Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use Math::Trig;
4 use XML::LibXML;
5 use Getopt::Long;
7 $outfile = "dune.gdml";
8 $nCryos = 2; # can get rid of this later, 1 corresponds to 1st gdml iteration
9 $nAPAWide = 3;
10 $nAPAHigh = 2;
11 $nAPALong = 18;
13 #Specific H,W,L of DUNE
14 $CryostatWidth = 2400;
15 $CryostatHeight = 1500;
16 $CryostatLength = 4500;
18 #detector variables
19 $SteelThickness = 0.5*2.54;
20 $ArgonWidth = $CryostatWidth-2*$SteelThickness;
21 $ArgonHeight = $CryostatHeight-2*$SteelThickness;
22 $ArgonLength = $CryostatLength-2*$SteelThickness;
24 #set rock thickness
25 # 1000 for normal 10m thickness
26 # 10000 for dunebulky
27 $RockThickness = 1000;
28 $MiddleRockThickness = 1500;
30 $ConcretePadding = 50;
31 $GlassFoamPadding = 100;
32 $TotalPadding = $ConcretePadding+$GlassFoamPadding+$SteelThickness;
33 $CavernWidth = $ArgonWidth+2*$TotalPadding;
34 $CavernHeight = $ArgonHeight+$TotalPadding;
35 $CavernLength = $nCryos*($CryostatLength+2*$TotalPadding)+$MiddleRockThickness;
37 $CryoZ = 0.5*($MiddleRockThickness+2*$TotalPadding+$CryostatLength);
39 $SideLArPadding = 85;
40 $UpstreamLArPadding = 50;
41 $DownstreamLArPadding = 250;
42 $VerticalLArPadding = 50;
44 $FiducialWidth = $CryostatWidth-2*$SideLArPadding;
45 $FiducialHeight = $CryostatHeight-2*$VerticalLArPadding;
46 $FiducialLength = $CryostatLength-$UpstreamLArPadding-$DownstreamLArPadding;
48 $APAWidth = $FiducialWidth/$nAPAWide;
49 $APAHeight = $FiducialHeight/$nAPAHigh;
50 $APALength = $FiducialLength/$nAPALong;
52 $TPCWidth = $APAWidth/2 - 10.001;
53 $TPCHeight = $APAHeight - 0.001;
54 $TPCLength = $APALength - 0.001 ;
56 $TPCWireThickness=0.015;
57 $TPC_WireSpacing=0.5;
59 $Pi=3.14159;
61 gen_header();
62 gen_materials();
63 gen_dune();
64 exit;
71 sub gen_dune()
72 {
73  # Set up the output file.
74  $DUNE = ">>" . $outfile;
75  open(DUNE) or die("Could not open file $DUNE for writing");
77  print DUNE <<EOF;
78  <solids>
79  <box name="World" lunit="cm"
80  x="2*$CryostatWidth+2*($RockThickness+$TotalPadding)+$TPCWidth"
81  y="$CryostatHeight+2*($RockThickness+$TotalPadding)"
82  z="2*$CavernLength+2*$RockThickness+$TPCLength"/>
83  <box name="LowerRock" lunit="cm"
84  x="$CryostatWidth+2*($RockThickness+$TotalPadding)"
85  y="$CryostatHeight+$RockThickness+$TotalPadding"
86  z="$CavernLength+2*$RockThickness"/>
87  <box name="RockBottom" lunit="cm"
88  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding"
89  y="$RockThickness"
90  z="$CavernLength"/>
91  <box name="LowerCavern" lunit="cm"
92  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding"
93  y="$CryostatHeight+$RockThickness+$TotalPadding+2"
94  z="$CavernLength"/>
95  <subtraction name="LowerRockWithCavern">
96  <first ref="LowerRock"/>
97  <second ref="LowerCavern"/>
98  </subtraction>
99  <box name="UpperRock" lunit="cm"
100  x="$CryostatWidth+2*($RockThickness+$TotalPadding)"
101  y="$RockThickness"
102  z="$CavernLength+2*$RockThickness"/>
103  <box name="UpperCavern" lunit="cm"
104  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding+1000"
