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1 # iceberg5f_decode_reco.fcl
2 #
3 # This is 14 mV/fC, 2 us without calibrated ADCs.
4 # Same as 5c.
6 #include "iceberg5c_decode_reco.fcl"
7 services.RawDigitPrepService.ToolNames: [
8  @sequence::data.ib5_dataprep_seqs.calib_ped_noiserem
9  , "adcKeepAllSignalFinder" # Keep all signal (no ROIs)
10  , "adcScaleKeToAdc" # Scale samples to nominal ADC counts (Drop this to work at ke scale)
11  , "pdsp_RemoveBadChannels" # Set bad channels to 0 ADC (drop this to retain bad channels)
12 ]
14 tools.adcScaleKeToAdc.ScaleFactor: 126.58228