1 #include "opticaldetectormodules.fcl"
2 #include "sspmodules.fcl"
6 dunefd_opdigi_unganged:
8 module_type: "OpDetDigitizerDUNE"
9 InputModules: ["largeant"] # Module that created simphotons
11 # Assume 25 V bias with Sensl C-series SiPMs
12 # Gain at this voltage is 4e6 -- that this corresponds to
13 # the MaxAmplitude and VoltageToADC below has not been confirmed.
15 VoltageToADC: 151.5 # Converting mV to ADC counts (counts in 1 mV)
16 LineNoiseRMS: 2.6 # Pedestal RMS in ADC counts, likely an underestimate
17 DarkNoiseRate: 10.0 # In Hz, Ranges 2-50 depending on Vbias
18 CrossTalk: 0.20 # Probability of producing 2 PE for 1 incident photon
19 # Afterpulsing: 0.006 # Afterpulsing is not yet simulated
20 Pedestal: 1500 # in ADC counts
21 DefaultSimWindow: true # Use -1*drift window as the start time and
22 # the TPC readout window end time as the end time
23 FullWaveformOutput: false # Output full waveform. Be careful with this option:
24 # setting it to "true" can result in large output files
25 TimeBegin: 0 # In us (not used if DefaultSimWindow is set to true)
26 TimeEnd: 1600 # In us (not used if DefaultSimWindow is set to true)
27 PreTrigger: 100 # In ticks
28 ReadoutWindow: 1000 # In ticks
29 algo_threshold: @local::standard_algo_sspleadingedge
31 Padding: 100 # In ticks
38 SSP_LED_DigiTree: false #To create a SSP LED trigger Ttree
40 # readout window in optical ticks
41 # buffer before waveform
42 # see SSP manual, dune-doc-9928, p. 58
46 # ReadoutPretrigger: 100
50 # ReadoutPretrigger: 100
52 # SaturationScale: 16383 # 2^14 - 1, based on SSP Data
55 dunefd_opdigi_threegang: @local::dunefd_opdigi_unganged
56 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.PulseLength: 5.2
57 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.PeakTime: 0.028
58 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.MaxAmplitude: 0.0594 # * VoltageToADC = 9 ADC/PE
59 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.FrontTime: 0.013
60 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.BackTime: 0.386
61 dunefd_opdigi_threegang.algo_threshold.ADCThreshold: 15.000 # "2 PE" threshold = 1.7 PE
63 dunefd_opdigi_threegang_refactor: @local::dunefd_opdigi_threegang
64 dunefd_opdigi_threegang_refactor.InputModules: ["PDFastSim"]
66 dunefd_opdigi: @local::dunefd_opdigi_threegang
70 protodune_opdigi: @local::dunefd_opdigi_threegang
71 protodune_opdigi.algo_threshold: @local::standard_algo_sspleadingedge
73 protodune_opdigi_refactor: @local::protodune_opdigi
74 protodune_opdigi_refactor.InputModules: ["PDFastSim"]
76 #New protodune-sp digitizer
77 protodune_opdigitizer:
79 module_type: "OpDetDigitizerProtoDUNE"
80 InputModules: ["largeant"] # Module that created simphotons
82 # Assume 25 V bias with Sensl C-series SiPMs
83 # Gain at this voltage is 4e6 -- that this corresponds to
84 # the MaxAmplitude and VoltageToADC below has not been confirmed.
