Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "SSPToOffline.fcl"
5 split_events:
6 {
7  module_type: "SplitterInput"
9  TPCInputTag: "daq:TPC:DAQ" // Input tag of TPC data "moduleLabel:instance:processName"
10  SparseInputTag: "sparseSsp:PHOTON:DAQ" // Input tag of Sparsified data "moduleLabel:instance:processName"
11  SSPInputTag: "daq:PHOTON:DAQ" // Input tag of SSP data "moduleLabel:instance:processName"
12  OpHitInputTag: "daq:OPHIT:DAQ" // Input tag of OpHit data "moduleLabel:instance:processName"
13  PennInputTag: "daq:TRIGGER:DAQ" // Input tag of PTB data "moduleLabel:instance:processName"
14  TPCInputDataProduct: "artdaq::Fragment" // Data product type of TPC data
15  SSPInputDataProduct: "artdaq::Fragment" // Data product type of SSP data
16  OpHitInputDataProduct:"artdaq::Fragment" // Data produce type of OpHit data
17  PennInputDataProduct: "artdaq::Fragment" // Data product type of PTB data
19  MonteCarlo: "false" // Whether you are looking at MonteCarlo or not.
20  MCPartInputTag: "largeant::G4" // Input tag of MCParticles
21  MCPartInputDataProduct: "simb::MCParticle" // Data product type of MCParticles
22  MCTruthInputTag: "generator::CosmicsGen" // Input tag of MCTruth
23  MCTruthInputDataProduct: "simb::MCTruth" // Data product type of MCTruth
24  MCSimChanInputTag: "largeant::G4" // Input tag of MCSimChannels
25  MCSimChanInputDataProduct: "sim::SimChannel" // Data product type of MCSimChannels
27  SSPReformatter: @local::ssp_reformatter // The parameter set for the SSP reformatter
28  PTBMapDir: "/dune/data2/users/warburton/PTBChannelMap/" // The directory path to a user defined channel map
29  PTBMapFile: "PTBChannelMap.txt" // The name of the PTB channel map
30  UseRCEChanMap: "true" // Do you want to use the RCE channel map?
32  RequireRCE: "true" // Do you require the RCEs to be present?
33  RequireSSP: "true" // Do you require the SSPs to be present?
34  RequireOpHit: "true" // Do you require the OpHits to be present?
35  RequirePTB: "true" // Do you require the PTB to be present?
37  DebugLevel: 1 // The level of information printed out 0 = none, 1 = basic info, <4 = all
38  TimeStampThreshold: 5 // The threshold for trying to mitigate any timestamp ideosynchrosies
40  WhichTrigger: [ 1 ] // A vector of which triggers to use - see Triggering function
41  PTBTrigs: [ 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115] // The list of PTB channels to trigger on.
42  PostTriggerTicks: 15000 // The number of TPC ticks gathered, post trigger
43  PreTriggerTicks: 0 // The number of TPC ticks gathered, pre trigger
44  TrigSeparation: 0 // The minimum separation between triggers.
45  MCTrigLevel: 0 // The threshold for the 'trigger every X TPC ticks trigger.'
47  NovaTicksPerTPCTick: 32 // The number of Nova ticks per RawDigit index
48  NovaTicksPerSSPTick: 64 // The number of Nova ticks per MicroSecond as stored in SSP waveforms
49  NovaTicksPerCountTick: 1 // The number of Nova ticks per ExternalTrigger timestamp. !!!! 32 when looking at Monte Carlo !!!!
50  NanoSecondsPerNovaTick: 15.625 // The number of Nano Seconds per Nova tick
52  WaveformADCWidth: 100 // The number of MicroSeconds where waveforms will be considered for the trigger
53  WaveformADCThreshold: 1550 // The SSP ADC threshold to be used in SSP waveform trigger
54  WaveformADCsOverThreshold: 10 // The number of channels required over threshold in SSP ADC trigger
56  OpHitADCWidth: 100 // The number of MicroSeconds where OpHits will be considered for the trigger
57  OpHitADCThreshold: 1550 // The OpHit ADC threshold to be used in OpHit trigger
58  OpHitADCsOverThreshold: 10 // The number of channels required over threshold in OpHit ADC trigger
60  ADCdiffThreshold: 40 // The threshold for the change in TPC ADC trigger
61  ADCsOverThreshold: 1000 // The number of channels to satisfy the above threshold to have a TPC ADC trigger
63  UsePedestalDefault: "false" // Whether to use the default pedestal values
64  UsePedestalFile: "false" // Whether to use a pedestal file. If false, uses the online database.
65  UsePedestalFileSearchPath: "false" // Whether to use an environment variable to search for pedestal file in. Only used if UsePedestalFile is true
66  PedestalFile: "" // What pedestal file to use (if one is used at all)
67  PedestalFileSearchPath: "" // What environment variable to use to search for pedestal file (no $ please, eg for $BAR enter "BAR")
69  SkipNInputEvents: 0 // The number of input events (including headers) you wish to ignore.
70  SkipNOutputEvents: 0 // The number of output events you wish to create and then delete.
71 }
73 ###### Make an instance that can be ran on Monte Carlo, so the user doesn't have to change all the parameters themselves...
74 mcsplit_events: @local::split_events
75 mcsplit_events.MonteCarlo: "true"
76 mcsplit_events.TPCInputDataProduct: "raw::RawDigit"
77 mcsplit_events.TPCInputTag: "daq::Detsim"
78 mcsplit_events.SSPInputDataProduct: "raw::OpDetWaveform"
79 mcsplit_events.SSPInputTag: "opdigi::Detsim"
80 mcsplit_events.PennInputDataProduct: "raw::ExternalTrigger"
81 mcsplit_events.PennInputTag: "simcounter::Detsim"
82 mcsplit_events.PreTriggerTicks: 0
83 mcsplit_events.PostTriggerTicks: 5200