Namespaces | Functions
ProtoDUNESelectionUtils.h File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>

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TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCBackgroundHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > recoBins, std::string channel, std::string topo, int toponum, double endZ_cut, double minval=0.0, double maxval=100000.0, bool doNegativeReco=false, int doSyst=0, std::string systName="", double weight=1.0, std::pair< double, double > PiMuScale={1., 1.})
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCSignalHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > recoBins, std::string channel, std::string topo, int toponum, double minval, double maxval, double endZ_cut, bool doNegativeReco=false, int doSyst=0, std::string systName="", double weight=1.0, std::pair< double, double > PiMuScale={1., 1.})
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCIncidentHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > recoBins, std::string topo, int toponum, double reco_beam_endZ_cut, double minval=0., double maxval=100000., bool doNegativeReco=false, int doSyst=0, std::string systName="", double weight=1.0, std::pair< double, double > PiMuScale={1., 1.})
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCTruthSignalHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > truthBins, std::string channel, double weight=1.0)
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillDataHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > recoBins, std::string channel, double reco_beam_endZ_cut, bool doNegativeReco=false, bool IsIncidentHisto=false)
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCSidebandHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::string channel, std::string topo, int toponum, double endZ_cut, std::vector< double > binning, double weight=1.)
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillDataSidebandHistogram_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::string channel, double endZ_cut, std::vector< double > binning, double weight=1.)
TH1 * protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FillMCFlux_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, std::vector< double > Bins, int mode=1, double weight=1.0)
int protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::GetNTriggers_Pions (std::string filename, std::string treename, bool IsMC=true)
std::pair< TH1 *, TH1 * > protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::GetMCIncidentEfficiency (std::string fileName, std::string treeName, std::vector< double > bins, double reco_beam_endZ_cut, int doSyst=0, double weight=1.)
std::pair< TH1 *, TH1 * > protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::GetMCInteractingEfficiency (std::string fileName, std::string treeName, std::vector< double > bins, std::string channel, std::string topo, int toponum, double endZ_cut, int doSyst=0, double weight=1.)
int protoana::ProtoDUNESelectionUtils::FindBin (double value, std::vector< double > binning)