Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
Point.h File Reference
#include "WireCellUtil/D3Vector.h"
#include "WireCellUtil/Configuration.h"
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

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struct  WireCell::ComparePoints
 Return true if lhs<rhs w/in tolerance. More...




typedef D3Vector< double > WireCell::Point
 A 3D Cartesian point in double precision. More...
typedef Point WireCell::Vector
 An alias for Point. More...
typedef std::pair< Point, PointWireCell::Ray
 A line segment running from a first (tail) to a second (head) point. More...
typedef std::pair< Ray, Ray > WireCell::ray_pair_t
typedef std::vector< ray_pair_t > WireCell::ray_pair_vector_t
typedef std::vector< PointWireCell::PointVector
 PointVector - a collection of Points. More...
typedef std::pair< double, VectorWireCell::ScalarPoint
 A scalar + vector, eg charge at a point. More...
typedef std::vector< ScalarPoint > WireCell::ScalarField
typedef std::pair< Point, float > WireCell::PointValue
 PointValue - an association of a point and a value. More...
typedef std::vector< PointValue > WireCell::PointValueVector
 PointValueVector - a collection of point-value associations. More...
typedef std::set< Point, ComparePoints > WireCell::PointSet
typedef D3Vector< float > WireCell::PointF


bool WireCell::point_contained (const Point &point, const Ray &bounds)
bool WireCell::point_contained (const Point &point, const Ray &bounds, int axis)
double WireCell::point_angle (const Vector &axis, const Vector &vector)
Ray WireCell::ray_pitch (const Ray &ray1, const Ray &ray2)
double WireCell::ray_length (const Ray &ray)
Vector WireCell::ray_vector (const Ray &ray)
Vector WireCell::ray_unit (const Ray &ray)
double WireCell::ray_dist (const Ray &ray, const Point &point)
double WireCell::ray_volume (const Ray &ray)
WireCell::Point WireCell::convert< WireCell::Point > (const Configuration &cfg, const WireCell::Point &def)
WireCell::Ray WireCell::convert< WireCell::Ray > (const Configuration &cfg, const WireCell::Ray &def)
std::ostream & WireCell::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WireCell::Ray &ray)
WireCell::Ray WireCell::operator/ (WireCell::Ray ray, const double &scale)