N110ReadTree | |
Nactions | Namespace containing all the test actions |
Naddress | |
Nanab | |
NAnalysisExample | |
Napa | |
►Nart | |
Nactions | |
Ncompatibility | |
►Ndetail | |
NFDS | |
NFTS | |
Nerrors | |
NExceptionDetail | |
Nfp_detail | |
Nfriendlyname | |
Nhlt | |
Ninput | |
NInputSourceFactory | |
Nproductstatus | |
NPtrRemapperDetail | |
NrootNames | |
Nstats | |
Ntest | |
Nartdaq | |
Narttest | |
Nbeam | |
Nbeamspill | |
Nbogoblip | |
►Nboost | |
►Nmath | |
Nfpc | |
Npolygon | |
►Nspirit | |
Nqi | |
Nunit_test | |
Nbreakpoints | |
Nbtutil | |
Nbump_copyright | |
Nbutcher | |
Ncache_state | |
Ncaf | Common Analysis Files |
Ncaldata | Creation of calibrated signals on wires |
Ncalgaushf | Creation of calibrated signals on wires |
Ncalib | |
NCalibrationTreeBuilder | |
NCalibTreeRecord | |
Ncalo | Calorimetry |
NCatch | |
►Ncet | |
N_ | |
Ndetail | |
►Nsqlite | |
Ndetail | |
Nerrors | |
NExceptionDetail | |
Ncetlib | |
Ncettest | |
Ncheat | Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information |
►Ncluster | Cluster finding and building |
Ndetails | Implementation details of cluster namespace |
NClusteringValidation | |
Ncmtool | |
Ncnn | Defines an enumeration for cellhit classification |
Nconf | |
Nconfiggen | |
Ncorner | |
Ncosmic | |
Ncreate_imaplist | |
►NCRT | |
Ndetail | |
NCRTSorter | |
Nctp | |
Ncustom | |
Ncvn | Utility class for truth labels |
Ndata_generator | |
Ndata_prepare | |
Ndcel2d | |
Ndeconvgaushf | Creation of calibrated signals on wires |
Ndemo | |
Ndetail | |
Ndetails | |
►Ndetinfo | General LArSoft Utilities |
Ndetails | |
►Ntimescales | Namespace including different time scales as defined in LArSoft |
Ndetails | |
Ndetsim | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Ndetvar | |
Ndisambigcheck | |
Ndlardaq | |
Ndocstring | |
Ndropbox | |
►Ndump | Collection of utilities for dumping data on screen |
Nraw | |
Ndump_to_simple_cpp | |
NdumpTree | |
►Ndune | |
Napa | |
Ndetail | |
Nframe14 | |
NHDF5Utils | |
NHDFFileReader | |
Ntde | |
Ntesting | Namespace including DUNE-specific testing |
Ndune_ana | |
Ndunefd | |
Ndunemva | |
Ndunerawdata | |
Ndunezsanalysis | |
NEDep | |
NEDepSim | Construct a module from components |
Nems | |
Nemshower | |
►Nevd | LArSoft includes |
Ndetails | |
Nevd3apa | |
Nevd_tool | |
Nevdb | |
Nevdb_tool | |
Nevent | Event finding and building |
NEventGen | |
Nevgb | Physics generators for neutrinos, cosmic rays, and others |
Nevgen | Event Generation using GENIE, cosmics or single particles |
Nevgendp | |
Nevwgh | |
Nex | |
Nexperiment_utilities | |
Nextractor_dict | |
Nextractor_prod | |
►Nfhicl | |
Ncomment_detail | |
►Ndetail | |
Natom | |
Nno_defaults | |
Nsequence | |
Ntable | |
Nyes_defaults | |
Nhas_insertion_operator_impl | |
Nsequence_detail | |
Ntuple_detail | |
Nfhiclcpp_types | |
Nfilelisting | |
Nfilt | |
Nfilter | Framework |
Nfreeze_graph | |
Ngallery | |
►Ngar | General GArSoft Utilities |
