1 #include "services_refactored_pdune.fcl"
2 #include "services_dune.fcl"
4 #include "scintillationtime_tool.fcl"
6 process_name: PDSIMCHAINREF
10 TFileService: { fileName: "pd_ref.root" }
12 MemoryTracker: {} # default is one
13 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
14 message: @local::standard_info
15 @table::protodune_simulation_services
23 PhysicsListName: "QGSP_BERT"
26 enableScintillation: true
27 ScintillationByParticleType: false
28 enableAbsorption: false
38 gdmlFileName_ : "protodune_v5_refactored_nowires.gdml"
41 MCTruthEventAction: {service_type: "MCTruthEventActionService"}
42 ParticleListAction: {service_type: "ParticleListActionService"}
47 module_type: RootInput
49 fileNames: ["muon.root"]
50 firstRun: 1 //Run number to use for this file
51 firstEvent: 1 //number of first event in the file
54 services.PhotonVisibilityService: @local::protodunev4_photonvisibilityservice
55 services.LArG4Parameters.UseLitePhotons: true
60 //retain largeant name for compatibility
63 module_type: "larg4Main"
64 enableVisualization: false
65 macroPath: ".:./macros"
71 module_type: "IonAndScint"
72 SimulationLabel: "largeant:LArG4DetectorServicevolTPCActive"
79 module_type: "PDFastSimPVS"
80 // module_type: "PDFastSimPAR"
82 SimulationLabel: "IonAndScint"
85 ScintTimeTool: @local::ScintTimeLAr
90 module_type: "RandomNumberSaver"
99 module_type: ISCalcAna
100 SimulationLabel: "largeant:LArG4DetectorServicevolTPCActive"
102 // ISCalcAlg: "Separate"
107 module_type: "SimPhotonCounter"
109 InputModule: "PDFastSim:pvs"
110 MakeAllPhotonsTree: true
111 MakeDetectedPhotonsTree: true
113 MakeOpDetEventsTree: true
117 simulate: [ rns, largeant, IonAndScint, PDFastSim ]
118 // simulate: [ rns, largeant, IonAndScint ]
119 stream1: [ out1, ISCalcAna, SimPh ]
120 // stream1: [ out1, SimPh ]
121 end_paths: [ stream1 ]
129 module_type: RootOutput
130 fileName: "%ifb_pd_ref.root"
131 dataTier: "simulated"
133 // outputCommands: ["keep *", "drop sim::SimEnergyD*_*_*_*"]