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3 standard_tpcpatrec2:
4 {
5  module_type: tpcpatrec2
6  VecHitLabel: "vechit" # module making vector hits and associations with hits
7  TPCClusterLabel: "tpcclusterpass1" # module making TPC Clusters
9  VecHitMatchCos: 0.9 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits
10  VecHitMatchPos: 60.0 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits -- 3D distance in cm
11  VecHitMatchPEX: 6.0 # for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits -- miss distance in cm
12  VecHitMatchEta: 1.2 # for for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits -- cross of distance and avg of directions (cm)
13  VecHitMatchLambda: 0.05 # for for matching pairs of neighboring vector hits -- delta Lambda cut (rad)
14  SortTransWeight: 0.1 # for use in the hit sorting algorithm -- transverse distance weight factor
15  SortDistBack: 2.0 # for use in the hit sorting algorithm -- how far to go back before raising the distance figure of merit
16  CloseEtaUnmatch: 20.0 # Look for another VH within this distance and drop the matching condition of eta mismatches (helps conversions)
18  MinNumTPCClusters: 100 # minimum number of hits on a track
19  InitialTPNTPCClusters: 100 # number of hits to use for initial trackpar estimate, if present
21  XBasedSecondPass: true # for all TPC clusters not assigned to tracks in the first pass, run this pass
22  XBasedMinTPCClusters: 10 # minimum # TPC clusters in this second pass
23  PatRecLookBack1: 5 # n hits to look backwards to make a linear extrapolation
24  PatRecLookBack2: 10 # extrapolate from lookback1 to lookback2 and see how close the new hit is to the line
25  HitResolYZ: 1.0 # resolution in hit position in yz (cm) to use in the second pass
26  HitResolX: 0.5 # resolution in the drift coordinate (cm)
27  SigmaRoad: 10.0 # number of sigma allowed for a hit to be associated to a track second pass
30  PrintLevel: 2 # Debug printout: 0: none, 1: track parameters and residuals, 2: everything
33 }