Go to the documentation of this file.
2 kalmantrajfit: {
3  module_type: KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter
4  inputs: {
5  inputTrajectoryLabel: @nil
6  isTrackTrajectory: true
7  inputMCLabel: mcreco
8  }
9  options: {
10  momFromLength: false
11  momFromMC: false
12  momentumInGeV: 1.0
13  idFromPF: false
14  idFromCollection: false
15  pdgId: 13
16  dirFromMC: false
17  dirFromVec: false
18  dirVec: [0,0,1]
19  alwaysInvertDir: false
20  produceTrackFitHitInfo: true
21  produceSpacePoints: true
22  keepInputTrajectoryPoints: false
23  }
24  fitter: {
25  useRMSError: true
26  sortHitsByPlane: true
27  sortOutputHitsMinLength: true
28  skipNegProp: true
29  cleanZigzag: false
30  rejectHighMultHits: true
31  rejectHitsNegativeGOF: true
32  hitErr2ScaleFact: 1.0
33  tryNoSkipWhenFails: true
34  dumpLevel: 0
35  }
36  propagator: {
37  minStep: 1.0
38  maxElossFrac: 0.1
39  maxNit: 10
40  tcut: 10.
41  wrongDirDistTolerance: 0.01
42  propPinvErr: false
43  }
44 }