1 #include "evdservices.fcl"
7 # Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
8 message: @local::evd_message
10 GeometryGArConfigurationWriter: {}
15 #Look at the input files
18 module_type: RootInput
19 fileNames: [ "data.root" ]
20 maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
25 # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event.
26 # First modules are defined; they are scheduled later.
27 # Modules are grouped by type.
37 evdisp:{module_type: EVD}
40 #list the modules for this path, order matters, filters reject all following items
43 #end_path are things that do not modify art::Event, includes analyzers
44 #and output modules. all items here can be run simultaneously