4 #for now all experiments have the same configuration - should change eventually
8 module_type: "CosmicsGen"
9 SampleTime: 60e-6 #integration time in seconds
10 TimeOffset: -30e-6 #time in seconds before a spill to begin the interactions
11 EnergyThreshold: 50e-3 #in GeV, particles only tracked with E > threshold
12 Latitude: "latitude 41.8 " #latitude of detector, must have tailing blank space
13 Altitude: "altitude 0 " #altitude of detector, must have tailing blank space
14 # SubBoxLength: "subboxLength 75 " #length of subbox surrounding detector in m, must have trailing blank space
15 SubBoxLength: "subboxLength 5 " #length of subbox surrounding detector in m, must have trailing blank space