Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "RawDecoder.fcl"
4 services: {
6  TimeTracker: {}
7  RandomNumberGenerator: {}
9  @table::protodune_rawdecoding_services
11  TFileService: {
12  closeFileFast: true # default
13  fileName: "%ifb_rawanal_tfile.root"
14  tmpDir: "<parent-path-of-filename>"
15  }
16 }
18 physics: {
20  producers: {
21  ssprawdecoder: @local::ssp_raw_decoder_split
22  timingrawdecoder: @local::timing_raw_decoder
23  ctbrawdecoder: @local::ctb_raw_decoder
24  }
26  analyzers: {
28  sspanaint: {
29  module_type: "PDWaveform" #SSPRawDecoder" #PDWaveform"
30  SSPInputModule: "ssprawdecoder"
31  SSPInstanceName: "internal"
32  SSP_m1: 10 #samples used to calculate peak height
33  SSP_m2: 10 #samples used to calculate integral
34  SSP_i1: 40 #samples used to calculate pedestal
35  SSP_i2: 1200 #samples used to calculate peak height
36  SSP_readout_pretrigger: 50 #internal pretrigger tick wait
37  SSP_Corr_Chan_1: 0 #correlation channel 1
38  SSP_Corr_Chan_2: 1 #correlation channel 2
39  SSP_wfm_verbose: 0
40  PDwaveform_fft: 0 #only really usefule for underbiased, so allow turn off
42  SSP_peak: 1 #Peak finding for integrator setting, 0 means no integration, 1 means loose finding (takes multipeak forms), 2 means strict (peaks must be by themselves and have clear baselines)
43  SSP_smoothing: 10 #Basic 353 waveform smoothing (Root standard for 1D histos, 0 means no smoothing)
44  SSP_rare_num: 3.0 #number of standard deviations from base peaks must be to be found
45  SSP_peak_sense: 0.3 #(0-1), sets how sensitive peak finder is to finding peaks
46  SSP_nump: 10 #Max number of peaks allowed for waveform
47  SSP_disc_width: 10 #discrimination window width
48  SSP_calib_win: 250 #calibration integration window length for internal triggers
50  SelectEvents: [ produce ]
51  }
53  sspanaext: {
54  module_type: "PDWaveform" #SSPRawDecoder" #PDWaveform"
55  SSPInputModule: "ssprawdecoder"
56  SSPInstanceName: "external"
57  SSP_m1: 10 #samples used to calculate peak height
58  SSP_m2: 10 #samples used to calculate integral
59  SSP_i1: 40 #samples used to calculate pedestal
60  SSP_i2: 1200 #samples used to calculate peak height
61  SSP_readout_pretrigger: 50 #internal pretrigger tick wait
62  SSP_Corr_Chan_1: 0 #correlation channel 1
63  SSP_Corr_Chan_2: 1 #correlation channel 2
64  SSP_wfm_verbose: 0
65  PDwaveform_fft: 0 #only really usefule for underbiased, so allow turn off
67  SSP_peak: 1 #Peak finding for integrator setting, 0 means no integration, 1 means loose finding (takes multipeak forms), 2 means strict (peaks must be by themselves and have clear baselines)
68  SSP_smoothing: 10 #Basic 353 waveform smoothing (Root standard for 1D histos, 0 means no smoothing)
69  SSP_rare_num: 3.0 #number of standard deviations from base peaks must be to be found
70  SSP_peak_sense: 0.3 #(0-1), sets how sensitive peak finder is to finding peaks
71  SSP_nump: 10 #Max number of peaks allowed for waveform
72  SSP_disc_width: 10 #discrimination window width
73  SSP_calib_win: 250 #calibration integration window length for internal triggers
74  SelectEvents: [ produce ]
75  }
77  }
80  produce: [ timingrawdecoder, ctbrawdecoder, ssprawdecoder ]
81  #produce: [ timingrawdecoder, ssprawdecoder ]
82  analyze: [ sspanaint, sspanaext ]
83  output: [ out1 ]
84  trigger_paths : [ produce ]
85  #end_paths: [ output, analyze ]
86  end_paths:[analyze]
87 }
89 outputs: {
91  out1: {
92  compressionLevel: 1
93  module_type: RootOutput
94  fileName: "%ifb_rawanal.root"
95  }
97 }
99 source: {
100  module_type: RootInput
101  fileNames: [ "/afs/" ]
102  maxEvents : -1
103 }
105 process_name: RunRawDecoder