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1 #include "trackfinderalgorithms.fcl"
2 #include "pandorashoweralgs.fcl"
3 #include "calorimetry.fcl"
5 #There are more tools on DomBarker_ShowerBranch
9 showerbasetools:{
10  LArPandoraShowerAlg: @local::standard_larpandorashoweralg
11  EnableEventDisplay: false
12 }
14 showerpcadirection:{
15  tool_type: ShowerPCADirection
16  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
17  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
18  NSegments: 6 #If using the RMS gradient to decide what direction to go in
19  #this is the number of segements to split the shower into.
20  UseStartPosition: true #The direction of the PCA is in the direction of
21  #(Shower Center - Start Position)
22  ChargeWeighted: false #Apply a charge weighting in the PCA.
23  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
24  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
25  ShowerCentreOutputLabel: "ShowerCentre"
26  ShowerPCAOutputLabel: "ShowerPCA"
27 }
29 showerlinearenergy:{
30  tool_type: ShowerLinearEnergy
31  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
32  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
33  # Overwrite the Gradients and Intercepts in you experiemnt repository
34  Gradients: [] #Gradient of the linear graph of the total charge to total
35  #energy, in the Plane0 plane. in MeV/ADC.
36  Intercepts: [] #Intercept of the linear graph of the total charge to total
37  ShowerEnergyOutputLabel: "ShowerEnergy"
38  ShowerBestPlaneOutputLabel: "ShowerBestPlane"
39 }
41 showernumelectronsenergy:{
42  tool_type: ShowerNumElectronsEnergy
43  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
44  CalorimetryAlg: @nil
45  RecombinationFactor: 0.64
46  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
47  ShowerEnergyOutputLabel: "ShowerEnergy"
48  ShowerBestPlaneOutputLabel: "ShowerBestPlane"
49  }
52 shower2Dlinearregressiontrackhitfinder:{
53  tool_type: Shower2DLinearRegressionTrackHitFinder
54  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
55  Nfitpass: 4 #Number of time to fit the straight line
56  #to the hits
57  Nfithits: [83, 50, 33, 33] #Max Number of hits to fit to
58  Toler: [50., 8.3, 3.3, 3.3 ] #Tolerance or each interaction. Defined
59  #as the perpendicualar distance from
60  #the best fit line.
61  ApplyChargeWeight: true #Apply charge weighting to the fit.
62  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
63  HitsModuleLabel: "linecluster"
64  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
65  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
66  InitialTrackHitsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
67  InitialTrackSpacePointsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
69  }
72 showerpandoraslidingfittrackfinder:{
73  tool_type: ShowerPandoraSlidingFitTrackFinder
74  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
75  SlidingFitHalfWindow: 12 #Fill definition
76  MinTrajectoryPoints: 2 #Max number of trajectory points
77  #required to say the fit as good
78  InitialTrackLengthOutputLabel: "InitialTrackLength"
79  InitialTrackOutputLabel: "InitialTrack"
80  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
81  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
82  InitialTrackSpacePointsInputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
83  InitialTrackHitsInputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
84 }
87 shower3dcylindertrackhitfinder:{
88  tool_type: Shower3DCylinderTrackHitFinder
89  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
91  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
92  MaxProjectionDist: 10 #Max distance a hit can be in the direction of
93  #the shower in cm
94  MaxPerpendicularDist: 1 #Max distance a hit can be in the perpendicular
95  #direction of the shower in cm
96  ForwardHitsOnly: true #Don't use hits behind the vertex.
97  DebugEVD: false
98  #MaxProjectionDist
99  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
100  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
101  InitialTrackHitsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
102  InitialTrackSpacePointsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
103 }
105 showerpfpvertexstartposition:{
106  tool_type: ShowerPFPVertexStartPosition
107  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
108  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
109  ShowerStartPositionOutputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
110  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
111 }
113 showerunidirectiondedx:{
114  tool_type: ShowerUnidirectiondEdx
115  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
117  CalorimetryAlg: @nil
118  MaxHitPlane: true #Set the best planes as the one with the most hits
119  MissFirstPoint: true #Do not use any hits from the first wire
120  dEdxTrackLength: 3 #Max length from a hit can be to the start point in cm.
