Go to the documentation of this file.
3 # This file defines the configuration for the RegCNNEventDump module
5 standard_regcnnmapper:
6 {
7  module_type: RegCNNMapper
8  #==================
9  HitsModuleLabel: "linecluster"
10  ClusterPMLabel: "regcnnmap"
11  GlobalWireMethod: 1 # 1 = nue energy, 2 for others???
12  MinClusterHits: 1
13  TdcWidth: 280 # time width of pixel map
14  WireLength: 400 # wire width of pixel map
15  TimeResolution: 6
16  WireResolution: 1
17  UseRecoVertex: 0 # 0 = not use vertex, 1 = use regcnn vertex, 2 = use pandora vertex
18  ProngTagMethod: 1 # 0 = use shower, 1 = use track
19  UseThreeDMap: 0 # 0 = 3-view 2D pixel map (default), 1 = 3D pixel map (for direction reco.)
20  Cropped: true # Crop pixel size to 32x32x32
21  ProngOnly: false
22  UnitX: 100
23  UnitY: 100
24  UnitZ: 100
25  XResolution: 5.0 # 5 cm for muon prong, 1.25 cm for electron prong
26  YResolution: 5.0 # 5 cm for muon prong, 1.25 cm for electron prong
27  ZResolution: 10.0 # 10 cm for muon prong, 2.5 cm for electron prong
28  ByHit: true # generate pixel map by raw charge or by reco. hit
29  ShowerModuleLabel: "emshowernew"
30  TrackModuleLabel: "pandoraTrack"
31  VertexModuleLabel: "pandora"
32  PFParticleModuleLabel: "pandora"
33  PandoraNuVertexModuleLabel: "pandora"
34  RegCNNModuleLabel: "regcnneval"
35  RegCNNResultLabel: "regcnnresult"
36 }
38 standard_regcnnvtxmapper: @local::standard_regcnnmapper
39 standard_regcnnvtxmapper.ClusterPMLabel: "regcnnvtxmap"
40 standard_regcnnvtxmapper.GlobalWireMethod: 2
41 standard_regcnnvtxmapper.WireLength: 600
42 standard_regcnnvtxmapper.TdcWidth: 280
44 standard_regcnnnumumapper: @local::standard_regcnnmapper
45 standard_regcnnnumumapper.ClusterPMLabel: "regcnnnumumap"
46 standard_regcnnnumumapper.HitsModuleLabel: "linecluster"
47 standard_regcnnnumumapper.TdcWidth: 280
48 standard_regcnnnumumapper.WireLength: 400
49 standard_regcnnnumumapper.TimeResolution: 24
50 standard_regcnnnumumapper.WireResolution: 7
51 standard_regcnnnumumapper.GlobalWireMethod: 2
52 standard_regcnnnumumapper.UseRecoVertex: 2
54 standard_regcnnnumudirmapper: @local::standard_regcnnmapper
55 standard_regcnnnumudirmapper.ClusterPMLabel: "regcnnnumudirmap"
56 standard_regcnnnumudirmapper.UseRecoVertex: 2
57 standard_regcnnnumudirmapper.UseThreeDMap: 1
58 standard_regcnnnumudirmapper.GlobalWireMethod: 2
60 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper: @local::standard_regcnnmapper
61 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.ClusterPMLabel: "regcnnnuedirmap"
62 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.UseRecoVertex: 2
63 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.ProngTagMethod: 0
64 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.UseThreeDMap: 1
65 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.GlobalWireMethod: 2
66 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.XResolution: 1.25
67 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.YResolution: 1.25
68 standard_regcnnnuedirmapper.ZResolution: 2.5