Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "geometry_dune.fcl"
5 #################################
6 # Services for refactored LArG4 #
7 #################################
9 # These appare to be common to all simulations, and the
10 # services which vary from job-to-job are listed
11 common_larg4_services:
12 {
13  DetectorHolder: {}
14  ActionHolder: {}
15  PhysicsListHolder: {}
16  MCTruthEventAction: {service_type: "MCTruthEventActionService"}
17  #ParticleListAction: needs to be defined
18  #PhysicsList: needs to be defined
19  #LArG4Detector: needs to be defined
20 }
22 ##
23 # PhysicsList configurations
24 ##
26 dune_physics_list_fastoptical:
27 {
28  PhysicsListName: "QGSP_BERT"
29  DumpList: true
30  enableNeutronLimit: false
31  NeutronTimeLimit: 0.0
32  NeutronKinELimit: 0.0
33  enableStepLimit: true
34  enableOptical: false
35  enableCerenkov: false
36  CerenkovStackPhotons: false
37  CerenkovMaxNumPhotons: 100
38  CerenkovMaxBetaChange: 10.0
39  enableScintillation: false
40  ScintillationStackPhotons: false
41  ScintillationByParticleType: false
42  ScintillationTrackInfo: false
43  ScintillationTrackSecondariesFirst: false
44  enableAbsorption: false
45  enableRayleigh: false
46  enableMieHG: false
47  enableBoundary: false
48  enableWLS: false
49  BoundaryInvokeSD: false
50  Verbosity: 1
51  WLSProfile: delta
52 }
54 dune_physics_list_fastoptical:
55 {
56  PhysicsListName: "QGSP_BERT"
57  DumpList: true
58  enableNeutronLimit: false
59  NeutronTimeLimit: 0.0
60  NeutronKinELimit: 0.0
61  enableStepLimit: true
62  enableOptical: false
63  enableCerenkov: false
64  CerenkovStackPhotons: false
65  CerenkovMaxNumPhotons: 100
66  CerenkovMaxBetaChange: 10.0
67  enableScintillation: false
68  ScintillationStackPhotons: false
69  ScintillationByParticleType: false
70  ScintillationTrackInfo: false
71  ScintillationTrackSecondariesFirst: false
72  enableAbsorption: false
73  enableRayleigh: false
74  enableMieHG: false
75  enableBoundary: false
76  enableWLS: false
77  BoundaryInvokeSD: false
78  Verbosity: 1
79  WLSProfile: delta
80 }
82 dune_physics_list_supernova: @local::dune_physics_list_fastoptical
83 dune_physics_list_supernova.PhysicsListName: "QGSP_BERT_HP_EMZ"
86 ##
87 # ParticleListAction configurations
88 ##
90 dune_particle_list_action:
91 {
92  service_type: "ParticleListActionService"
93  EnergyCut: 1e-5 # Kinetic Energy cut in [MeV]
94  keepEMShowerDaughters: true
95  storeTrajectories: true
96  keepGenTrajectories: ["generator"] # list of generator labels for which we want to store
97  # trajectory points. The protodune beam label is simply
98  # "generator"
99  keepOnlyPrimaryFullTrajectories : false # (defaults to false in larg4) If set to true, only
100  # the particles with MCTruth process == "primary" and
101  # their descendants will have the full set of trajetory
102  # points stored. Particles descending from primaries with
103  # MCTruth process != "primary" will not have a full set
104  # of trajectory points stored -- only their start and
105  # end points. This filter only applies to the generator
106  # labels listed in the keepGenTrajectories. E.g, for the
107  # beam generator, no "primaryBackground" particles or their
108  # descendants would have a full set of traj. points. if
109  # this is set to true.
110  SparsifyTrajectories: true # call SparsifyTrajectory() method on MCParticles with full trajectories
111  # being stored. This helps reduce memory usage in the root output stage
112  # if there are many trajectory points.
113  SparsifyMargin: 0.015 # required when SparsifyTrajectories is set to true
114  KeepTransportation: true # When sparsifying: forces steps with the 'Transportation' process to be saved
115  # --- Useful in protodune to keep the first step in the active volume
116  KeepSecondToLast: true # Sparsifying could cut out the penultimate step point, which holds the correct info
117  # of the end of the track (the final step is defined to have 0 kinetic energy)
118  # --- This forces that true penultimate point to be saved, thus preserving the info
119 }
122 supernova_particle_list_action: @local::dune_particle_list_action
123 supernova_particle_list_action.keepGenTrajectories: ["marley"]
126 ##
127 # LArG4Detector configurations
128 ##
130 protodune_larg4detector:
131 {
132  category : "world"
133  gdmlFileName_ : @local::protodune_refactored_geo.GDML
134  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volTPCActiveOuter"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
135  stepLimits : [0.3, 0.3] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
136 }
138 dune10kt_1x2x6_v4_larg4detector:
139 {
140  category : "world"
141  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dune10kt_1x2x6_v4_refactored_geo.GDML
142  volumeNames : ["volTPCActiveInner", "volTPCActiveOuter"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
143  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
144 }
146 dunevd10kt_1x6x6_larg4detector:
147 {
148  category : "world"
149  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x6x6_geo.GDML
150  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
151  stepLimits : [0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
152 }
154 dunevd10kt_1x6x6_3view_larg4detector:
155 {
156  category : "world"
157  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x6x6_3view_geo.GDML
158  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
159  stepLimits : [0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
160 }
162 dunevd10kt_1x6x6_3view_30deg_larg4detector:
163 {
164  category : "world"
165  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x6x6_3view_30deg_geo.GDML
166  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
167  stepLimits : [0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
168 }
170 dunevd10kt_1x8x14_3view_larg4detector:
171 {
172  category : "world"
173  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x14_3view_geo.GDML
174  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
175  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
176 }
178 dunevd10kt_1x8x14_3view_30deg_larg4detector:
179 {
180  category : "world"
181  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x14_3view_30deg_geo.GDML
182  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
183  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
184 }
186 dunevd10kt_1x8x14_2view_larg4detector:
187 {
188  category : "world"
189  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x14_2view_geo.GDML
190  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
191  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
192 }
194 dunevd10kt_1x8x14backup_3view_larg4detector:
195 {
196  category : "world"
197  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x14backup_3view_geo.GDML
198  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
199  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
200 }
202 dunevd10kt_1x8x6_3view_larg4detector:
203 {
204  category : "world"
205  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x6_3view_geo.GDML
206  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
207  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
208 }
210 dunevd10kt_1x8x6_3view_30deg_larg4detector:
211 {
212  category : "world"
213  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x6_3view_30deg_geo.GDML
214  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
215  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
216 }
218 dunevd10kt_1x8x6_2view_larg4detector:
219 {
220  category : "world"
221  gdmlFileName_ : @local::dunevd10kt_1x8x6_2view_geo.GDML
222  volumeNames : ["volTPCActive", "volExternalActive"] # list of volumes for which the stepLimit should be set
223  stepLimits : [0.4, 0.4] # corresponding stepLimits in mm for the volumes in the volumeNames list
224 }