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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NactionsNamespace containing all the test actions
 NcafCommon Analysis Files
 NcaldataCreation of calibrated signals on wires
 NcalgaushfCreation of calibrated signals on wires
 NcheatCode to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
 NclusterCluster finding and building
 NcnnDefines an enumeration for cellhit classification
 NcvnUtility class for truth labels
 NdeconvgaushfCreation of calibrated signals on wires
 NdetinfoGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NdetsimDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 NdumpCollection of utilities for dumping data on screen
 NEDepSimConstruct a module from components
 NevdLArSoft includes
 NeventEvent finding and building
 NevgbPhysics generators for neutrinos, cosmic rays, and others
 NevgenEvent Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles
 NgarGeneral GArSoft Utilities
 NgenfGeneric Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT
 NgeoLArSoft geometry interface
 NhitDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 NlarLArSoft-specific namespace
 NlargDetector simulation of raw signals on wires
 Nlarg4Geant4 interface
 NlariovFilters for channels, events, etc
 NlrisConversion of binary data to root files
 NphotGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NprotoGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NpyexampleDocumentation for this module
 NrawRaw data description
 NrecobReconstruction base classes
 NshwfShower finding
 NsimCode to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
 NsimbBase utilities and modules for event generation and detector simulation
 NsimfilterFramework includes
 NspdpGeneral LArSoft Utilities
 NstdSTL namespace
 Nt0Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
 NtestingLArSoft test utilities
 NunstickCreation of calibrated signals on wires
 NutilNamespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities
 NvertexVertex reconstruction
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAbsorptionReweighterReweight a MC survival probabiity when the particles through volumes
 CAliTPCROCGeometry class for a single ROC
 CAnchorHandlerNode representing an anchor
 CArgumentThis class contains the information about the argument of a function or template
 CArgumentListThis class represents an function or template argument list
 CBufStrBuffer used to store strings
 CC1Class C1 in group 1
 CC2Class C2 in group 1
 CC3Class C3 in group 2
 CC4Class C4 in group 2
 CC5Class C5 in the third group
 CChargedSpacePointProxyTestRuns a test of proxy::ChargedSpacePoints interface
 CCiteConstsString constants for citations
 CCiteDictCite database access class
 CCiteInfoCitation-related data
 CClangParserWrapper for to let libclang assisted parsing
 CCLanguageScannerC-like language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CCodeLineHandlerNode representing a line of code
 CCopyHandlerNode representing a copied piece of documentation
 CDataCreatorBaseInterface of an object creating data to be tested on
 CDefineManagerSingleton that manages the defines available while proprocessing files
 CDocbookDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for Docbook output
 CDocCmdMapperCommand mapper
 CDocHandlerNode representing a documentation block
 CDocSectionHandlerNode representing a section
 CDocVisitorAbstract visitor that participates in the visitor pattern
 CDotFileHandlerNode representing a dot file
 CDoxygenThis class serves as a namespace for global variables used by doxygen
 CEntryHandlerNode representing an entry in the table entry
 CEventInfoFramework includes
 CExprAstBase class for all nodes in the abstract syntax tree of an expression
 CExprAstBinaryClass representing a binary operator in the AST
 CExprAstFilterClass representing a filter in the AST
 CExprAstFilterApplClass representing a filter applied to an expression in the AST
 CExprAstLiteralClass representing a string literal in the AST
 CExprAstNegateClass representing a negation (not) operator in the AST
 CExprAstNumberClass representing a number in the AST
 CExprAstVariableClass representing a variable in the AST
 CExpressionParserRecursive decent parser for Django style template expressions
 CFileParserGeneral file parser
 CFileStorageStore implementation based on a file. Writing is linear, after that the file is re-opened for reading. Reading is random (seek+read)
 CFilterAddThe implementation of the "add" filter
 CFilterAlphaIndexThe implementation of the "alphaIndex" filter
 CFilterAppendThe implementation of the "append" filter
 CFilterDefaultThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterDivisibleByThe implementation of the "divisibleby" filter
 CFilterFlattenThe implementation of the "flatten" filter
 CFilterGetThe implementation of the "get" filter
 CFilterGroupByThe implementation of the "groupBy" filter
 CFilterLengthThe implementation of the "length" filter
 CFilterListThe implementation of the "list" filter
