1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "hitfindermodules_dune.fcl"
4 #include "ProtoDUNEUnstableHVFilter.fcl"
5 #include "signalservices_dune.fcl"
6 #include "caldata_dune.fcl"
7 #include "trackfindermodules_dune.fcl"
8 #include "ecalibration.fcl"
9 #include "triggeralgo_service.fcl"
10 #include "photpropservices_dune.fcl"
11 #include "ProtoDUNEDataUtils.fcl"
12 #include "ProtoDUNEFembFilter.fcl"
15 process_name: diffusioncathodet0
19 #Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
20 TFileService: { fileName: "diffusioncathodet0.root" }
21 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
22 @table::protodune_services
23 message: @local::standard_info
24 FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
27 #source is now a root file
30 module_type: RootInput
31 maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
40 # filter: @local::pdsp_fembfilter_all
47 module_type: "diffusioncathodet0"
48 DataUtils: @local::standard_protodunedatautils
53 ana: [ diffusioncathodet0 ]
57 # define the list of LArSoft modules to run through the simulate path
60 physics.analyzers.diffusioncathodet0.TrackModuleLabel: "pandoraTrack"
61 physics.analyzers.diffusioncathodet0.CalorimetryModuleLabel: "pandoracalo"
62 physics.analyzers.diffusioncathodet0.HitsModuleLabel: "hitpdune"
63 physics.analyzers.diffusioncathodet0.SaveTrackInfo: true
64 #physics.analyzers.diffusioncathodet0.SelectEvents: [fpath]
65 services.PdspChannelMapService: @local::pdspchannelmap