = imet.second.value;
467  acd.setMetadata(mnam, mval);
468  }
469  }
470  }
471  return ret;
472 }
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
DataMap viewMapLocal(const AdcChannelDataMap &acds, MetricMap &mets) const
unsigned int Index
bool hasMetadata(Name mname) const
AdcIndex run() const
AdcIndex event() const
Channel channel() const
void setMetadata(Name mname, float val)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
std::map< Index, Metric > MetricMap
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::view ( const AdcChannelData acd) const

Reimplemented from AdcChannelTool.

Definition at line 407 of file

407  {
408  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::view: ";
409  DataMap ret;
410  double val = 0.0;
411  double wt = 0.0;
412  Name sunits;
413  int rstat = getMetric(acd, m_Metric, val, sunits, wt);
414  if ( rstat ) return ret.setStatus(rstat);
415  ret.setString("metricName", m_Metric);
416  ret.setFloat("metricValue", val);
417  ret.setFloat("metricWeight", wt);
418  ret.setString("metricUnits", sunits);
419  return ret;
420 }
void setFloat(Name name, float val)
Definition: DataMap.h:133
DataMap & setStatus(int stat)
Definition: DataMap.h:130
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
void setString(Name name, String val)
Definition: DataMap.h:135
virtual int getMetric(const AdcChannelData &acd, Name met, double &metricValue, Name &metricUnits, double &metricWeight) const
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::viewMap ( const AdcChannelDataMap acds) const

Reimplemented from AdcChannelTool.

Definition at line 424 of file

424  {
425  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::viewMap: ";
426  MetricMap mets;
427  return viewMapLocal(acds, mets);
428 }
DataMap viewMapLocal(const AdcChannelDataMap &acds, MetricMap &mets) const
std::map< Index, Metric > MetricMap
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::viewMapForOneRange ( const AdcChannelDataMap acds,
const IndexRange ran,
MetricMap mets 
) const

Definition at line 502 of file

502  {
503  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::viewMapForOneRange: ";
504  DataMap ret;
505  vector<int> ichas;
506  vector<float> vals;
507  vector<float> wgts;
508  // Extract the metrics for the subset of this range included in the data.
509  Index icha0 = ran.begin;
510  AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator iacd1=acds.lower_bound(icha0);
511  AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator iacd2=acds.upper_bound(ran.last());
512  if ( getState().update(iacd1->, iacd1->second.event()) ) {
514  }
515  MetricSummaryVector& metricSums = getState().crsums[ran];
516  if ( metricSums.size() < ran.size() ) metricSums.resize(ran.size());
517  for ( AdcChannelDataMap::const_iterator iacd=iacd1; iacd!=iacd2; ++iacd ) {
518  const AdcChannelData& acd = iacd->second;
519  double met;
520  double wt;
521  Name sunits;
522  int rstat = getMetric(acd, m_Metric, met, sunits, wt);
523  if ( rstat ) {
524  cout << myname << "WARNING: Metric evaluation failed for metric " << m_Metric
525  << " channel " << << endl;
526  continue;
527  }
528  Index icha = iacd->first;
529  mets[icha].setValue(met);
530  MetricSummary& metricSum = metricSums[icha-icha0];
531  metricSum.add(met, wt);
532  if ( m_LogLevel >=4 ) {
533  cout << myname << " Chan: met, wt (wsum, range): " << icha << ": " << met << ", " << wt
534  << " (" << metricSum.weightSum << ", " << metricSum.range() << ")" << endl;
535  }
536  ichas.push_back(icha);
537  vals.push_back(met);
538  wgts.push_back(wt);
539  }
540  // Create the histogram for this data and this range.
541  const AdcChannelData& acdFirst = acds.begin()->second;
542  string ofpname;
543  string ofrname;
544  if ( ! m_doSummary ) {
545  ofpname = nameReplace(m_PlotFileName, acdFirst, ran);
546  ofrname = nameReplace(m_RootFileName, acdFirst, ran);
547  }
548  // Fill the histogram and create the plots for this data and this range.
549  if ( m_HistName.size() ) {
550  TH1* ph = createHisto(acdFirst, ran);
551  processMetricsForOneRange(ran, mets, ph, ofpname, ofrname, false);
552  ret.setHist(ph, true);
553  }
554  ret.setString("metricName", m_Metric);
555  ret.setIntVector("metricChannels", ichas);
556  ret.setFloatVector("metricValues", vals);
557  ret.setFloatVector("metricWeights", wgts);
558  return ret;
559 }
Index begin
Definition: IndexRange.h:34
void evaluateFormulas() const
Name nameReplace(Name name, const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
std::vector< MetricSummary > MetricSummaryVector
void setHist(Name name, TH1 *ph, bool own=false)
Definition: DataMap.h:136
Index size() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:88
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
unsigned int Index
State & getState() const
void processMetricsForOneRange(const IndexRange &ran, const MetricMap &mets, TH1 *ph, Name ofname, Name ofrname, bool useErrors) const
void setIntVector(Name name, const IntVector &val)
Definition: DataMap.h:132
Index last() const
Definition: IndexRange.h:96
void setString(Name name, String val)
Definition: DataMap.h:135
bool update(Index run, Index event)
virtual int getMetric(const AdcChannelData &acd, Name met, double &metricValue, Name &metricUnits, double &metricWeight) const
Channel channel() const
void setFloatVector(Name name, const FloatVector &val)
Definition: DataMap.h:134
TH1 * createHisto(const AdcChannelData &acd, const IndexRange &ran) const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
DataMap AdcChannelMetric::viewMapLocal ( const AdcChannelDataMap acds,
MetricMap mets 
) const