 CFilterListSortThe implementation of the "listsort" filter
 CFilterNoWrapThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterPaginateThe implementation of the "paginate" filter
 CFilterPrependThe implementation of the "prepend" filter
 CFilterRawThe implementation of the "raw" filter
 CFilterRelativeThe implementation of the "relative" filter
 CFilterStripPathThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterTexIndexThe implementation of the "texindex" filter
 CFilterTexLabelThe implementation of the "texlabel" filter
 CFn_TestFn_Test class
 CFormulaHandlerNode representing a formula
 CFortranLanguageScannerFortran language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CFTextStreamSimplified and optimized version of QTextStream
 CGaussianNoiseCreatorData creator: Gaussian random data
 CGenericConstIteratorTemplate List iterator support
 CGenericNodeListContextStandard template list implementation
 CGFAbsRecoHitProducerAbstract interface class for GFRecoHitProducer
 CGFExceptionException class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
 CGFRecoHitProducerTemplate class for a hit producer module
 CGSimFilesHolds GENIE simulation outputs (cross-section ROOT files, simulated event samples in GHEP, GST or other format) typically used as inputs in physics validation / tuning apps
 CHighlightHandlerNode representing a highlighted text fragment
 CHtmlAttribListA list of Html attributes
 CHtmlAttribListIteratorHtml attribute list iterator
 CHtmlDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for HTML output
 ChtmlEntityInfoStructure defining all HTML4 entities, doxygen extensions and doxygen commands representing special symbols
 CHtmlEntityMapperSingleton helper class to map html entities to other formats
 CIClassThe interface to a class in the object model
 CICompoundThe interface to a compound in the object model
 CIDirInterface to a directory in the object model
 CIExceptionThe interface to a Java/IDL exception in the object model
 CIFileThe interface to a file in the object model
 CIGroupThe interface to a group in the object model
 CIIncludeInclude relation
 CIInterfaceThe interface to a Java/IDL interface in the object model
 CILinkedTextBase interface for hyperlinked text
 CILinkedTextIteratorIterates over a list of ILinkedText fragments
 CILT_RefReference to an object
 CILT_TextPlain text fragment
 CImageHandlerNode representing an image
 CINamespaceThe interface to a namespace in the object model
 CIndexEntryHandlerNode representing an entry in the index
 CIndexIntfAbstract interface for index generators
 CIndexListA list of index interfaces
 CInteractionChainReweightingInterfaceThe interface for classes that reweight a chain of interactions, as needed for MIPP
 CInteractionReweightingInterfaceThis is the interface for classes that reweight interactions. The constructor for these classes should look like myInteractionReweighting(int iuniv,ParameterTable& cv_pars, ParameterTable& univ_pars);
 CINukeNucleonCorrCorrection to free NN xsec in nuclear matter
 CINukeOsetFormulaFormula-based implementation of Oset model
 CINukeOsetTableTable-based implementation of Oset model
 CIPageThe interface to a page in the object model
 CIParamRepresentation of a parameter of a function
 Cis_assn< art::Assns< L, R, D > >
 CISectionThe interface to a section in the object model
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 2U >
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 3U >
 CIsfiniteTester< Vector, 4U >
 CIStringRead only interface to a string
 CIStructThe interface to a struct in the object model
 CItemizedListHandlerNode representing list of items
 CIUnionThe interface to a union in the object model
 CKalmanFilterFinalTrackFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 CKalmanFilterTrajectoryFitterProducer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter
 CLArContentLArContent class
 CLArDLContentLArDLContent class
 CLatexDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for LaTeX output
 CLayoutDocEntryBase class representing a piece of a documentation page
 CLayoutDocEntryMemberDeclRepresents of a member declaration list with configurable title and subtitle
 CLayoutDocEntryMemberDefRepresents of a member definition list with configurable title
 CLayoutDocEntrySimpleRepresents of a piece of a documentation page without configurable parts
 CLayoutDocManagerSingleton providing access to the (user configurable) layout of the documentation
 CLayoutNavEntryBase class for the layout of a navigation item at the top of the HTML pages
 CLetterToIndexMapMaps a unicode character code to a list of T::ElementType's
 CListItemHandlerNode representing a list item
 CManDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for LaTeX output
 CMarkupHandlerHandles markup commands in the XML input
 CMarkupModifierNodeNode representing a change in the markup style
 CMultiPandoraApiMultiPandoraApi class
 CMultiPandoraApiImplMultiPandoraApiImpl class
 CObjCacheCache for objects
 COperatorClass representing operators that can appear in template expressions
