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3 standard_CORSIKAGendp_protons:
4 {
5  module_type: "CORSIKAGendp"
6  SampleTime: 8.0e-3 #integration time in seconds
7  TimeOffset: -4.0e-3 #time in seconds before a spill to begin the interactions, -1.6e-3 (TPC Trig. offset) - 0.2e-3 (g4 rise time)
8  ProjectToHeight: 856 #height to which particles are projected [cm]
9  ShowerInputFiles: [ "/pnfs/dune/persistent/users/mibass/corsika/sqShowers/DAT1*.db" ]
10  ShowerFluxConstants: [ 1.8e4 ] #list of flux constants per shower file
11  BufferBox: [ -250.0,250.0,-250.0,250.0,-250.0,250.0 ] #list of buffer box extensions to cryo volume in each dimension/dir (-x,+x,-y,+y,-z,+z)
12  ShowerAreaExtension: 2000 #amount to extend the shower area beyond the cryo dimensions
13  RandomXZShift: 1000 #amount to randomly shift shower start point in x & z [cm]
14  DoRotation: true #perform flux rotation for DP with drift in X
15  UseIFDH: false #true for jobs at FNAL, false for jobs at CERN
16 }
18 standard_CORSIKAGendp_CMC:
19 {
20  module_type: "CORSIKAGendp"
21  SampleTime: 8.0e-3 #integration time in seconds
22  TimeOffset: -4.0e-3 #time in seconds before a spill to begin the interactions, -1.6e-3 (TPC Trig. offset) - 0.2e-3 (g4 rise time)
23  ProjectToHeight: 856 #height to which particles are projected [cm]
24  ShowerInputFiles: [
25  "/cvmfs/*db",
26  "/cvmfs/*db",
27  "/cvmfs/*db",
28  "/cvmfs/*db",
29  "/cvmfs/*db"
30  ] #list of sqlite dbs with corsika showers
31  ShowerFluxConstants: [ 1.72e4, 9.2e3, 6.2e3, 9.2e3, 6.2e3] #list of flux constants per shower file
32  BufferBox: [ -300.0, 300.0, -300.0, 300.0, -300.0, 300.0 ] #list of buffer box extensions to cryo volume in each dimension/dir (-x,+x,-y,+y,-z,+z)
33  ShowerAreaExtension: 2000 #amount to extend the shower area beyond the cryo dimensions
34  RandomXZShift: 1000 #amount to randomly shift shower start point in x & z [cm]
35  DoRotation: true #perform flux rotation for DP with drift in X
36  UseIFDH: false #true for jobs at FNAL, false for jobs at CERN
37 }
39 standard_311_trigger:
40 {
41  module_type: "Gen311"
43  SampleTime: 8.0e-3 #integration time in seconds
44  TimeOffset: -4.0e-3 #time in seconds before a spill to begin the interactions, -1.6e-3 (TPC Trig. offset) - 0.2e-3 (g4 rise time)
45  ProjectToHeight: 856 #height to which particles are projected [cm]
46  ShowerInputFiles: [
47  "/cvmfs/*db",
48  "/cvmfs/*db",
49  "/cvmfs/*db",
50  "/cvmfs/*db",
51  "/cvmfs/*db"
52  ]
53  ShowerFluxConstants: [ 1.72e4, 9.2e3, 6.2e3, 9.2e3, 6.2e3] #list of flux constants per shower file
54  BufferBox: [ -300.0, 300.0, -300.0, 300.0, -300.0, 300.0 ] #list of buffer box extensions to cryo volume in each dimension/dir (-x,+x,-y,+y,-z,+z)
55  ShowerAreaExtension: 2000 #amount to extend the shower area beyond the cryo dimensions
56  RandomYZShift: 600 #amount to randomly shift shower start point in y & z [cm]
57  ActiveVolumeCut: [10, -10, 10, -10, 10, -10 ] #Active volume cut around the TPC
58  LeadingParticlesList: [13, -13] #pdg code for possible leading particles
59  UseIFDH: true #true for jobs at FNAL, false for jobs at CERN
60 }
62 standard_311_fake_data:
63 {
64  module_type: "DataGen311"
66  EventsToProcess: 100
67  StartEvent: 3000
68  PDG: 13
69  GetEnergyFromCORSIKA: true # Get particle energy from CORSIKA histograms
70  UniformEnergyMin: 1 # Minimum particle energy when GetEnergyFromCORSIKA = false. Particle energy is uniformly distributed between FixedEnergyMin and FixedEnergyMax.
71  UniformEnergyMax: 1 # Maximum particle energy when GetEnergyFromCORSIKA = false. Particle energy is uniformly distributed between FixedEnergyMin and FixedEnergyMax.
72  TrackFile: "/eos/user/a/ascarpel/selectedTrack/run840to842_subrun0to117_50cm_selected_tracks.txt"
73  HistFile: "/eos/user/a/amedcalf/corsika_hist/corsika_hist.root"
74 }