1 #include "FitterPlotStyle.fcl"
2 #include "ProtoDUNECalibration.fcl"
3 #include "FitSystematics.fcl"
5 #MCFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_6_8_21_with_data/eventSelection_mc_all.root"
6 #DataFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_6_8_21_with_data/eventSelection_data_BeamQuality.root"
7 #MCFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_6_29_21_with_data_5809/eventSelection_mc_all.root"
8 #DataFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_6_29_21_with_data_5809/eventSelection_data_BeamQuality.root"
9 MCFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_7_12_21_with_data_58XX/eventSelection_mc_all.root"
10 DataFileName: "/dune/data/users/calcuttj/Prod4a_7_12_21_with_data_58XX/eventSelection_data_BeamQuality.root"
11 TreeName: "pduneana/beamana"
13 DriverName: "protoana::AbsCexDriver"
15 #FakeDataRoutine: "SampleScales"
16 #FakeDataRoutine: "BinnedScales"
17 #FakeDataRoutine: "G4RW"
18 #FakeDataRoutine: "dEdX"
19 #FakeDataRoutine: "EffVar"
20 #FakeDataRoutine: "G4RWGrid"
21 #FakeDataRoutine: "PionAngle"
22 FakeDataRoutine: "AngleVar"
23 #FakeDataRoutine: "Asimov"
24 #FakeDataRoutine: "Toy"
31 FakeDataBinnedScales: [
32 [2, [1., 1.488, 1.394, 1.469, 1.]],
33 [1, [1., .748, .782, .832, .912, 1.]]
43 Position: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]
44 Shift: [12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 08, 08, 08, 08, 08, 08, 08 ]
45 Branch: "g4rw_full_grid_piplus_weights_fake_data"
47 ###(reac, 0), (abs, 1), (cex, 2), (dcex, 3), (prod, 4), (inel, 5)
48 ### x7 each (200 MeV bins) -- total range: 0, 41 (0, 1400)
52 Cal_set: @local::CalorimetryParameters_SPProd4_MC_SCE
61 #RatioFile: "angle_weight.root"
62 #RatioFile: "flat_pion_weights.root"
63 RatioFile: "half_shift.root"
64 Limits: [0., .4, .6, .8, 1.]
65 RatioNames: ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5"]
69 #RatioFile: "angle_weight.root"
70 RatioFile: "gaus_pi0_weights_080.root"
71 #Limits: [0., .4, .6, .8, 1.]
73 [1, [0., 400., 500., 600., 800., 1000.]],
74 [2, [0., 450., 600., 800., 1200.]],
75 [3, [0., 400., 500. , 600., 700., 800., 900., 1000.]]
79 [1, ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6"]],
80 [2, ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5"]],
81 [3, ["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8"]]
91 SliceMethod: "Traj" #E, Alt, Default
105 @local::SystematicsList.dEdX_Cal_Spline,
106 @local::G4RWSysts.g4rw_QE1,
107 @local::G4RWSysts.g4rw_QE2,
108 @local::G4RWSysts.g4rw_Prod,
109 @local::G4RWSysts.g4rw_DCex,
110 @local::G4RWSysts.g4rw_proton,
111 @local::SystematicsList.beam_shift,
112 @local::SystematicsList.ediv_weight,
113 @local::SystematicsList.no_track_weight,
114 @local::SystematicsList.beam_cut_weight
119 ["dEdX_Cal_Spline", 0],
127 ["no_track_weight", 8],
128 ["beam_cut_weight", 9]
130 CovarianceFile: "full_with_dcex_beamcut.root"
131 CovarianceMatrix: "m"
142 #RecoBins: [[-5000., 0., 200., 400., 600., 800., 1200.]]
143 #BinLabels: [["< 0.", "0 - 200", "200 - 400", "400 - 600", "600 - 800", "800 - 1200"]]
144 #RecoBins: [[0., 150., 300., 350., 400., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1200.]]
