Go to the documentation of this file.
3 standard_colordrawingopt:
4 {
5  ColorOrGrayScale: 1 # 0 = color, 1 = grayscale
6  # the following parameters assume the first entry in the arrays
7  # is for induction planes, the second for collection planes
8  RawDiv: 100 # number of divisions to use for the color scale
9  RawQLow: -20. # minimum raw ADC value used in determining colors
10  RawQHigh: 60. # maximum raw ADC value used in determining colors
11  RecoDiv: 100 # number of divisions to use for the color scale
12  RecoQLow: -20. # minimum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
13  RecoQHigh: 60. # maximum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
14 }
16 standard_rawdrawingopt:
17 {
18  DrawRawOrReco: 1 # 0 = raw, 1 = reconstructed, 2 = both for ADC vs TDC views
19  TicksPerPoint: 1 # number of TDC ticks to combine for each point in the TDC vs Wire veiws
20  ScaleDigitsByCharge: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
21  MinimumSignal: 5. # minimum ADC value to draw in TDC vs Wire views
22  StartTick: 0. # Starting tick for the display
23  TotalTicks: 2048. # display TDC ticks 0 -> TotalTicks
24  RawDataLabel: "daq" # label of module making the raw digits
25  Channel: 0 # channel to draw in pad showing waveform for single channel
26 }
28 standard_recodrawingopt:
29 {
30  DrawHits: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawOrReco is set to 0
31  DrawTPCClusters: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawOrReco is set to 0
32  TPCClusterMarker: 1 # 1 for a point, 20 for a filled circle. Other ROOT markers possible
33  TPCClusterMarkerSize: 1 # size of TPC cluster to pass
34  DrawCaloClusters: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawOrReco is set to 0
35  DrawCaloHits: 1 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawOrReco is set to 0
36  DrawTracks: 2 # 0 = off, 1 = on (helices) 2, fitted trajectories
37  TrackWidth: 1 # used in TPolyLine3D::SetLineWidth
38  DrawTrackTrajectoryPoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
39  DrawShowers: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
40  DrawVecHits: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
41  DrawVertices: 1 # 0 = off, 1 = on
42  DrawEvents: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
43  HitModuleLabels: ["hit"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Hits
44  TPCClusterModuleLabels: ["tpccluster"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::TPCClusters
45  CaloClusterModuleLabels: ["calocluster:ECAL"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Clusters
46  CaloHitModuleLabels: ["sipmhit:ECAL", "sscalohit:ECAL" ] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Clusters
47  TrackModuleLabels: ["track"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Tracks
48  ShowerModuleLabels: ["shower"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Showers
49  VecHitModuleLabels: ["vechit"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::VecHits
50  VertexModuleLabels: ["vertex"] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Vertexs
51  EventModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for gar::rec::Events
52  CaloClusterScale: 100 # how long to draw ECAL clusters in cm per GeV
53  CaloHitScale: 6 # colors on a log scale out to exp(-CaloHitScale). Saturates at 1 GeV
54 }
56 standard_analysisdrawingopt:
57 {
58  DrawCalorimetry: 1
59  DrawParticleID: 1
60  DrawShowerCalor: 0
61  CaloPlane: -1
62  CalorimetryModuleLabels: ["calo"]
63  ParticleIDModuleLabels: ["pid"]
64  CalorTemplateFileName: "dEdxKinErestemplate" # without .root
65 }
67 standard_simdrawingopt:
68 {
69  ShowMCTruthText: true # toggle showing of MC interaction on or off
70  ShowMCTruthVectors: true # toggle showing of MC truth directions in 2D
71  ShowMCTruthTrajectories: true # toggle showing of MC truth trajectories in 3D, all depositions
72  ShowMCTruthColors: true # toggle to use PDG colors for particles
73  ShowMCTruthFullSize: true # toggle to use larger size markers for visibility
74  MinimumEnergyDeposition: 5e-5 # in GeV
75  G4ModuleLabel: "geant" # module labels producing sim::SimChannel objects
76  NeutronEnergyCut: 0.02 # in GeV
77  PhotonEnergyCut: 0.02 # in GeV
78  OtherNeutralEnergyCut: 0.02 # in GeV -- used to look just at photons or neutrons to cut the rest out
79  # affects neutrinos (except primary neutrinos), klongs, lambdas, etc.
