1 #include "spacepointsolverhitreadingtools.fcl"
5 standard_spacepointsolver:
7 module_type: "SpacePointSolver"
13 # How close the intersections of three wire pairs need to be to form a
15 WireIntersectThreshold: 0.7
16 # How close intersections need to be in the drift direction
17 WireIntersectThresholdDriftDir: 0.4
19 Alpha: .05 # Regularization strength
21 # Form triplets out of two hits and one bad induction wire
22 AllowBadInductionHit: true
23 # Form triplets out of two induction hits and a bad collection wire
24 AllowBadCollectionHit: true
26 MaxIterationsNoReg: 100
31 # Experiment specific tool for reading hits
32 HitReaderTool: @local::standard_Hits