121  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
122  InitialTrackHitsInputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
123  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
124  ShowerdEdxOutputLabel: "ShowerdEdx"
125  ShowerBestPlaneOutputLabel: "ShowerBestPlane"
126 }
128 showertrackhitdirection:{
129  tool_type: ShowerTrackHitDirection
130  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
131  UsePandoraVertex: true #Direction from point defined as
132  #(Position of Hit - Vertex) rather than
133  #(Position of Hit - Track Start Point).
134  HitModuleLabel: "linecluster"
135  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
136  InitialTrackHitsInputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
137  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
138  InitialTrackInputLabel: "InitialTrack"
139  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
140 }
142 showertrackspacepointdirection:{
143  tool_type: ShowerTrackSpacePointDirection
144  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
145  UsePandoraVertex: true #Direction from point defined as
146  #(Position of SP - Vertex) rather than
147  #(Position of SP - Track Start Point).
148  InitialTrackSpacePointsInputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
149  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
150  InitialTrackInputLabel: "InitialTrack"
151  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
152 }
154 showertrackdirection:{
155  tool_type: ShowerTrackDirection
156  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
157  UsePandoraVertex: true #Direction from point defined as
158  #(Position of traj point - Vertex) rather than
159  #(Position of traj point - Track Start Point).
160  UsePositionInfo: true #Don't use the directionAt point rather than definition above.
161  #i.e. ((Position of traj point + 1) - (Position of traj point)
162  DebugEVD: false
163 }
165 showertracktrajpointdirection: {
166  tool_type: ShowerTrackTrajPointDirection
167  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
169  TrajPoint: 1 #Trajectory point to get the direction from.
170  UsePandoraVertex: false #Direction from point defined as
171  #(Position of traj point - Vertex) rather than
172  #(Position of traj point - Track Start Point).
173  UsePositonInfo: false #Don't use the directionAt point rather than definition above.
174  #i.e. ((Position of traj point + 1) - (Position of traj point)
175  InitialTrackInputLabel: "InitialTrack"
176  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
177  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
178  }
180 showertrackcolineartrajpointdirection: {
181  tool_type: ShowerTrackColinearTrajPointDirection
182  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
183  UsePandoraVertex: false #Direction from point defined as
184  #(Position of traj point - Vertex) rather than
185  #(Position of traj point - Track Start Point).
186  AllowDynamicSliding: true #Rather than evualte the angle from the start use
187  #the previous trajectory point position.
188  UsePositionInfo: false #Don't use the DirectionAtPoint rather than
189  #definition above.
190  #((Position of traj point + 1) - (Position of traj point)
191  UseStartPos: false #Rather the using the angles between the directions
192  #from start position to the trajectory points
193  #use the angle between the the points themselves
194  AngleCut: 0.37 #Angle between the directions has to be less than
195  #this value in radians
196  InitialTrackInputLabel: "InitialTrack"
197  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
198  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
199 }
201 showertrackpcadirection:{
202  tool_type: ShowerTrackPCADirection
203  DebugEVD: false
204  ChargeWeighted: true #Should the PCA be charge weighted.
205  MinPCAPoints: 10 #Number of spacepoints needed to the anlaysis.
206  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
207  HitModuleLabel: "linecluster"
208  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
209  CalorimetryAlg: @nil
210  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
211  InitialTrackSpacePointsInputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
212  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
213 }
215 showerstartpositioncheater:{
216  tool_type: ShowerStartPositionCheater
217  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
218  LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg: @local::standard_larpandorashowercheatingalg
219  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
220  HitModuleLabel: "linecluster"
221  ShowerStartPositionOutputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
222  TrueParticleOutputLabel: "TrueParticle"
223 }
225 showerdirectioncheater:{
226  tool_type: ShowerDirectionCheater
227  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
228  LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg: @local::standard_larpandorashowercheatingalg
229  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
230  NSegments: 6 #Number of segements the shower should be split into
231  #for the RMS analysis
232  RMSFlip: false #Decide to flip the direction on the RMS info
233  VertexFlip: false #Decide to flip the direction based on the vertex
234  #position relative shower center.
235  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
236  TrueParticleInputLabel: "TrueParticle"
237  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
238 }
240 showertrackfindercheater:{
241  tool_type: ShowerTrackFinderCheater
242  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
243  LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg: @local::standard_larpandorashowercheatingalg
244  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
245  HitModuleLabel: "linecluster"
246  MaxProjectionDist: 10
247  MaxPerpendicularDist: 1
248  DebugEVD: false
249  TrueParticleIntputLabel: "TrueParticle"
250  ShowerStartPositionInputTag: "ShowerStartPosition"
251  ShowerDirectionInputTag: "ShowerDirection"
252  InitialTrackHitsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
253  InitialTrackSpacePointsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
254 }
256 showertracktrajtospacepoint:{
257  tool_type: ShowerTrackTrajToSpacePoint
258  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
259  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
260  MaxDist: 1 #Max Distance a trajectory point can be away
261  #from a spacepoint in cm.
