Go to the documentation of this file.
3 dune35t_analysistree:
4 {
5  module_type: "AnalysisTree"
6  DigitModuleLabel: "daq"
7  HitsModuleLabel: "linecluster"
8  LArGeantModuleLabel: "largeant"
9  CalDataModuleLabel: "caldata"
10  GenieGenModuleLabel: "generator"
11  CryGenModuleLabel: "generator"
12  ProtoGenModuleLabel: ""
13  G4ModuleLabel: "largeant"
14  TrackModuleLabel: [ "pmtrack", "pmtrackdc", "pandoraTrack", "pandoraTrackdc" ]
15  VertexModuleLabel: [ "linecluster", "lineclusterdc", "pmtrack", "pmtrackdc", "pandora", "pandoradc" ]
16  PandoraNuVertexModuleLabel: ""
17  ClusterModuleLabel: "linecluster"
18  OpFlashModuleLabel: "opflash"
19  ExternalCounterModuleLabel: "simcounter"
20  MCShowerModuleLabel: "" # Don't have in the 35 ton....
21  MCTrackModuleLabel: "" # Don't have in the 35 ton....
22  SpacePointSolverModuleLabel: "reco3d" ## Use reco3d1 for CNN results
23  CnnModuleLabel: "emtrkmichelid:emtrkmichel"
24  CalorimetryModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackcalo", "pmtrackcalodc", "pandoracalo", "pandoracalodc" ]
25  ParticleIDModuleLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
26  MVAPIDTrackModuleLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
27  MVAPIDShowerModuleLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
28  FlashT0FinderLabel: [ "photont0pmtrack", "photont0pmtrackcd", "photont0pandora", "photont0pandoradc" ]
29  MCT0FinderLabel: [ "mctrutht0pmtrack", "mctrutht0pmtrackdc", "mctrutht0pandora", "mctrutht0pandoradc" ]
30  ShowerModuleLabel: [ "emshower", "emshowerdc" ] ### , "mergeemshower3d", "mergeemshower3ddc" ] ## When we want to add back Dorota's showering.
31  CosmicClusterTaggerAssocLabel: "" # Not used in 35 ton
32  CosmicTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ] # Not used in 35 ton
33  ContainmentTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ] # Not used in 35 ton
34  FlashMatchAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ] # Not used in 35 ton
35  POTModuleLabel: ""
37  UseBuffers: false
38  IgnoreMissingShowers: false
39  SaveAuxDetInfo: false
40  SaveCryInfo: true
41  SaveProtoInfo: false # ProtoDUNE specific
42  SaveGenieInfo: false # Don't have in the 35 ton
43  SaveGeantInfo: true
44  SaveMCShowerInfo: false # Don't have in the 35 ton
45  SaveMCTrackInfo: false # Don't have in the 35 ton
46  SaveHitInfo: true
47  SaveRawDigitInfo: false #set this to false by default since not everyone want rawdigits.
48  SaveTrackInfo: true
49  SaveVertexInfo: true
50  SavePandoraNuVertexInfo: false # Don't have in the 35 ton
51  SaveClusterInfo: true
52  SaveFlashInfo: true
53  SaveExternCounterInfo: true
54  SaveShowerInfo: false
55  SaveCaloCosmics: true
56  SaveSpacePointSolverInfo: false
57  SaveCnnInfo: false
58  G4minE: -1
59 }
61 protodune_analysistree: @local::dune35t_analysistree
62 protodune_analysistree.CryGenModuleLabel: "cosmicgenerator"
63 protodune_analysistree.ProtoGenModuleLabel: "generator"
64 protodune_analysistree.SaveProtoInfo: true
65 protodune_analysistree.TrackModuleLabel: [ "pmtrack", "pandoraTrack" ]
66 protodune_analysistree.CalorimetryModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackcalo", "pandoracalo" ]
67 protodune_analysistree.ParticleIDModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackpid", "pandorapid" ]
68 protodune_analysistree.FlashT0FinderLabel: [ "", "" ]
69 protodune_analysistree.MCT0FinderLabel: [ "", "" ]
70 protodune_analysistree.CosmicTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "" ]
71 protodune_analysistree.ContainmentTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "" ]
72 protodune_analysistree.FlashMatchAssocLabel: [ "", "" ]
73 protodune_analysistree.SaveShowerInfo: false
74 protodune_analysistree.SaveCryInfo: false
75 protodune_analysistree.VertexModuleLabel: [ "linecluster", "pmtrack", "pandora" ]
77 protodune_analysistree_data: @local::protodune_analysistree
78 protodune_analysistree_data.SaveGeantInfo: false
79 protodune_analysistree_data.SaveProtoInfo: false
81 dune10kt_analysistree: @local::dune35t_analysistree
82 dune10kt_analysistree.PandoraNuVertexModuleLabel: "pandora"
83 dune10kt_analysistree.TrackModuleLabel: [ "pmtrack", "pmtracktc", "pandoraTrack", "pmtrajfit" ]
84 dune10kt_analysistree.CalorimetryModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackcalo", "pmtracktccalo", "pandoracalo", "pmtrajfitcalo" ]
85 dune10kt_analysistree.ParticleIDModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackpid", "pmtracktcpid", "pandorapid", "pmtrajfitpid" ]
86 dune10kt_analysistree.FlashT0FinderLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
87 dune10kt_analysistree.MCT0FinderLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
88 dune10kt_analysistree.CosmicTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
89 dune10kt_analysistree.ContainmentTaggerAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
90 dune10kt_analysistree.FlashMatchAssocLabel: [ "", "", "", "" ]
91 dune10kt_analysistree.VertexModuleLabel: [ "linecluster", "pmtrack", "pandora" ]
92 dune10kt_analysistree.ShowerModuleLabel: ["emshower"]
93 dune10kt_analysistree.POTModuleLabel: "generator"
94 dune10kt_analysistree.SaveCryInfo: false
95 dune10kt_analysistree.SaveGenieInfo: true
96 dune10kt_analysistree.SaveExternCounterInfo: false
97 dune10kt_analysistree.SaveFlashInfo: false
98 dune10kt_analysistree.SaveShowerInfo: true
99 dune10kt_analysistree.SavePandoraNuVertexInfo: true
101 fddphase_analysistree: @local::dune35t_analysistree
102 fddphase_analysistree.TrackModuleLabel: [ "pmtrack" ]
103 fddphase_analysistree.CalorimetryModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackcalo" ]
104 fddphase_analysistree.ParticleIDModuleLabel: [ "pmtrackpid" ]
105 fddphase_analysistree.FlashT0FinderLabel: [ "" ]
106 fddphase_analysistree.MCT0FinderLabel: [ "" ]
107 fddphase_analysistree.CosmicTaggerAssocLabel: [ "" ]
108 fddphase_analysistree.ContainmentTaggerAssocLabel: [ "" ]
109 fddphase_analysistree.FlashMatchAssocLabel: [ "" ]
110 fddphase_analysistree.SaveShowerInfo: false