7 module_type: "ScanFilter"
8 ScanModuleLabel: "merge"
9 DigitModuleLabel: "source"
10 Neutrino_req: 1 #0=no neutrinos, 1=maybe neutrino, 2=neutrino.
11 #2 is most stringent, 0 is least stringent
12 NumShowers_req: 0 #Maximum number of showers required to pass
13 NumTracks_req: 2 #Maximum number of tracks in any plane required to pass
18 module_type: "EmptyFilter"
19 HitsModuleLabel: "ffthit"
26 module_type: "MuonFilter"
27 ClusterModuleLabel: "dbcluster"
28 LineModuleLabel: "linemerger"
32 Cuts: [22.0, 16.0, 42.5]
38 argoneut_finalstateparticlefilter:
40 module_type: "FinalStateParticleFilter"
41 GenieModuleLabel: "generator"
42 PDG: [3122, -13] #pdg codes of final state particles in an event that you want to pick