5 module_type: HNLAnalysis
7 GEANTLabel: "edepconvert"
8 GEANTInstanceCalo: "ECAL"
9 GEANTInstanceMuID: "MuID"
12 ClusterLabel: "calocluster"
13 ECALAssnLabel: "trkecalassn"
15 # dE/dx algorithms are still here in the analysis code; hence the IonizeTruncate parameter.
18 # The origin of an MCParticle might be a short distance from the MCTrue interaction
19 # vertex - maybe it is a pi0, tau or charm produced in the interaction and decayed
20 # by GEANT. Count the MCParticle as from the vertex if it is less than this distance:
21 MatchMCPtoVertDist: 0.001