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General utilities for metaprogramming

General utilities for use with templates and metaprogramming. More...


 Traits for containers
 Simple traits for container classes.Trait classes describing a type have a type member defined after that type. They are also available as template types, in the fashion of C++14.
 Simple utility traits
 Simple traits for the implementation of other traits.
 Determination of specific types
 Traits to identify specific types.
 Manipulation of types
 Traits to change types.
 Traits for art associations
 General utility traits
 Traits of general utility.
 Tag-related traits
 Traits for types with a tag.


file  ContainerMeta.h
 C++ metaprogramming utilities for dealing with containers.
file  MetaUtils.h
 Basic C++ metaprogramming utilities.

Detailed Description

General utilities for use with templates and metaprogramming.