5 NOvAClockFrequency: 64.0 #MHz
6 OpDetChannelMapFile: "ssp_channel_map_dune35t.txt"
7 SSPm1: 10 #samples used to calculate peak height
9 SSPi1: 500 #samples used to calculate pedestal
10 SSPi2: 500 #samples used to calculate peak height
18 module_type: SSPToOffline
21 OutputDataLabel: offlinePhoton
22 SSPReformatter: @local::ssp_reformatter
25 ssp_to_offline_sparse: @local::ssp_to_offline
26 ssp_to_offline_sparse.RawDataLabel: sparseSsp
30 module_type: SSPTriggerAna
33 SSPReformatter: @local::ssp_reformatter
36 ssp_trigger_ana_sparse: @local::ssp_trigger_ana
37 ssp_trigger_ana_sparse.RawDataLabel: sparseSsp
41 module_type: SSPDiagnosticAna
44 InputModule: ssptooffline
45 InputLabel: offlinePhoton
46 SSPReformatter: @local::ssp_reformatter
47 SSPm1: 10 #samples used to calculate peak height
49 SSPi1: 500 #samples used to calculate pedestal
50 SSPi2: 500 #samples used to calculate peak height
53 ssp_diagnostic_ana_sparse: @local::ssp_diagnostic_ana
54 ssp_diagnostic_ana_sparse.RawDataLabel: sparseSsp
56 special_ssp_diagnostic_ana:
58 module_type: SpecialSSPDiagnosticAna
61 SSPReformatter: @local::ssp_reformatter
62 SSPm1: 10 #samples used to calculate peak height
64 SSPi1: 500 #samples used to calculate pedestal
65 SSPi2: 500 #samples used to calculate peak height
68 special_ssp_diagnostic_ana_sparse: @local::ssp_diagnostic_ana
69 special_ssp_diagnostic_ana_sparse.RawDataLabel: sparseSsp