Ncheat | |
Ndebug | |
Ndetails | |
Ndetinfo | |
►Ndump | Namespace for GArSoft dumping utilities |
Ndetails | |
Nevd | |
Nevd3d | |
Nevgen | |
Nfilt | |
Ngar_pandora | |
Ngarg4 | |
►Ngeo | |
Ndetails | |
Nseg | |
Nraw | |
►Nrec | |
Nalg | |
Nrosim | |
Nsdp | |
Nsumdata | |
Nutil | |
Ngar_content | |
Ngarana | |
Ngaranainit | |
Ngaranainit_gpvm | |
Ngenerate-manifest | |
Ngenerate_CCQE_events | |
Ngenerate_config | |
Ngenerate_datataset | |
Ngenerate_weightcalc | |
Ngenf | Generic Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT |
►Nalvarezruso | |
Nintegrationtools | |
NintegrationTools | Some fast integration tools |
Nconstants | Basic constants |
Ncontrols | Misc GENIE control constants |
Nevtlib | |
Nexceptions | GENIE-defined C++ exceptions |
Nflux | GENIE flux drivers |
Ngeometry | GENIE geometry drivers |
Nintranuke | INTRANUKE utilities |
Nmasterclass | |
►Nmueloss | The MuELoss utility package that computes muon energy losses in the energy range from 1 GeV to 10 TeV due to ionization, direct e-e+ pair production, bremsstrahlung and photonuclear interactions. Very handy in neutrino-induced upgoing-muon calculations |
Ngsl | |
►Nnuvld | Contains the NuValidator package for Neutrino Interaction model Validation |
Nfacades | Contains C++ interfaces for other neutrino generator, such as NeuGEN, that can be used along the NuValidator package |
Npathsegutils | |
Npdg | Utilities for improving the code readability when using PDG codes |
Nunits | Physical System of Units |
►Nutils | Root of GENIE utility namespaces |
Napp_init | Initialization code commonly occuring in GENIE apps, factored out from existing apps for convenience. Not generic GENIE initialization code |
Nbwfunc | Breit Wigner functions |
Nconfig | Simple functions for loading and reading nucleus dependent keys from config files |
Nfrgmfunc | Fragmentation functions |
Ngeometry | Geometry utilities |
Nghep | GHEP event record utilities |
►Ngsl | Simple utilities for integrating GSL in the GENIE framework |
Nwrap | |
Ngui | Simple utilities for GENIE Graphical User Interface widgets |
►Nhadxs | Simple functions and data for computing hadron interaction xsecs |
Nberger | |
Nintranuke | |
Nintranuke2018 | |
►Nkinematics | Kinematical utilities |
Nelectromagnetic | |
Nmath | Simple mathematical utilities not found in ROOT's TMath |
►Nmec | MEC utilities |
Ngsl | |
Nnhl | |
Nnnbar_osc | |
Nnuclear | Simple nuclear physics empirical formulas (densities, radii, ...) and empirical nuclear corrections |
Nnucleon_decay | |
Nphys | Various physics formulas & utilities |
Nprem | Preliminary Earth Model |
Nprint | Simple printing utilities |
Nres | Baryon Resonance utilities |
Nstr | Utilities for string manipulation |
Nstyle | GENIE style! |
Nsystem | System utilities |
Nunits | Simple unit system utilities |
Nxml | |
NVLEConstants | Constants used in VLE package |
►Ngeo | LArSoft geometry interface |
NCRU | |