105  y="$RockThickness+20"
106  z="$CavernLength+1000"/>
107  <box name="RockTop" lunit="cm"
108  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding+1000"
109  y="$RockThickness-500"
110  z="$CavernLength+1000"/>
111  <subtraction name="UpperRockWithCavern">
112  <first ref="UpperRock"/>
113  <second ref="UpperCavern"/>
114  </subtraction>
115  <box name="MiddleRock" lunit="cm"
116  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding"
117  y="$CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding+2"
118  z="$MiddleRockThickness"/>
119  <box name="DetEnclosure" lunit="cm"
120  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding"
121  y="$CryostatHeight+2*$TotalPadding"
122  z="$CavernLength"/>
123  <box name="ConcreteBlock" lunit="cm"
124  x="$CryostatWidth+2*$TotalPadding"
125  y="$CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding"
126  z="$CryostatLength+2*$TotalPadding"/>
127  <box name="ConcreteBottom" lunit="cm"
128  x="$CryostatWidth+2*($TotalPadding-$ConcretePadding)"
129  y="$ConcretePadding"
130  z="$CryostatLength-2*$ConcretePadding"/>
131  <box name="ConcreteCavern" lunit="cm"
132  x="$CryostatWidth+2*($TotalPadding-$ConcretePadding)"
133  y="$CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding+2"
134  z="$CryostatLength+2*($TotalPadding-$ConcretePadding)"/>
135  <subtraction name="ConcreteWithCavern">
136  <first ref="ConcreteBlock"/>
137  <second ref="ConcreteCavern"/>
138  </subtraction>
139  <box name="Cryostat" lunit="cm"
140  x="$CryostatWidth"
141  y="$CryostatHeight"
142  z="$CryostatLength"/>
143  <box name="ArgonInterior" lunit="cm"
144  x="$ArgonWidth"
145  y="$ArgonHeight"
146  z="$ArgonLength"/>
147  <subtraction name="SteelShell">
148  <first ref="Cryostat"/>
149  <second ref="ArgonInterior"/>
150  </subtraction>
151  <box name="APA" lunit="cm"
152  x="$APAWidth"
153  y="$APAHeight"
154  z="$APALength"/>
155  <box name="TPC" lunit="cm"
156  x="$TPCWidth"
157  y="$TPCHeight"
158  z="$TPCLength"/>
159  <box name="TPCPlane" lunit="cm"
160  x="0.1"
161  y="0.9*$TPCHeight"
162  z="0.9*$TPCLength"/>
163  <tube name="TPCWire"
164  rmax="0.5*$TPCWireThickness"
165  z="0.89*0.9*$TPCLength"
166  deltaphi="2*$Pi"
167  aunit="rad"
168  lunit="cm"/>
169  <box name="Cathode" lunit="cm"
170  x="1"
171  y="$TPCHeight"
172  z="$TPCLength"/>
173  </solids>
174  <structure>
175  <volume name="volSteelShell">
176  <materialref ref="STEEL_STAINLESS_Fe7Cr2Ni" />
177  <solidref ref="SteelShell" />
178  </volume>
179  <volume name="volTPCWire">
180  <materialref ref="STEEL_STAINLESS_Fe7Cr2Ni" />
181  <solidref ref="TPCWire" />
182  </volume>
183  <volume name="volTPCPlane">
184  <materialref ref="LAr"/>
185  <solidref ref="TPCPlane"/>
186 EOF
188  $rt2=1.414213562373095;
189  $count=1;
190  for ( $i=-0.3*$TPCLength ; $i < 0.3*$TPCLength ; $i+=$rt2*$TPC_WireSpacing ) {
191  $wire_ypos=$i;
192  print DUNE <<EOF;
193  <physvol>
194  <volumeref ref="volTPCWire"/>
195  <position name="posTPCWire$count" unit="cm" x="0" y="$wire_ypos" z="0"/>