 COrderedListHandlerNode representing list of items
 COverload_TestA short description
 CPageDefA model of a page symbol
 CParagraphHandlerNode representing a paragraph of text and commands
 CParameterHandlerNode representing a parameter
 CParserInterfaceAbstract interface for programming language parsers
 CParserManagerManages programming language parsers
 CParticlesThroughVolumesThe information about the distance (multiplied by the density) of the particles passed by a volume
 CPerlModDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for PerlMod output
 CProgramListingHandlerNode representing a program listing
 CPropertyMapperHelper class to map a property name to a handler member function
 CProxyBaseTestRuns a test of proxy::Tracks interface
 CPythonLanguageScannerPython Language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CQBufferI/O device that operates on a QByteArray
 CQCharLight-weight Unicode character
 CQCharRefHelper class for QString
 CQCollectionBase class of all Qt collections
 CQConstStringA QString which uses constant Unicode data
 CQDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a QIODevice
 CQDateDate functions
 CQDateTimeDate and time functions
 CQDirTraverses directory structures and contents in a platform-independent way
 CQFileI/O device that operates on files
 CQFileInfoSystem-independent file information
 CQGArrayInternal class for implementing the QArray class
 CQGCacheInternal class for implementing QCache template classes
 CQGCacheIteratorAn internal class for implementing QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator
 CQGDictInternal class for implementing QDict template classes
 CQGDictIteratorAn internal class for implementing QDictIterator and QIntDictIterator
 CQGListInternal class for implementing Qt collection classes
 CQGListIteratorInternal class for implementing QListIterator
 CQGVectorInternal class for implementing Qt collection classes
 CQIODeviceBase class of I/O devices
 CQLNodeInternal class for the QList template collection
 CQRegExpPattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards
 CQSharedThe QShared struct is internally used for implementing shared classes
 CQStringAbstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array (char*)
 CQStringListA list of strings
 CQTextCodecProvides conversion between text encodings
 CQTextDecoderState-based decoder
 CQTextEncoderState-based encoder
 CQTextIStreamA convenience class for input streams
 CQTextOStreamA convenience class for output streams
 CQTextStreamBasic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice
 CQTimeClock time functions
 CQTstyle_TestA test class
 CQXmlAttributesXML attributes
 CQXmlContentHandlerInterface to report logical content of XML data
 CQXmlDeclHandlerInterface to report declaration content of XML data
 CQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault implementation of all XML handler classes
 CQXmlDTDHandlerInterface to report DTD content of XML data
 CQXmlEntityResolverInterface to resolve extern entities contained in XML data
 CQXmlErrorHandlerInterface to report errors in XML data
 CQXmlInputSourceSource where XML data is read from
 CQXmlLexicalHandlerInterface to report lexical content of XML data
 CQXmlLocatorXML handler classes with information about the actual parsing position
 CQXmlNamespaceSupportHelper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
 CQXmlParseExceptionUsed to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
 CQXmlReaderInterface for XML readers (i.e. parsers)
 CQXmlSimpleReaderImplementation of a simple XML reader (i.e. parser)
 CRandomDataCreatorData creator: uniformly random data, full range
 CRecoProxyUsageExampleExample of analyzer accessing vertices, tracks, and hits, using RecoBaseProxy
 CRefCountedContextHelper class to support reference counting
 CResourceCompiled resource
 CResourceMgrSingleton for managing resources compiled into an executable
 CResults_tStructure to hold enough information to computed the expected results
 CRowHandlerNode representing an entry in the table row
 CRStarTreeImplementation of an RTree with an R* index
 CRTFDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for RTF output
 CScopedPtrScoped smart pointer
 CSharedPtrReference counting smart pointer
 CSineWaveCreatorData creator: sine wave data
 CSomeNiceClassPretty nice class
 CSpehereRepresentation of a 3D sphere Defines a 3D Sphere having an center (Point_t) and a radius (double)
 CStorageIntfAbstract interface for file based memory storage operations
 CStoreThe Store is a file based memory manager
 CSymbolHandlerNode representing an special symbol
 CSymbolModifiersHolds modifiers (ie attributes) for one symbol (variable, function, etc)
 CTableHandlerNode representing an entry in the table
 CTaggedType< Tag, void >
 Ctcl_scanStructure containing information about current scan context
 CTclLanguageScannerTcl language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CTemplateAbstract interface for a template