Ndetails | |
►Ndune | |
Nvd | |
Nfhicl | FHiCL objects representing geometry classes as configuration parameters |
Niterators | |
►Npart | Partition-related utilities |
Ndetails | |
►Nvect | Utilities to manipulate geometry vectors.The utilities include generic vector interface facilities allowing to use different vector types via templates |
Ndetails | |
Ndump | Utilities to print vector types |
Nextra | Convenience utilities not directly related to vectors |
Ngeoalgo | |
Nget_files | |
Ngetfile | |
Ngetreco | |
Ngooglenet | |
Ngooglenet_custom_layers | |
Ngtruthaux | |
NHandyFuncs | |
NHardware | |
►Nhep | |
Nconcurrency | |
►Nhit | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Ndetails | |
NHitSdpPlotter | |
Nicebergpd | |
Nifbeam_ns | |
Nifdh_ns | |
Nimagenet_utils | |
NIMap | |
Nimg | |
Ninception_resnet_v2 | |
Ninception_v4 | |
NInfill | |
Ninfill_loss | |
Nkeras | |
Nkeras_to_tensorflow | |
Nlanguages | |
►Nlar | LArSoft-specific namespace |
►Ndebug | |
Ndetails | |
►Ndetails | Namespace hiding implementation details |
Nbulk_allocator | Namespace specific to bulk allocator |
Ncounters_map | |
Ntype_traits | |
►Ndump | Namespace for LArSoft dumping utilities |
Ndetails | |
►Nexample | LArSoft examples |
Ndetails | Implementation detail namespace (content is not documented) |
Ntests | Tests for LArSoft examples |
►Nfhicl | LArSoft utilities for interface with FHiCL and its libraries |
Ngeo | |
Nstandalone | Utilities for use in an environment without art |
Ntest | |
►Nutil | LArSoft utility namespace |
Ndetail | |
Ndetails | LArSoft utility implementation details |
Nsimple_geo | Simple class definitions for geometry concepts |
Nlar_cluster3d | |
Nlar_content | |
Nlar_dl_content | |
►Nlar_pandora | |
Ndetector_functions | |
Nlarg | Detector simulation of raw signals on wires |
Nlarg4 | Geant4 interface |
►Nlariov | Filters for channels, events, etc |
NDataSource | |
Nlarpandoraobj | |
►Nlarsim | |
►NUtils | |
NSCE | |
Nlartest | |
Nlartriton | |
Nlbne | |
Nlris | Conversion of binary data to root files |
Nmag | |
Nmake_fwd_distortions | |
Nmake_input_cov | |
Nmake_norm_csv | |
Nmake_pion_angle | |
Nmake_resolution | |
Nmake_THn_beam_input | |
Nmake_tscript | |
Nmake_x_csv | |
Nmake_yz_csv | |
NmakePolycone | |
NMakeVectorFile | |
Nmarley | |
►Nmf | |
Ndetail | |
Nerrors | |
Npriv | |
Nservice | |
Nmfplugins | |
NMichelReco | |
Nmicroboone | |
Nmnist_cnn_one_iteration | |
Nmodel | |
Nmpf | |
Nmuoncounters | |
Nmvapid | |
Nmy | |
Nmy_callbacks | |
Nmy_losses | |
Nmy_model | |
Nmyana | |
NMyFlags | |
NN1 | |
Nnetworks | |
NNeutrinoFluxAuxiliar | |
NNeutrinoFluxReweight | |
NNeutronDecayN2Ana | |
Nnew_cache_state | |
Nnlana | |
Nnnet | |
Nnoisefilteralg | |
NNS | |
Nnucondb_ns | |
►Nnvidia | |
Ninferenceserver | |
Nopdet | |
Nopreco | |
Noptdata | |
►Norg | |
►Ndoxygen | |
NTest | |
NosetUtils | |
Npandora | |
Npandora_metadata | |
Npd_monitor | |
Npddp | |