196  <rotation name="rTPCWire$count" unit="deg" x="45" y="0" z="0"/>
197  </physvol>
198 EOF
199  $count++;
200  }
201  print DUNE <<EOF;
202  </volume>
203  <volume name="volCathode">
204  <materialref ref="STEEL_STAINLESS_Fe7Cr2Ni" />
205  <solidref ref="Cathode" />
206  </volume>
207  <volume name="volTPC">
208  <materialref ref="LAr" />
209  <solidref ref="TPC" />
210  <physvol>
211  <volumeref ref="volTPCPlane"/>
212  <position name="posTPCPlane1" unit="cm" x="(-$TPCWidth/2)+0.051+0.3" y="0" z="0"/>
213  </physvol>
214  <physvol>
215  <volumeref ref="volTPCPlane"/>
216  <position name="posTPCPlane2" unit="cm" x="(-$TPCWidth/2)+0.051" y="0" z="0"/>
217  <rotation name="rTPCPlane2" unit="deg" x="0" y="180" z="0"/>
218  </physvol>
219  <physvol>
220  <volumeref ref="volCathode"/>
221  <position name="posCathode" unit="cm" x="($TPCWidth/2)-0.5" y="0" z="0"/>
222  </physvol>
223  </volume>
224  <volume name="volAPA">
225  <materialref ref="LAr"/>
226  <solidref ref="APA"/>
227  <physvol>
228  <volumeref ref="volTPC"/>
229  <position name="posTPC1" unit="cm" x="-($TPCWidth/2 + 5)" y="0" z="0"/>
230  <rotation name="rTPC" unit="deg" x="0" y="180" z="0"/>
231  </physvol>
232  <physvol>
233  <volumeref ref="volTPC"/>
234  <position name="posTPC2" unit="cm" x="($TPCWidth/2 + 5)" y="0" z="0"/>
235  </physvol>
236  </volume>
237  <volume name="volCryostat">
238  <materialref ref="LAr" />
239  <solidref ref="Cryostat" />
240  <physvol>
241  <volumeref ref="volSteelShell"/>
242  <position name="posSteelShell" unit="cm" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
243  </physvol>
244 EOF
246  for($k=0 ; $k<$nAPALong ; $k++)
247  {
249  $TPC_Z = ( $k - ( ( $nAPALong - 1 ) / 2 ) ) * $FiducialLength/$nAPALong + ( $UpstreamLArPadding - $DownstreamLArPadding ) / 2;
250  for($i=0 ; $i<$nAPAWide ; $i++)
251  {
253  $TPC_X = ( $i - ( ( $nAPAWide - 1 ) / 2 ) ) * $FiducialWidth/$nAPAWide;
254  for($j=0 ; $j<$nAPAHigh ; $j++)
255  {
257  $TPC_Y = ( $j - ( ( $nAPAHigh - 1 ) / 2 ) ) * $FiducialHeight/$nAPAHigh;
258  print DUNE <<EOF;
259  <physvol>
260  <volumeref ref="volAPA"/>
261  <position name="posAPA$i\-$j\-$k" unit="cm" x="$TPC_X" y="$TPC_Y" z="$TPC_Z"/>
262  </physvol>
264 EOF
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  print DUNE <<EOF;
270  </volume>
271  <volume name="volConcreteWithCavern">
272  <materialref ref="Concrete"/>
273  <solidref ref="ConcreteWithCavern"/>
274  </volume>
275  <volume name="volConcreteBottom">
276  <materialref ref="Concrete"/>
277  <solidref ref="ConcreteBottom"/>
278  </volume>
279  <volume name="volMiddleRock">
280  <materialref ref="DUSEL_Rock"/>
281  <solidref ref="MiddleRock"/>
282  </volume>
283  <volume name="volDetEnclosure">
284  <materialref ref="Air"/>
285  <solidref ref="DetEnclosure"/>
286 EOF
288  if($nCryos==1){
289  print DUNE <<EOF;
290  <physvol>
291  <volumeref ref="volCryostat"/>
292  <position name="posCryostat" unit="cm" x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
293  </physvol>
294 EOF
295  }elsif($nCryos==2){
296  print DUNE <<EOF;
297  <physvol>
298  <volumeref ref="volCryostat"/>