86 VoltageToADC: 151.5 # Converting mV to ADC counts (counts in 1 mV)
87 LineNoiseRMS: 2.6 # Pedestal RMS in ADC counts, likely an underestimate
88 DarkNoiseRate: 10.0 # In Hz, Ranges 2-50 depending on Vbias
89 CrossTalk: 0.20 # Probability of producing 2 PE for 1 incident photon
90 # Afterpulsing: 0.006 # Afterpulsing is not yet simulated
91 Pedestal: 1500 # in ADC counts
92 DefaultSimWindow: true # Use -1*drift window as the start time and
93 # the TPC readout window end time as the end time
94 FullWaveformOutput: false # Output full waveform. Be careful with this option:
95 # setting it to "true" can result in large output files
96 TimeBegin: 0 # In us (not used if DefaultSimWindow is set to true)
97 TimeEnd: 1600 # In us (not used if DefaultSimWindow is set to true)
98 PreTrigger: 100 # In ticks
99 ReadoutWindow: 1000 # In ticks
100 algo_threshold: @local::standard_algo_sspleadingedge
101 Padding: 100 # In ticks
104 MaxAmplitude: 0.0594 # * VoltageToADC = 9 ADC/PE
107 SSP_LED_DigiTree: false # To create a SSP LED trigger Ttree
110 protodune_opdigitizer.algo_threshold.ADCThreshold: 15.000 # "2 PE" threshold = 1.7 PE
111 protodune_opdigitizer_refactor: @local::protodune_opdigitizer
112 protodune_opdigitizer_refactor.InputModules: ["PDFastSim"]
115 dunefd_simphotoncounter:
117 module_type: "SimPhotonCounter"
119 InputModule: "largeant"
120 MakeAllPhotonsTree: true
121 MakeDetectedPhotonsTree: true
123 MakeOpDetEventsTree: true
126 dunefd_tracktimeassoc: @local::standard_tracktimeassoc
127 dunefd_ophit_single: @local::standard_ophit
128 dunefd_ophit_single.InputModule: "opdigi"
129 dunefd_ophit_single.HitAlgoPset: @local::standard_algo_sipm
130 dunefd_ophit_single.AreaToPE: true
131 dunefd_ophit_single.SPEArea: 1106
132 dunefd_ophit_single.SPEShift: 0.304
134 dunefd_ophit_threegang: @local::dunefd_ophit_single
135 dunefd_ophit_threegang.SPEArea: 264
136 dunefd_ophit_threegang.SPEShift: 0.430
137 dunefd_ophit_threegang.HitAlgoPset.ADCThreshold: 6
139 dunefd_ophit: @local::dunefd_ophit_threegang
141 dunefd_opflash: @local::standard_opflash
142 dunefd_opflash.FlashThreshold: 3.5
145 # These calib values would be for MC only
146 protodune_ophit: @local::dunefd_ophit
147 protodune_ophit.SPEArea: 410
148 protodune_ophit.SPESize: 0.451
149 protodune_opflash: @local::dunefd_opflash
151 # For real data set the input module and label
152 # Use the PD Calibrator service for calibration
153 # instead of above values.
154 protodune_ophit_data_unsplit: @local::protodune_ophit
155 protodune_ophit_data_unsplit.InputModule: ssprawdecoder
156 protodune_ophit_data_unsplit.InputLabels: [ "daq" ]
157 protodune_ophit_data_unsplit.UseCalibrator: true
158 protodune_ophit_data_unsplit.HitAlgoPset.ADCThreshold: 10
160 # Make variants for internal/external split waveforms
161 protodune_ophit_data_internal: @local::protodune_ophit_data_unsplit
162 protodune_ophit_data_external: @local::protodune_ophit_data_unsplit
163 protodune_ophit_data_both: @local::protodune_ophit_data_unsplit
164 protodune_ophit_data_internal.InputLabels: [ "internal" ]
165 protodune_ophit_data_external.InputLabels: [ "external" ]
166 protodune_ophit_data_both.InputLabels: [ "internal", "external" ]
168 protodune_opflash_data_internal: @local::protodune_opflash
169 protodune_opflash_data_internal.InputModule: "ophitInternal"
170 protodune_opflash_data_external: @local::protodune_opflash
171 protodune_opflash_data_external.InputModule: "ophitExternal"
176 module_type: "OpDetDigiAnaDUNE"
177 InputModule: "opdigi" # Module that created raw::OpDetWaveforms
179 SSP_LED_AnaTree: false
181 dunefd_opflashana: @local::standard_opflashana
182 dunefd_opflashana.MakePerEventFlashTree: true
185 dunefd_averagewaveform:
187 module_type: "AverageWaveform"
188 InputModule: "opdigi" # Module that created raw::OpDetWaveforms
192 dunefd_calibrationanalysis:
194 module_type: "CalibrationAnalysis"
195 InputModule: "opdigi" # Module that created raw::OpDetWaveforms
196 OpHitModule: "ophit" # Module that created recob::OpHits
200 dune35t_simphotoncounter: @local::standard_simphotoncounter
202 dune35t_opdigi: @local::dunefd_opdigi
203 dune35t_tracktimeassoc: @local::standard_tracktimeassoc
205 dune35t_ophit: @local::dunefd_ophit
