1 #include "hitfindermodules_dune.fcl"
3 #include "signalservices_dune.fcl"
4 #include "caldata_dune.fcl"
5 #include "trackfindermodules_dune.fcl"
6 #include "ecalibration.fcl"
7 #include "triggeralgo_service.fcl"
8 #include "photpropservices_dune.fcl"
9 #include "ProtoDUNEBeamlineFilter.fcl"
10 #include "ProtoDUNEBeamlineUtils.fcl"
16 module_type: "PionCrossSectionAnalyzer"
17 SpacePointModuleLabel: "reco3d"
18 BeamModuleLabel: "beamevent"
19 TrackModuleLabel: "pandoraTrack"
20 TimeDecoderModuleLabel: "timingrawdecoder:daq"
22 CalorimetryTag: "pandoracalo"
23 TrackerTag: "pandoraTrack"
24 ShowerTag: "pandoraShower"
25 PFParticleTag: "pandora"
26 GeneratorTag: "generator"
28 #DataUtils: @local::standard_protodunedatautils
29 BeamlineUtils: @local::standard_protodunebeamlineutils
35 BrokenTrackZ_high: 230
37 StitchTrackZ_high: 240
41 CalorimetryParameters: {
49 calib_factor: 6.155e-3
50 X_correction: "/dune/app/users/apaudel/v071100/run5387_new/run_5387_Xcalibration.root"
53 BrokenTrackParameters: {
55 BrokenTrackZ_high: 230
58 StitchTrackZ_high: 240
71 #process_name: pionanalysis
75 # #Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
76 # TFileService: { fileName: "Beam.root" }
77 # RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
78 # @table::protodune_services
79 # message: @local::standard_info
80 # FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
83 ##source is now a root file
86 # module_type: RootInput
87 # maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
94 # # module_type: RootOutput
95 # # fileName: "Beam.root" #default file name, can override from command line with -o or --output
96 # # dataTier: "reconstructed"
97 # # fastCloning: false
107 # f1: @local::standard_protodunebeamlinefilter_Proton_1GeV
116 # module_type: "pion"
118 # SpacePointModuleLabel: "reco3d"
119 # BeamModuleLabel: "beamevent"
120 # TrackModuleLabel: "pandoraTrack"
121 # TimeDecoderModuleLabel: "timingrawdecoder:daq"
123 # CalorimetryTag: "pandoracalo"
124 # TrackerTag: "pandoraTrack"
125 # ShowerTag: "pandoraShower"
126 # PFParticleTag: "pandora"
127 # GeneratorTag: "generator"
129 # DataUtils: @local::standard_protodunedatautils
131 # SelectEvents: [fpath]
136 #define the producer and filter modules for this path, order matters,
137 #filters reject all following items. see lines starting physics.producers below
138 # ana: [ pionanalysis ]
141 # #define the output stream, there could be more than one if using filters
144 # #trigger_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that modify the art::event,
145 # #ie filters and producers
146 # #trigger_paths: [reco]
148 # #end_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that do not modify the art::Event,
149 # #ie analyzers and output streams. these all run simultaneously
150 # #end_paths: [ stream1, ana ]