299  <position name="posCryostatDownstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="0" z="$CryoZ"/>
300  </physvol>
301  <physvol>
302  <volumeref ref="volCryostat"/>
303  <position name="posCryostatUpstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="0" z="-$CryoZ"/>
304  </physvol>
305 EOF
306  }
308  print DUNE <<EOF;
310  <physvol>
311  <volumeref ref="volConcreteWithCavern"/>
312  <position name="posConcreteWithCavernUpstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="-0.5*($TotalPadding-$ConcretePadding)" z="-$CryoZ"/>
313  </physvol>
314  <physvol>
315  <volumeref ref="volConcreteBottom"/>
316  <position name="posConcreteBottomUpstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="-0.5*($CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding)" z="-$CryoZ"/>
317  </physvol>
318  <physvol>
319  <volumeref ref="volConcreteWithCavern"/>
320  <position name="posConcreteWithCavernDownstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="-0.5*($TotalPadding-$ConcretePadding)" z="$CryoZ"/>
321  </physvol>
322  <physvol>
323  <volumeref ref="volConcreteBottom"/>
324  <position name="posConcreteBottomDownstream" unit="cm" x="0" y="-0.5*($CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding)" z="$CryoZ"/>
325  </physvol>
326  <physvol>
327  <volumeref ref="volMiddleRock"/>
328  <position name="posMiddleRock" unit="cm" x="0" y="0" z="0" />
329  </physvol>
330  </volume>
331  <volume name="volLowerRockWithCavern">
332  <materialref ref="DUSEL_Rock"/>
333  <solidref ref="LowerRockWithCavern"/>
334  </volume>
335  <volume name="volRockTop">
336  <materialref ref="DUSEL_Rock"/>
337  <solidref ref="RockTop"/>
338  </volume>
339  <volume name="volUpperRockWithCavern">
340  <materialref ref="DUSEL_Rock"/>
341  <solidref ref="UpperRockWithCavern"/>
342  </volume>
343  <volume name="volRockBottom">
344  <materialref ref="DUSEL_Rock"/>
345  <solidref ref="RockBottom"/>
346  </volume>
347  <volume name="volWorld" >
348  <materialref ref="Air"/>
349  <solidref ref="World"/>
350  <physvol>
351  <volumeref ref="volDetEnclosure"/>
352  <position name="posDetEnclosure" unit="cm" x="0.5*$CryostatWidth" y="0" z="0.5*$CavernLength-$TotalPadding"/>
353  </physvol>
354  <physvol>
355  <volumeref ref="volLowerRockWithCavern"/>
356  <position name="posLowerRockWithCavern" unit="cm" x="0.5*$CryostatWidth" y="-0.5*$RockThickness" z="0.5*$CavernLength-$TotalPadding"/>
357  </physvol>
358  <physvol>
359  <volumeref ref="volRockBottom"/>
360  <position name="posRockBottom" unit="cm" x="0.5*$CryostatWidth" y="-0.5*($RockThickness+$CryostatHeight+$TotalPadding)" z="0.5*$CavernLength-$TotalPadding"/>
361  </physvol>
362  <physvol>
363  <volumeref ref="volUpperRockWithCavern"/>
364  <position name="posUpperRockWithCavern" unit="cm" x="0.5*$CryostatWidth" y="0.5*($RockThickness+$CryostatHeight)" z="0.5*$CavernLength-$TotalPadding"/>
365  </physvol>
366  <physvol>
367  <volumeref ref="volRockTop"/>
368  <position name="posRockTop" unit="cm" x="0.5*$CryostatWidth" y="0.5*($RockThickness-500+$CryostatHeight)+500" z="0.5*$CavernLength-$TotalPadding"/>