145 #BinLabels: [["0 - 150", "150 - 300", "300 - 350", "350 - 400", "400 - 450", "450 - 500",
146 # "500 - 550", "550 - 600", "600 - 650", "650 - 700", "700 - 750",
147 # "750 - 800", "800 - 850", "850 - 900", "900 - 950", "950 - 1000", "1000 - 1200"]]
148 RecoBins: [[0., 400., 500., 600., 800., 1200.]]
149 BinLabels: [["0 - 400", "400 - 500", "500 - 600", "600 - 800", "800 - 1200"]]
150 AxisTitles: ["Reconstructed KE (MeV)"]
155 #RecoBins: [[-5000., 0., 200., 400., 600., 800., 1200.]]
156 #BinLabels: [["< 0.", "0 - 200", "200 - 400", "400 - 600", "600 - 800", "800 - 1200"]]
157 #RecoBins: [[0., 300., 350., 400., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1200.]]
158 #BinLabels: [["0 - 300", "300 - 350", "350 - 400", "400 - 450", "450 - 500",
159 # "500 - 550", "550 - 600", "600 - 650", "650 - 700", "700 - 750",
160 # "750 - 800", "800 - 850", "850 - 900", "900 - 950", "950 - 1000", "1000 - 1200"]]
161 RecoBins: [[0., 500., 600., 800., 1200.]]
162 BinLabels: [["0 - 500", "500 - 600", "600 - 800", "800 - 1200"]]
163 AxisTitles: ["Reconstructed KE (MeV)"]
168 #RecoBins: [[0., 300., 350., 400., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700., 750., 800., 850., 900., 950., 1000., 1200.]]
169 #BinLabels: [["0 - 300", "300 - 350", "350 - 400", "400 - 450", "450 - 500",
170 # "500 - 550", "550 - 600", "600 - 650", "650 - 700", "700 - 750",
171 # "750 - 800", "800 - 850", "850 - 900", "900 - 950", "950 - 1000", "1000 - 1200"]]
172 RecoBins: [[0., 400., 500., 600., 800., 1200.]]
173 BinLabels: [["0 - 400", "400 - 500", "500 - 600", "600 - 800", "800 - 1200"]]
174 AxisTitles: ["Reconstructed KE (MeV)"]
179 #RecoBins: [[222, 275, 325, 375, 425, 580]]
180 #RecoBins: [[222, 275, 580]]
181 RecoBins: [[222, 234, 580]]
182 AxisTitles: ["Reconstructed End Z (cm)"]
185 Name: "FailedBeamCuts"
199 IncidentRecoBins: [-5000., 0., 200., 400., 600., 800., 1000., 1200.]
200 SelectedRecoBins: [-5000., 0., 200., 400., 600., 800., 1200.]
208 #DefaultSignalBins: [450., 600., 800, 1200.]
209 DefaultSignalBins: [0., 400., 800., 1000, 1200.]
210 TrueIncidentBins: @local::DefaultSignalBins
212 BeamEnergyBins: [0., 800., 900., 1000., 1100., 1200., 4000.]
213 #BeamEnergyBins: [0., 800., 1200., 4000.]
214 #BeamEnergyBins: [0., 4000.]
216 #For use identifying the true incident samples
217 #used to make the final total pion incident histogram
218 IncidentSamples: [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]
219 MeasurementSamples: [1, 2]
226 SignalBins: [400., 500., 600., 800., 1000.]
227 #SignalBins: [200., 500., 600., 800., 1200.]
228 #SignalBins: [000., 50.,
245 SignalBins: [450., 600., 800., 1200.]
246 #SignalBins: [000., 50.,
263 SignalBins: @local::DefaultSignalBins
302 ReducedIncidentChi2: false
304 ScaleDataToNorm: false
309 #####################
312 #PlotStyle: @local::ReducedColorsStyle
313 PlotStyle: @local::DefaultColorsStyle
315 DrawXSecUnderflow: false
316 #####################
322 FluctuateStats: false
330 #####################