Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #
2 # This file is an aid to generated the Languages rules file.
3 # usage:
4 # python > ..\winbuild\Languages.rules
5 #
6 import os
7 import re
9 files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.match(r'translator_[a-z][a-z]\.h', f)]
10 new_list = []
11 for f in files:
12  new_list.append([f,(os.path.splitext(f)[0]).replace("translator_","").upper()])
14 #
15 # generating file is
16 # the rules file has to output lang_cfg.h
17 #
18 print("""\
19 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
20 <VisualStudioToolFile
21  Name="languages"
22  Version="8.00"
23  >
24  <Rules>
25  <CustomBuildRule
26  Name="Languages"
27  DisplayName="Settings"
28  CommandLine="python $(InputPath) [AllOptions] [AdditionalOptions] &gt; $(InpDir)/$(InputName).h"
29  Outputs="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).h"
30  FileExtensions="*.py"
31  AdditionalDependencies=""
32  ExecutionDescription="Executing languages ..."
33  ShowOnlyRuleProperties="false"
34  >
35  <Properties>
36  <EnumProperty
37  Name="EnglishOnly"
38  DisplayName="Use English Only"
39  Description="Use English Only"
40  DefaultValue="0"
41  >
42  <Values>
43  <EnumValue
44  Value="0"
45  Switch=""
46  DisplayName="Don't use English Only"
47  />
48  <EnumValue
49  Value="1"
50  Switch="ENONLY"
51  DisplayName="Use English Only"
52  />
53  </Values>
54  </EnumProperty>
55 """)
56 #
57 # generate loop, English is mandatory (so cannot be chosen)
58 #
59 for f in new_list:
60  if (f[1] != "EN"):
61  # search for the language description
62  fil = open(f[0], 'r')
63  tmp = ""
64  for line in fil:
65  if "idLanguage" in line:
66  tmp = line
67  if "}" in line:
68  break
69  elif (tmp != ""):
70  tmp += line
71  if "}" in line:
72  break
74  tmp = tmp.replace("\n","")
75  l = re.sub('[^"]*"([^"]*)".*','\\1',tmp)
76  l1 = l.replace("-","")
77  # capatalize first letter
78  l = l.title()
79  print("""\
80  <EnumProperty
81  Name="%s"
82  DisplayName="Use %s"
83  Description="Use %s"
84  DefaultValue="1"
85  >
86  <Values>
87  <EnumValue
88  Value="0"
89  Switch=""
90  DisplayName="Don't use %s"
91  />
92  <EnumValue
93  Value="1"
94  Switch="%s"
95  DisplayName="Use %s"
96  />
97  </Values>
98  </EnumProperty>
99  """ % (l1, l, l, l, f[1], l))
101 print("""\
102  </Properties>
103  </CustomBuildRule>
104  </Rules>
105 </VisualStudioToolFile>
106 """)
int open(const char *, int)
Opens a file descriptor.