369  </physvol>
370  </volume>
371  </structure>
372  <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
373  <world ref="volWorld" />
374  </setup>
375 </gdml>
376 EOF
377  close(DUNE);
378 }
381 #generates necessary gd/xml header
382 sub gen_header()
383 {
385  $DUNE = ">" . $outfile;
386  open(DUNE) or die("Could not open file $DUNE for writing");
387  print DUNE <<EOF;
388 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
389 <gdml xmlns:gdml=""
390  xmlns:xsi=""
391  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="GDMLSchema/gdml.xsd">
392 EOF
393 }
396 sub gen_materials()
397 {
399  $DUNE = ">>" . $outfile;
400  open(DUNE) or die("Could not open file $DUNE for writing");
401  print DUNE <<EOF;
402 <materials>
403  <element name="videRef" formula="VACUUM" Z="1"> <atom value="1"/> </element>
404  <element name="bromine" formula="Br" Z="35"> <atom value="79.904"/> </element>
405  <element name="hydrogen" formula="H" Z="1"> <atom value="1.0079"/> </element>
406  <element name="nitrogen" formula="N" Z="7"> <atom value="14.0067"/> </element>
407  <element name="oxygen" formula="O" Z="8"> <atom value="15.999"/> </element>
408  <element name="aluminum" formula="Al" Z="13"> <atom value="26.9815"/> </element>
409  <element name="silicon" formula="Si" Z="14"> <atom value="28.0855"/> </element>
410  <element name="carbon" formula="C" Z="6"> <atom value="12.0107"/> </element>
411  <element name="potassium" formula="K" Z="19"> <atom value="39.0983"/> </element>
412  <element name="chromium" formula="Cr" Z="24"> <atom value="51.9961"/> </element>
413  <element name="iron" formula="Fe" Z="26"> <atom value="55.8450"/> </element>
414  <element name="nickel" formula="Ni" Z="28"> <atom value="58.6934"/> </element>
415  <element name="calcium" formula="Ca" Z="20"> <atom value="40.078"/> </element>
416  <element name="magnesium" formula="Mg" Z="12"> <atom value="24.305"/> </element>
417  <element name="sodium" formula="Na" Z="11"> <atom value="22.99"/> </element>
418  <element name="titanium" formula="Ti" Z="22"> <atom value="47.867"/> </element>
419  <element name="argon" formula="Ar" Z="18"> <atom value="39.9480"/> </element>
420  <element name="sulphur" formula="S" Z="16"> <atom value="32.065"/> </element>
421  <element name="phosphorus" formula="P" Z="15"> <atom value="30.973"/> </element>
423  <material name="Vacuum" formula="Vacuum">
424  <D value="1.e-25" unit="g/cm3"/>
425  <fraction n="1.0" ref="videRef"/>
426  </material>
428  <material name="ALUMINUM_Al" formula="ALUMINUM_Al">
429  <D value="2.6990" unit="g/cm3"/>
430  <fraction n="1.0000" ref="aluminum"/>
431  </material>
433  <material name="SILICON_Si" formula="SILICON_Si">
434  <D value="2.3300" unit="g/cm3"/>
435  <fraction n="1.0000" ref="silicon"/>
436  </material>
438  <material name="epoxy_resin" formula="C38H40O6Br4">
439  <D value="1.1250" unit="g/cm3"/>
440  <composite n="38" ref="carbon"/>
441  <composite n="40" ref="hydrogen"/>
442  <composite n="6" ref="oxygen"/>
443  <composite n="4" ref="bromine"/>