Definition at line 476 of file

476  {
477  const string myname = "AdcChannelMetric::viewMapLocal: ";
478  DataMap ret;
479  if ( acds.size() == 0 ) {
480  cout << myname << "Input channel map is empty." << endl;
481  return ret.setStatus(1);
482  }
483  Index chanFirst = acds.begin()->first;
484  Index chanLast = acds.rbegin()->first;
485  if ( m_LogLevel >= 2 ) cout << myname << "Processing " << acds.size() << " channels: ["
486  << chanFirst << ", " << chanLast << "]" << endl;
487  for ( IndexRange ran : m_crs ) {
488  if ( == "all" ) {
489  ran.begin = chanFirst;
490  ran.end = chanLast + 1;
491  }
492  Index chanLo = std::max(chanFirst, ran.first());
493  Index chanHi = std::min(chanLast, ran.last());
494  if ( chanHi >= chanLo ) ret += viewMapForOneRange(acds, ran, mets);
495  }
496  return ret;
497 }
DataMap & setStatus(int stat)
Definition: DataMap.h:130
unsigned int Index
IndexRangeVector m_crs
static int max(int a, int b)
T min(sqlite3 *const db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
Definition: statistics.h:55
DataMap viewMapForOneRange(const AdcChannelDataMap &acds, const IndexRange &ran, MetricMap &mets) const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)

Member Data Documentation

const AdcChannelStringTool* AdcChannelMetric::m_adcStringBuilder

Definition at line 201 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

IndexVector AdcChannelMetric::m_ChannelCounts

Definition at line 164 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Index AdcChannelMetric::m_ChannelLineModulus

Definition at line 168 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

IndexVector AdcChannelMetric::m_ChannelLinePattern

Definition at line 169 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

IndexVector AdcChannelMetric::m_ChannelLinePatternSolid

Definition at line 170 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

NameVector AdcChannelMetric::m_ChannelRanges

Definition at line 163 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

IndexRangeVector AdcChannelMetric::m_crs

Definition at line 189 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_DataView

Definition at line 160 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_doSummary

Definition at line 192 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_doSummaryError

Definition at line 193 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_HistName

Definition at line 171 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_HistTitle

Definition at line 172 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

int AdcChannelMetric::m_LogLevel

Definition at line 158 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_mdRead

Definition at line 182 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_mdWarnAbsent

Definition at line 184 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_mdWarnPresent

Definition at line 185 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

bool AdcChannelMetric::m_mdWrite

Definition at line 183 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

NameVector AdcChannelMetric::m_MetadataFlags

Definition at line 179 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_Metric

Definition at line 159 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Index AdcChannelMetric::m_MetricBins

Definition at line 167 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_MetricLabel

Definition at line 173 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

ParFormula* AdcChannelMetric::m_MetricMax

Definition at line 166 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

ParFormula* AdcChannelMetric::m_MetricMin

Definition at line 165 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_MetricSummaryView

Definition at line 162 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

const lariov::ChannelStatusProvider* AdcChannelMetric::m_pChannelStatusProvider

Definition at line 204 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_PedestalReference

Definition at line 161 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_PlotFileName

Definition at line 176 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Index AdcChannelMetric::m_PlotSizeX

Definition at line 174 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Index AdcChannelMetric::m_PlotSizeY

Definition at line 175 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

int AdcChannelMetric::m_PlotUsesStatus

Definition at line 177 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

const FloatArrayTool* AdcChannelMetric::m_pPedestalReference

Definition at line 198 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

RunDataTool* AdcChannelMetric::m_prdtool

Definition at line 186 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_RootFileName

Definition at line 178 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

StatePtr AdcChannelMetric::m_state

Definition at line 326 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_summaryError

Definition at line 195 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

Name AdcChannelMetric::m_summaryValue

Definition at line 194 of file AdcChannelMetric.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: