1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
7 @table::dunefddphase_simulation_services_legacy
8 TFileService: { fileName: "OpHitAna.root" }
11 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
12 FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
13 Geometry: @local::dunedphase10kt_geo
15 PhotonBackTrackerService: @local::standard_photonbacktrackerservice
24 module_type: DualPhaseOpHitDumper
25 OpHitModuleLabel: "ophit"
26 SaveTruth: true # save all the generated particle
28 GEANT4Label: "largeant" # The label for the process which ran GEANT4
29 SIGNALLabel: "generator" # The label for the process which produced SIGNAL events
30 Argon39Label: "ar39Gen" # The label for the process which produced Argon 39 events
31 NeutronLabel: "cNeutronGen" # The label for the process which produced Neutron events
32 KryptonLabel: "kr85Gen" # The label for the process which produced Krypton events
33 RadonLabel: "rn222Gen" # The label for the process which produced Radon events
34 Argon42Label: "ar42Gen" # The label for the process which produced Argon 42 events
45 module_type: RootInput
49 services.Geometry: @local::dunedphase10kt_driftY_HalfFoiled_geo