444  </material>
446  <material name="SiO2" formula="SiO2">
447  <D value="2.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
448  <composite n="1" ref="silicon"/>
449  <composite n="2" ref="oxygen"/>
450  </material>
452  <material name="Al2O3" formula="Al2O3">
453  <D value="3.97" unit="g/cm3"/>
454  <composite n="2" ref="aluminum"/>
455  <composite n="3" ref="oxygen"/>
456  </material>
458  <material name="Fe2O3" formula="Fe2O3">
459  <D value="5.24" unit="g/cm3"/>
460  <composite n="2" ref="iron"/>
461  <composite n="3" ref="oxygen"/>
462  </material>
464  <material name="CaO" formula="CaO">
465  <D value="3.35" unit="g/cm3"/>
466  <composite n="1" ref="calcium"/>
467  <composite n="1" ref="oxygen"/>
468  </material>
470  <material name="MgO" formula="MgO">
471  <D value="3.58" unit="g/cm3"/>
472  <composite n="1" ref="magnesium"/>
473  <composite n="1" ref="oxygen"/>
474  </material>
476  <material name="Na2O" formula="Na2O">
477  <D value="2.27" unit="g/cm3"/>
478  <composite n="2" ref="sodium"/>
479  <composite n="1" ref="oxygen"/>
480  </material>
482  <material name="TiO2" formula="TiO2">
483  <D value="4.23" unit="g/cm3"/>
484  <composite n="1" ref="titanium"/>
485  <composite n="2" ref="oxygen"/>
486  </material>
488  <material name="FeO" formula="FeO">
489  <D value="5.745" unit="g/cm3"/>
490  <composite n="1" ref="iron"/>
491  <composite n="1" ref="oxygen"/>
492  </material>
494  <material name="CO2" formula="CO2">
495  <D value="1.562" unit="g/cm3"/>
496  <composite n="1" ref="iron"/>
497  <composite n="2" ref="oxygen"/>
498  </material>
500  <material name="P2O5" formula="P2O5">
501  <D value="1.562" unit="g/cm3"/>
502  <composite n="2" ref="phosphorus"/>
503  <composite n="5" ref="oxygen"/>
504  </material>
506  <material formula=" " name="DUSEL_Rock">
507  <D value="2.82" unit="g/cm3"/>
508  <fraction n="0.5267" ref="SiO2"/>
509  <fraction n="0.1174" ref="FeO"/>
510  <fraction n="0.1025" ref="Al2O3"/>
511  <fraction n="0.0473" ref="MgO"/>
512  <fraction n="0.0422" ref="CO2"/>
513  <fraction n="0.0382" ref="CaO"/>
514  <fraction n="0.0240" ref="carbon"/>
515  <fraction n="0.0186" ref="sulphur"/>
516  <fraction n="0.0053" ref="Na2O"/>
517  <fraction n="0.00070" ref="P2O5"/>
518  <fraction n="0.0771" ref="oxygen"/>
519  </material>
521  <material name="fibrous_glass">
522  <D value="2.74351" unit="g/cm3"/>
523  <fraction n="0.600" ref="SiO2"/>
524  <fraction n="0.118" ref="Al2O3"/>
525  <fraction n="0.001" ref="Fe2O3"/>
526  <fraction n="0.224" ref="CaO"/>
527  <fraction n="0.034" ref="MgO"/>
528  <fraction n="0.010" ref="Na2O"/>
529  <fraction n="0.013" ref="TiO2"/>
530  </material>
532  <material name="FR4">
533  <D value="1.98281" unit="g/cm3"/>
534  <fraction n="0.47" ref="epoxy_resin"/>
535  <fraction n="0.53" ref="fibrous_glass"/>
536  </material>
538  <material name="STEEL_STAINLESS_Fe7Cr2Ni" formula="STEEL_STAINLESS_Fe7Cr2Ni">
539  <D value="7.9300" unit="g/cm3"/>
540  <fraction n="0.0010" ref="carbon"/>
541  <fraction n="0.1792" ref="chromium"/>
542  <fraction n="0.7298" ref="iron"/>
543  <fraction n="0.0900" ref="nickel"/>
544  </material>
546  <material name="LAr" formula="LAr">
547  <D value="1.40" unit="g/cm3"/>
548  <fraction n="1.0000" ref="argon"/>
549  </material>
551  <material formula=" " name="Air">
552  <D value="0.001205" unit="g/cm3"/>
553  <fraction n="0.781154" ref="nitrogen"/>
554  <fraction n="0.209476" ref="oxygen"/>
555  <fraction n="0.00934" ref="argon"/>
556  </material>
558  <material formula=" " name="G10">
559  <D value="1.7" unit="g/cm3"/>
560  <fraction n="0.2805" ref="silicon"/>
561  <fraction n="0.3954" ref="oxygen"/>
562  <fraction n="0.2990" ref="carbon"/>
563  <fraction n="0.0251" ref="hydrogen"/>
564  </material>
566  <material formula=" " name="Granite">
567  <D value="2.7" unit="g/cm3"/>
568  <fraction n="0.438" ref="oxygen"/>
569  <fraction n="0.257" ref="silicon"/>
570  <fraction n="0.222" ref="sodium"/>
571  <fraction n="0.049" ref="aluminum"/>
572  <fraction n="0.019" ref="iron"/>
573  <fraction n="0.015" ref="potassium"/>
574  </material>
576  <material formula=" " name="ShotRock">
577  <D value="2.7*0.6" unit="g/cm3"/>
578  <fraction n="0.438" ref="oxygen"/>
579  <fraction n="0.257" ref="silicon"/>
580  <fraction n="0.222" ref="sodium"/>
581  <fraction n="0.049" ref="aluminum"/>
582  <fraction n="0.019" ref="iron"/>
583  <fraction n="0.015" ref="potassium"/>
584  </material>
586  <material formula=" " name="Dirt">
587  <D value="1.7" unit="g/cm3"/>
588  <fraction n="0.438" ref="oxygen"/>
589  <fraction n="0.257" ref="silicon"/>
590  <fraction n="0.222" ref="sodium"/>
591  <fraction n="0.049" ref="aluminum"/>
592  <fraction n="0.019" ref="iron"/>
593  <fraction n="0.015" ref="potassium"/>
594  </material>
596  <material formula=" " name="Concrete">
597  <D value="2.3" unit="g/cm3"/>
598  <fraction n="0.530" ref="oxygen"/>
599  <fraction n="0.335" ref="silicon"/>
600  <fraction n="0.060" ref="calcium"/>
601  <fraction n="0.015" ref="sodium"/>
602  <fraction n="0.020" ref="iron"/>
603  <fraction n="0.040" ref="aluminum"/>
604  </material>
606  <material formula="H2O" name="Water">
607  <D value="1.0" unit="g/cm3"/>
608  <fraction n="0.1119" ref="hydrogen"/>
609  <fraction n="0.8881" ref="oxygen"/>
610  </material>
612  <material formula="Ti" name="Titanium">
613  <D value="4.506" unit="g/cm3"/>
614  <fraction n="1." ref="titanium"/>
615  </material>
617  <material name="TPB" formula="TPB">
618  <D value="1.40" unit="g/cm3"/>
619  <fraction n="1.0000" ref="argon"/>
620  </material>
622  <material name="Glass">
623  <D value="2.74351" unit="g/cm3"/>
624  <fraction n="0.600" ref="SiO2"/>
625  <fraction n="0.118" ref="Al2O3"/>
626  <fraction n="0.001" ref="Fe2O3"/>
627  <fraction n="0.224" ref="CaO"/>
628  <fraction n="0.034" ref="MgO"/>
629  <fraction n="0.010" ref="Na2O"/>
630  <fraction n="0.013" ref="TiO2"/>
631  </material>
633  <material name="Acrylic">
634  <D value="1.19" unit="g/cm3"/>
635  <fraction n="0.600" ref="carbon"/>
636  <fraction n="0.320" ref="oxygen"/>
637  <fraction n="0.080" ref="hydrogen"/>
638  </material>
640 </materials>
641 EOF
642 }