1 #include "larg4particlefilter.fcl"
5 dune35t_larg4particlefilter: @local::standard_larg4particlefilter
6 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.InterestingPDGs: [ 13, -13 ] # Specify the PDG of the particles you want to save. 0 means you don't care what the PDG is for a particular particle
7 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.ParticleMinMomentum: [ -1., -1. ] # Units are GeV. Negative value means ignore check
8 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.ParticleMaxMomentum: [ -1., -1. ] # Units are GeV. Negative value means ignore check
9 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.StartInTPC: [ 0 , 0 ] # 0: don't care if it starts in TPC or not, 1: particle must start in TPC, 2: particle must not start in TPC
10 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.StopInTPC: [ 1 , 1 ] # 0: don't care if it stops in TPC or not, 1: particle must stop in TPC, 2: particle must not stop in TPC
11 dune35t_larg4particlefilter.ParticleMinTPCLength: [ -1., -1. ] # Minimum particle trajectory length inside of the TPC. Units are cm. Negative value means ignore check