6 tool_type: WaveformTools
9 # Define the differential tool for finding candidate hits
10 candhitfinder_derivative:
12 tool_type: CandHitDerivative
18 NumInterveningTicks: 6
19 OutputHistograms: false
20 WaveformAlgs: @local::hitfinderwaveformalgs
23 # Define the morphological filter tool for finding candidate hits
24 candhitfinder_morphological:
26 tool_type: CandHitMorphological
29 DilationFraction: 0.75
34 NumInterveningTicks: 6
35 StructuringElement: 20
36 OutputHistograms: false
37 OutputWaveforms: false
38 WaveformAlgs: @local::hitfinderwaveformalgs
41 # Define the standard "threshold over baseline" method for finding candidate hits
42 candhitfinder_standard:
44 tool_type: CandHitStandard
45 Plane: 0 # The plane this tool is operating on
46 RoiThreshold: 5. # The threshold to apply to find hits
51 tool_type: "PeakFitterGaussian"
61 tool_type: "PeakFitterMrqdt"