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1 // objective: test the \f$, \f[, \f], \f{, and \f} commands
2 // check: indexpage.xml
4 /** @mainpage
5 Here are some formulas:
6 -# The distance between \f$(x_1,y_1)\f$ and \f$(x_2,y_2)\f$ is
7  \f$\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}\f$.
8 -# Unnumbered formula:
9  \f[ |I_2|=\left| \int_{0}^T \psi(t) \left\{ u(a,t)- \int_{\gamma(t)}^a
10  \frac{d\theta}{k(\theta,t)} \int_{a}^\theta c(\xi)u_t(\xi,t)\,d\xi \right\} dt \right| \f]
11 -# Formula in different environment
12  \f{eqnarray*}{ g &=& \frac{Gm_2}{r^2} \\
13  &=& \frac{(6.673 \times 10^{-11}\,\mbox{m}^3\,\mbox{kg}^{-1}\,
14  \mbox{s}^{-2})(5.9736 \times 10^{24}\,\mbox{kg})}{(6371.01\,\mbox{km})^2} \\
15  &=& 9.82066032\,\mbox{m/s}^2
16  \f}
17 */