 CTemplateBlockContextClass holding stacks of blocks available in the context
 CTemplateContextAbstract interface for a template context
 CTemplateContextImplInternal class representing the implementation of a template context
 CTemplateEngineEngine to create templates and template contexts
 CTemplateEscapeIntfInterface used to escape characters in a string
 CTemplateFilterFactoryFactory singleton for registering and creating filters
 CTemplateImplInternal class representing the implementation of a template
 CTemplateKeyValueA container to store a key-value pair
 CTemplateLexerLexer class for turning a template into a list of tokens
 CTemplateListDefault implementation of a context value of type list
 CTemplateListIntfAbstract read-only interface for a context value of type list
 CTemplateNodeBase class of all nodes in a template's AST
 CTemplateNodeBlockClass representing a 'block' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCloseSubIndexClass representing an 'closesubindex' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCreateClass representing an 'create' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCreatorHelper class for creating template AST tag nodes and returning the template for a given node
 CTemplateNodeCycleClass representing an 'cycle' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeExtendClass representing a 'extend' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeFactoryFactory class for creating tag AST nodes found in a template
 CTemplateNodeForClass representing a 'for' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIfClass representing an 'if' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIncludeClass representing an 'include' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIndexEntryClass representing an 'indexentry' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeListClass representing a list of AST nodes in a template
 CTemplateNodeMarkersClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeMsgClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeOpenSubIndexClass representing an 'opensubindex' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeRangeClass representing a 'range' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeRepeatClass representing a 'for' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeResourceClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeSetClass representing an 'set' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeSpacelessClass representing an 'spaceless' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeTabbingClass representing an 'tabbing' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeTextClass representing a piece of plain text in a template
 CTemplateNodeTreeClass representing an 'tree' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeVariableClass representing a variable in a template
 CTemplateNodeWithClass representing an 'with' tag in a template
 CTemplateParserParser for templates
 CTemplateSpacelessIntfInterface used to remove redundant spaces inside a spaceless block
 CTemplateStructDefault implementation of a context value of type struct
 CTemplateStructIntfAbstract interface for a context value of type struct
 CTemplateStructWeakRefWeak reference wrapper for TemplateStructIntf that provides access to the wrapped struct without holding a reference
 CTemplateTokenClass representing a lexical token in a template
 CTemplateVariantVariant type which can hold one value of a fixed set of types
 CTestA Test class
 CTest< T * >
 CTest< void *, 200 >
 Ctest_vectorAccess< Vector const >
 CTestDataMakerClass< std::array< T, N > >
 CTestDataMakerClass< std::unique_ptr< T[]> >
 CTestManagerClassTest manager class
 CTextDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for TEXT output
 CTextNodeNode representing a piece of text
 CTocItemHandlerNode representing a table of contents item
 CTocListHandlerNode representing table of contents list
 CTokenInfoData associated with a token used by the comment block parser
 Ctotal_extentTotal_extent<T>::value has the total number of elements of an array
 CTrackProducerFromPFParticleProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::PFParticle collection
 CTrackProducerFromTrackProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::Track collection
 CTrackProducerFromTrackTrajectoryProduce a reco::Track collection, as a result of the fit of an existing recob::TrackTrajectory collection
 CTrackProxyTestRuns a test of proxy::Tracks interface
 CUniformNoiseCreatorData creator: uniformly random data, specified range plus offset (pedestal)
 CVariableListHandlerNode representing a list of named items
 CVerbatimHandlerNode representing an preformatted section
 CVHDLLanguageScannerVHDL parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CVhdlStringMinimal string class with std::string like behaviour that fulfills the JavaCC string requirements
 CWithAssociatedStructHelper to create associated data proxy
 CXmlDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for XML output