80  ShowNeutrals: false # toggle to display neutral particles (doesn't affect primary neutrinos)
81 }
83 standard_evdlayoutopt:
84 {
85  EnableMCTruthCheckBox: 1 # 1 turn on the check box, 0 don't make it
86 }
88 standard_colors:
89 {
90  BlackOnWhite: {val:0 gui:"rb:white on black,black on white" doc:"basic palette"}
91  ColorScales: {val:["RawQ","RawT"] gui:"te" doc:"List of color scales"}
92  RawQ_Palette: {val:"BlueToRedII" gui:"lbs:Rainbow,InvRainbow,LinGray,ColdToHot,BlueToRed,BlueToRedII,HeatedObject,Reds,Greens,Blues,Geographic,BlueToGreen,BlueToOrange,GreenToMagenta,Sequential,Focus,Custom" doc:"Which color scale to use"}
93  RawQ_N: {val:64 gui:"te" doc:"How many colors in scale?"}
94  RawQ_Range: {val:[32,4096] gui:"te" doc:"Lower and upper limits of scale"}
95  RawQ_Scale: {val:"log" gui:"lbs:linear,log,sqrt" doc:"How to distribute colors throughout scale"}
96  RawQ_Reverse: {val:0 gui:"rb:unflipped,flipped" doc:"Should we reverse the order of the colors?"}
97  RawQ_UnderOverflowColors:{val:[-1,-1] gui:"te" doc:"Colors to use for underflows and overflows"}
98  RawQ_HVPairs: {val:[60,-120,0.25,0.75] gui:"te" doc:"(h1,h2),(v1,v2) pairs that define custom color scales"}
99  RawT_Palette: {val:"BlueToRedII" gui:"lbs:Rainbow,InvRainbow,LinGray,ColdToHot,BlueToRed,BlueToRedII,HeatedObject,Reds,Greens,Blues,Geographic,BlueToGreen,BlueToOrange,GreenToMagenta,Sequential,Focus,Custom" doc:"Which color scale to use"}
100  RawT_N: {val:60 gui:"te" doc:"How many colors in scale?"}
101  RawT_Range: {val:[-50,550] gui:"te" doc:"Lower and upper limits of scale"}
102  RawT_Scale: {val:"linear" gui:"lbs:linear,log,sqrt" doc:"How to distribute colors throughout scale"}
103  RawT_Reverse: {val:0 gui:"rb:unflipped,flipped" doc:"Should we reverse the order of the colors?"}
104  RawT_UnderOverflowColors:{val:[-1,-1] gui:"te" doc:"Colors to use for underflows and overflows"}
105  RawT_HVPairs: {val:[0,0,0,0] gui:"te" doc:"h,v pairs that define custom color scales"}
106 }
108 standard_scanopt:
109 {
110  Categories: [
111  "Neutrino",
112  "Collection Plane"
113  ]
114  FieldLabels: [
115  "No_nu",
116  "Possible_nu",
117  "nu",
118  "Tracks",
119  "Showers",
120  "Vertex_w",
121  "Vertex_t",
122  "Tracks",
123  "Showers",
124  "Vertex_w",
125  "Vertex_t"
126  ]
127  FieldTypes: [
128  "RadioButton",
129  "RadioButton",
130  "RadioButton",
131  "Number",
132  "Number",
133  "Number",
134  "Number",
135  "Number",
136  "Number",
137  "Number",
138  "Number"
139  ]
140  FieldsPerCategory: [
141  3,
142  4
143  ]
144  FileNameBase: "ScanFile"
145  IncludeMCInfo: false
146  service_type: "ScanOptions"
147 }
149 standard_evd:
150 {
151  AutoAdvanceInterval: 1000
152 }
154 evd_message:
155 {
156  debugModules: [ "*" ]
157  destinations:
158  {
159  Drawers:
160  {
161  type: "cerr"
162  threshold: "INFO"
163  categories:
164  {
165  SimulationDrawer:
166  {
167  limit: 5
168  timespan: 100
169  }
170  RecoBaseDrawer:
171  {
172  limit: 5
173  timespan: 100