Npddpana | |
Npdsp | |
NPDSPHitmonitor_module | |
NPDSPNearlineheader_module | |
Npdune | |
Npduneana | |
Npdunedp | |
Npfpf | |
►Nphot | General LArSoft Utilities |
Ndetails | |
Npid | |
Npionana | |
Npizero | |
Nplot_data_dump | |
Nplot_impactresponse | |
Nplot_model | |
Npma | |
Npmtana | |
NPointIdAlgTools | |
Npredict | |
Nprepare_data_cnn_vtx-id | |
Nprepare_patches_em-trk-michel-none | |
NProcessPPFX | |
Nprogressbar | |
Nproject | |
Nprojectgui | |
Nproto | General LArSoft Utilities |
►Nprotoana | |
NG4ReweightUtils | |
NProtoDUNEFitUtils | |
NProtoDUNESelectionUtils | |
NProtonIdentification | |
►Nproxy | |
Ndetails | |
►Nptb | |
►Ncontent | |
Nword | |
Npyexample | Documentation for this module |
►Npython | |
Nbatchstatus | |
Nemptydir | |
Nextractor_dict | |
Nifdherror | |
Njobsuberror | |
Nlarbatch_posix | |
Nlarbatch_utilities | |
Nmerge_json | |
Nmkdir | |
Nproject_utilities | |
Nprojectapp | |
Nprojectdef | |
Nprojectstatus | |
Nprojectview | |
Npubsdeadenderror | |
Npubsinputerror | |
Nroot_metadata | |
Nstagedef | |
Nstagestatus | |
Nstatusview | |
Nstream | |
Nsubruns | |
Ntextwindow | |
Nxmlerror | |
Nquad | |
►Nraw | Raw data description |
Nctb | |
Nraw_event_display | |
►Nreadout | |
Ndetails | |
Nfhicl | FHiCL objects representing geometry classes as configuration parameters |
►Nreco | |
Nshower | |
Nreco3d | |
Nreco_momentum_tuples | |
Nreco_tool | |
►Nrecob | Reconstruction base classes |
►Ndetails | |
Nlegacy | |
Ndumper | |
Ntest | |
Ntracking | |
NRecoTrack | |
NRemoveMathFromGDML | |
NRemoveUserFromServiceConfig | |
Nres2cc_cmd | |
Nresidual_network | |
NResimTags | |
Nresnet | |
Nresnetpa | |
Nresnext | |
Nrndm | |
►NROOT | |
NMath | |
Nrootstat | |
Nrun_cnn_1class | |
Nrun_cnn_3class | |
NRunHistoryService | General GArSoft Utilities |
Nruntests | |
Nsave_tf_proto | |
Nsce | |
Nse | |
Nse_densenet | |
Nse_inception_resnet_v2 | |
Nse_inception_v3 | |
Nse_mobilenet | |
Nse_resnet | |
Nse_resnet_saul | |
Nse_resnext | |
Nsearch | |
NSeedCreator | |
NSerialSubstitution | |
Nsetup | |
Nshims | |
Nshower | |
NshowerAna | |
►Nshowerreco | |
Nenergy | |
NShowerRecoTools | |
Nshs | |
Nshwf | Shower finding |
►Nsim | Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information |
Ndetails | |
Ndump | Functions to dump Monte Carlo object information into a stream |
►Nsimb | Base utilities and modules for event generation and detector simulation |
Ngtruthaux | |
Nsimfilter | Framework includes |
Nsimple_geo | |
Nsimulate_pixels | |
Nsn | |
NSortModuleTimes | |
Nspacecharge | |
Nspdp | General LArSoft Utilities |
Nsppt | |
Nstrip_example | |
Nsubmit_mcc | |
Nsubmit_ppfxjobs | |
Nsumdata | |
Nsvc | |
Nt0 | Code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information |
Ntag | |
Ntca | |
Ntensorflow | |
Ntest | |
Ntest_db | |
Ntest_dfp_graph | |
Ntest_dfp_sim | |
Ntest_distance | |
Ntest_full | |
Ntest_gpu_visible | |
Ntest_import | |
Ntest_intersection | |