206 dune35t_opflash: @local::dunefd_opflash
208 dune35t_ophit_data: @local::dune35t_ophit
209 dune35t_ophit_data.InputModule: ssptooffline
210 dune35t_ophit_data.InputLabels: [ "offlinePhoton" ]
211 dune35t_opflash_data: @local::dune35t_opflash
213 dune35t_ophit_splitdata: @local::dune35t_ophit
214 dune35t_ophit_splitdata.InputModule: SplitterInput
215 dune35t_ophit_splitdata.InputLabels: [ "PHOTON" ]
216 dune35t_opflash_splitdata: @local::dune35t_opflash
218 dune35t_opdigiana: @local::dunefd_opdigiana
219 dune35t_opflashana: @local::standard_opflashana
220 dune35t_opdigiana.MakeUnipolarHist: false
222 dune35t_opdigiana_data: @local::dune35t_opdigiana
223 dune35t_opdigiana_data.InputModule: ssptooffline
224 dune35t_opdigiana_data.InstanceName: offlinePhoton
226 dune35t_opdigiana_splitdata: @local::dune35t_opdigiana
227 dune35t_opdigiana_splitdata.InputModule: SplitterInput
228 dune35t_opdigiana_splitdata.InstanceName: PHOTON
231 dune35t_averagewaveform: @local::dunefd_averagewaveform
232 dune35t_averagewaveform_data: @local::dune35t_averagewaveform
233 dune35t_averagewaveform_data.InputModule: ssptooffline
234 dune35t_averagewaveform_data.InstanceName: offlinePhoton
236 dune35t_averagewaveform_splitdata: @local::dune35t_averagewaveform
237 dune35t_averagewaveform_splitdata.InputModule: SplitterInput
238 dune35t_averagewaveform_splitdata.InstanceName: Photon
240 dune35t_calibrationanalysis: @local::dunefd_calibrationanalysis
241 dune35t_calibrationanalysis_data: @local::dune35t_calibrationanalysis
242 dune35t_calibrationanalysis_data.InputModule: ssptooffline
243 dune35t_calibrationanalysis_data.OpHitModule: ophit
244 dune35t_calibrationanalysis_data.InstanceName: offlinePhoton
248 dunedphase3x1x1_opdigi:
250 module_type: "OpDetDigitizerDUNEDP"
251 # InputModule: ["largeant","photPropS2"] # Module that created simphotons - Use this when simulating S2 light
252 InputModule: ["largeant"] # Module that created simphotons
253 VoltageToADC: 2.048 # Converting mV to ADC counts (counts in 1 mV)
254 LineNoiseRMS: 0.8 # Pedestal RMS in ADC counts, likely an underestimate
255 CrossTalk: 0#0.20 # Probability of producing 2 PE for 1 incident photon
256 Pedestal: 100 # in ADC counts
257 Gain: 4.1 # in ADC counts
258 DefaultSimWindow: false # Use -1*drift window as the start time and
259 # the TPC readout window end time as the end time
260 FullWaveformOutput: true # Output full waveform. Be careful with this option:
261 # setting it to "true" can result in large output files
262 NegativeSignal: false
263 PreTrigger: 0 # In ticks This must be zero, otherwise we won't find hits in the pretrigger.
264 ReadoutWindow: 25e4 # In ticks
265 algo_threshold: @local::standard_algo_sspleadingedge
267 Padding: 4000 # In ticks
268 SSP_LED_DigiTree: false #To create a SSP LED trigger Ttree
271 dunedphase3x1x1_opdigiana: @local::dunefd_opdigiana
273 protodunedphase_opdigi: @local::dunedphase3x1x1_opdigi
274 protodunedphase_opdigi.FullWaveformOutput: false
275 protodunedphase_opdigi.Gain: 10.25 # in ADC counts x ticks
276 protodunedphase_opdigi.DefaultSimWindow: false
277 protodunedphase_opdigi.PreTrigger: 0
278 protodunedphase_opdigi.ReadoutWindow: 5e5
279 protodunedphase_opdigi.Padding: 4000
280 protodunedphase_opdigi.CustomQEperOpDet: true
281 protodunedphase_opdigi.QEVector:
282 [0.036,0.036,0.120,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,
283 0.120,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.120,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,
284 0.036,0.120,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.120,0.036,0.036,0.036,
285 0.036,0.036,0.036,0.036,0.120,0.036]
286 protodunedphase_opdigi.algo_threshold: #algorith used to split the waveforms when FullWaveformOutput: false
296 protodunedphase_opdigiana: @local::dunefd_opdigiana
298 dunefddphase_opdigi: @local::dunedphase3x1x1_opdigi
299 dunefddphase_opdigi.FullWaveformOutput: false
300 dunefddphase_opdigi.Gain: 41 # in ADC counts x ticks
301 dunefddphase_opdigi.DefaultSimWindow: true
302 dunefddphase_opdigi.PreTrigger: 0
303 dunefddphase_opdigi.Padding: 4000
304 dunefddphase_opdigi.algo_threshold: #algorith used to split the waveforms when FullWaveformOutput: false
314 dunefddphase_opdigiana: @local::dunefd_opdigiana