174  }
175  RawDataDrawer:
176  {
177  limit: 5
178  timespan: 100
179  }
180  }
181  }
182  }
183 }
185 ##################################################################################
187 standard_evd3D:
188 {
189 module_type : EVD3D
190 drawECALRawHits : false
191 drawECALRecoHits : false
192 drawECALClusters : false
193 drawMuIDRecoHits : false
194 drawTracks : false
195 drawVertices : false
196 drawTPCClusters : false
197 drawMCTruth : true
198 drawMCCaloTruth : true
199 drawMCTPCTruth : true
200 VolumesToShow : ["volGArTPC", "volPVBarrel", "volPVEndcap", "volBarrelECal", "volEndcapECal", "volYokeBarrel", "volYokeEndcap"]
202 G4ModuleLabel : "geant"
203 InstanceName : ["ECAL", "MuID"]
204 RawHitModuleLabels : ["daqsipm"]
205 RecoECALHitModuleLabels : ["sscalohit"]
206 RecoMuIDHitModuleLabels : ["sipmhit"]
207 CaloClusterModuleLabels : ["calocluster"]
208 TrackModuleLabels : ["track"]
209 VertexModuleLabels : ["vertex"]
210 TPCClusterModuleLabels : ["tpccluster"]
212 Scalingfactor : 1.
213 drawIntersection : false
214 drawNeutronTrajectories : false
215 }
217 evd3D_dayone_5plane:
218 {
219 module_type : EVD3D
220 drawECALRawHits : false
221 drawECALRecoHits : false
222 drawECALClusters : false
223 drawMuIDRecoHits : false
224 drawTracks : false
225 drawVertices : false
226 drawTPCClusters : true
227 drawMCTruth : true
228 drawMCCaloTruth : false
229 drawMCTPCTruth : false
230 VolumesToShow : ["Tracker_layer00_vol", "Tracker_layer01_vol", "Tracker_layer02_vol", "Tracker_layer03_vol", "Tracker_layer04_vol", "volYokeBarrel", "volYokeEndcap"]
232 G4ModuleLabel : "edepconvert"
233 InstanceName : ["TrackerSc", "MuID"]
234 RawHitModuleLabels : ["daqsipm"]
235 RecoECALHitModuleLabels : ["sipmhit"]
236 RecoMuIDHitModuleLabels : ["sipmhit"]
237 CaloClusterModuleLabels : ["calocluster"]
238 TrackModuleLabels : ["trackpass1"]
239 VertexModuleLabels : ["vertex"]
240 TPCClusterModuleLabels : ["dayone"]
242 Scalingfactor : 1.
243 drawIntersection : false
244 drawNeutronTrajectories : false
245 }
247 evd3D_dayone_6plane:
248 {
249 module_type : EVD3D
250 drawECALRawHits : false
251 drawECALRecoHits : false
252 drawECALClusters : false
253 drawMuIDRecoHits : false
254 drawTracks : false
255 drawVertices : false
256 drawTPCClusters : true
257 drawMCTruth : true
258 drawMCCaloTruth : false
259 drawMCTPCTruth : false
260 VolumesToShow : ["Tracker_layer00_vol", "Tracker_layer01_vol", "Tracker_layer02_vol", "Tracker_layer03_vol", "Tracker_layer04_vol", "Tracker_layer05", "volYokeBarrel", "volYokeEndcap"]
262 G4ModuleLabel : "edepconvert"
263 InstanceName : ["TrackerSc", "MuID"]
264 RawHitModuleLabels : ["daqsipm"]
265 RecoECALHitModuleLabels : ["sipmhit"]
266 RecoMuIDHitModuleLabels : ["sipmhit"]
267 CaloClusterModuleLabels : ["calocluster"]
268 TrackModuleLabels : ["trackpass1"]
269 VertexModuleLabels : ["vertex"]
270 TPCClusterModuleLabels : ["dayone"]
272 Scalingfactor : 1.
273 drawIntersection : false
274 drawNeutronTrajectories : false
275 }