3 standard_tpcreadoutsimalg:
5 TPCReadoutSimType: Standard
7 NoiseSpectrum: 0 # 0: white noise: independent Gaussians on every sample
8 NoiseAmplitude: 1.8 # So far, just for the independent Gaussians
9 NoiseVecSize: 5000000 # how much noise to pre-generate
10 CompressType: 1 # zero suppression=1, no compression=0
11 ZSThreshold: 10 # ADC counts
12 ZSTicksBefore: 5 # ticks to retain before an upcrossing of threshold
13 ZSTicksAfter: 5 # ticks to retain after an upcrossing of threshold
14 ADCSaturation: 4095 # limit of a 12-bit ADC