Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "singles_dune.fcl"
3 #include "corsika_protodune.fcl"
4 #include "protodunebeam.fcl"
6 process_name: SinglesGen
8 services:
9 {
10  # Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
11  TFileService: { fileName: "gensingle_protoDUNE_hist.root" }
12  TimeTracker: {}
13  RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
14  FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
15  @table::protodune_simulation_services
16 }
18 #Start each new event with an empty event.
19 source:
20 {
21  module_type: EmptyEvent
22  timestampPlugin: { plugin_type: "GeneratedEventTimestamp" }
23  maxEvents: 1000000
24  firstRun: 1 # Run number to use for this file
25  firstEvent: 1 # number of first event in the file
26 }
28 # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event.
29 # First modules are defined; they are scheduled later.
30 # Modules are grouped by type.
31 physics:
32 {
34  producers:
35  {
36  generator: @local::protodune_beam
37  cosmicgenerator: @local::protodune_corsika_cmc
38  rns: { module_type: "RandomNumberSaver" }
39  }
42  #define the producer and filter modules for this path, order matters,
43  #filters reject all following items. see lines starting physics.producers below
44  simulate: [ rns, generator, cosmicgenerator ]
46  #define the output stream, there could be more than one if using filters
47  stream1: [ out1 ]
49  #trigger_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that modify the art::event,
50  #ie filters and producers
51  trigger_paths: [simulate]
53  #end_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that do not modify the art::Event,
54  #ie analyzers and output streams. these all run simultaneously
55  end_paths: [stream1]
56 }
58 #block to define where the output goes. if you defined a filter in the physics
59 #block and put it in the trigger_paths then you need to put a SelectEvents: {SelectEvents: [XXX]}
60 #entry in the output stream you want those to go to, where XXX is the label of the filter module(s)
61 outputs:
62 {
63  out1:
64  {
65  module_type: RootOutput
66  fileName: "gensingle_protoDUNE.root" #default file name, can override from command line with -o or --output
67  dataTier: "generated"
68  compressionLevel: 1
69  }
70 }
72 #Set generator parameters
73 #Corresponds to beam window at center of left TPC
75 # Specific to the GEANT H4 Beam simulation by Nikos and paths at CERN
76 physics.producers.generator.GoodParticleTreeName: "NTuples/GoodParticle"
77 #physics.producers.generator.AllParticlesTreeName: "Detector/NP04front"
78 physics.producers.generator.AllParticlesTreeName: "Detector/NP04front" # Background particles should fire from here
79 physics.producers.generator.StartEvent: 0
80 # Set the beam position and direction to fire the particles in the desired way
81 #physics.producers.generator.BeamX: 7.966 # In cm, taken from protoDUNE_gensingle.fcl
82 physics.producers.generator.BeamX: 5.55 # In cm, based on studies of the beam pipe position
83 physics.producers.generator.BeamY: 460.84
84 physics.producers.generator.BeamZ: -191.60
85 # Specific rotations for the good particles
86 physics.producers.generator.RotateXZ: 0.0
87 physics.producers.generator.RotateYZ: 0.0
88 # Rotations for the final beam monitors and background particles
89 physics.producers.generator.RotateMonitorsXZ: -10.3 # [Degrees]
90 physics.producers.generator.RotateMonitorsYZ: 11.7 # [Degrees]
92 # Overlay info
93 physics.producers.generator.ReadoutWindow: 4.0
95 # We will set intensity and file name in the specific .fcl files for each momentum bin.