Ntest_msg | |
Ntest_nodedesc | |
Ntest_nxdot | |
Ntest_nxjs | |
Ntest_vector | |
Ntest_wireplots | |
►Ntesting | LArSoft test utilities |
Ndetails | |
Ntestsqlite3 | |
Ntf | |
NTimeDist | |
Nto_c_cmd | |
Ntpc_monitor | |
NTrackingEfficiency | |
Ntrackmatch | |
Ntracks | |
Ntrain | |
Ntrain_cnn | |
Ntrain_cnn_augmented_data | |
Ntrain_cnn_continue | |
Ntrain_cnn_continue_augmented_data | |
Ntranslator | |
Ntrigdata | |
Ntrigger | |
Ntriggersim | |
Ntriton_span | |
Ntriton_utils | |
Ntrk | |
Ntrkf | |
Ntrkmkr | |
Ntruth_ana | |
NTruthMatchUtils | |
Ntss | |
Ntt | |
Ntt_old | |
Ntutorial | |
Nunit_test | |
Nunstick | Creation of calibrated signals on wires |
Nupdate_metadata | |
NUpdateCoreServices | |
NUpdateForGenVector | |
NUpdateTestInfrastructure | |
NUpdateToLArSeedService | |
NUpdateToNuRandomService | |
NUpdateUnitTestsBoost1 | |
►Nutil | Namespace for general, non-LArSoft-specific utilities |
Ndetails | |
►Nflags | Classes and functions to manage bit masks and flags |
Ndetails | |
Nerrors | Namespace enclosing BitMask exceptions |
►Nmanip | |
Ndetails | |
Npre_std | |
►Nquantities | Types of variables with a unit |
►Nconcepts | Infrastructure for the quantities library |
Ndetails | |
Ndatasize_literals | Literal constants for data size quantities |
Ndetails | |
Nelectromagnetism_literals | Literal constants for quantities |
Nelectronics_literals | Literal constants for electronics quantities |
Nenergy_literals | Literal constants for energy quantities |
Nfrequency_literals | Literal constants for frequency quantities |
Nintervals | |
Npoints | |
Nprefixes | Definitions of additional prefixes |
Nspace_literals | Literal constants for space quantities |
Ntime_literals | Literal constants for time quantities |
Nunits | Definitions of actual units |
Nutils | |
Nv06_43_00-UpdateGeometryToLArCoreAlg | |
Nv08_04_00-LarDataUtils | |
Nvalidate_in_job | |
NValidateOpDetReco | |
NValidateOpDetSimulation | |
Nvertex | Vertex reconstruction |
►Nvhdl | |
Nparser | |
NVLN | |
Nvoronoi2d | |
Nwavrec_tool | |
Nwc | |
►Nwcls | |
Nbits | |
Nwct-img-2-bee | |
►Nwirecell | |
Ncommand | |
►Ndfp | |
Ndot | |
Ngraph | |
Nnodetype | |
►Ngen | |
Ndepos | |
Nmain | |
Nplots | |
Nsim | |
►Ntest | |
Nplot_g4tuple | |
Nplot_impactzipper | |
►Nimg | |
Nclusters | |
Nconverter | |
Nmain | |
Nplots | |
Ntap | |
►Npgraph | |
Nmain | |
►Nsigproc | |
Ndownsample | |
Ngarfield | |
Nmain | |
Nminisim | |
►Nnoise | |
Nmicroboone | |
Npersist | |
Nplots | |
Nschema | |
►Npaper | |
Nnoise | |
Nplots | |
►Nresponse | |
Npersist | |
Nplots | |
Nschema | |
Nunits | |
►Nutil | |
Nfunctions | |
►Ngeo | |
Nshapes | |
Nmain | |
►Nwires | |
Napa | |
Ncommon | |
Ndb | |
Ndune | |
Ngenerator | |
Ngraph | |
Ninfo | |
Nmultitpc | |
Nonesided | |
Npersist | |
Nplot | |
Nregions | |
Nschema | |
Nstore | |
Nsummary | |
►Nvalidate | |
Narrays | |
Ncmaps | |
Nmain | |
Nplots | |
Nroot | |
Nwrite_to_db_pdsp | |