262  InitialTrackSpacePointsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
263  InitialTrackHitsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
264  InitialTrackInputTag: "InitialTrack"
265  ShowerStartPositionInputTag: "ShowerStartPosition"
266  InitialTrackSpacePointsInputTag: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
267 }
269 showertrajpointdedx:{
270  tool_type: ShowerTrajPointdEdx
271  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
272  CalorimetryAlg: @nil
273  MinDistCutOff: 2 #Distance in wires a hit has to be from the start
274  #position of the track to be used
275  MaxDist: 2 #Distance in wires a that a trajectory point can
276  #be from a spacepoint to match to it.
277  MinAngleToWire: 0 #Minimum angle between the wire direction and the shower
278  #direction for the spacepoint to be used. in radians
279  #Default means the cut has no effect.
280  ShapingTime: 999 #Defualt means the cut has no effect. in microseconds.
281  dEdxTrackLength: 3 #Max Distance a spacepoint can be away
282  #from the start of the track. in seconds
283  dEdxCut: 999.
284  CutStartPosition: false #Remove hits using MinDistCutOff from the vertex as well
285  UseMedian: true #Use the median dEdx rather the mean.
286  T0Correct: false
287  SCECorrectPitch: false
288  SCECorrectEField: false
289  SCEInputCorrected: false
290  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
291  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
292  InitialTrackSpacePointsInputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
293  InitialTrackInputLabel: "InitialTrack"
294  ShowerdEdxOutputLabel: "ShowerdEdx"
295  ShowerBestPlaneOutputLabel: "ShowerBestPlane"
296  ShowerdEdxVecOutputLabel: "ShowerdEdxVec"
297 }
299 showerincrementaltrackhitfinder:{
300  tool_type: ShowerIncrementalTrackHitFinder
301  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
302  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
303  UseShowerDirection: true
304  ForwardHitsOnly: true
305  MaxResidualDiff: 0.3
306  MaxAverageResidual: 0.5
307  TrackMaxAdjacentSPDistance: 3.8160404930371678
308  StartFitSize: 12
309  NMissPoints: 10
310  ChargeWeighted: false
311  MakeTrackSeed: true
312  StartDistanceCut: 0
313  DistanceCut: 999
314  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
315  InitialTrackHitsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackHits"
316  InitialTrackSpacePointsOutputLabel: "InitialTrackSpacePoints"
317  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
318 }
320 showerpcapropergationstartposition:{
321  tool_type: ShowerPCAPropergationStartPosition
322  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
323  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
324  ShowerStartPositionOutputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
325  ShowerCentreInputLabel: "ShowerCentre"
326  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
327  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
328 }
330 showerbayesiantrucatingdedx:{
331  tool_type: ShowerBayesianTrucatingdEdx
332  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
333  dEdxInputLabel: "ShowerdEdxVec"
334  NumSeedHits: 3
335  ProbSeedCut: 0.01
336  ProbPointCut: 0.01
337  PostiorCut: 0.01
338  nSkipHits: 2
339  ShowerdEdxOutputLabel: "ShowerdEdx"
340  PriorFname: @nil
341  PriorElectronHistoName: "electron_dedx"
342  PriorPhotonHistoName: "photon_dedx"
343  DefineBestPlane: false
344  ShowerBestPlaneOutputLabel: "ShowerBestPlane"
345 }
347 showerlengthpercentile:{
348  tool_type: ShowerLengthPercentile
349  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
350  Percentile: 0.9
351  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
352  ShowerStartPositionInputLabel: "ShowerStartPosition"
353  ShowerDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
354  ShowerLengthOutputLabel: "ShowerLength"
355  ShowerOpeningAngleOutputLabel: "ShowerOpeningAngle"
356 }
358 showerpcaeigenvaluelength:{
359  tool_type: ShowerPCAEigenvalueLength
360  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
362  # PFParticleLabel: "pandora"
363  ShowerPCAInputLabel: "ShowerPCA"
364  ShowerLengthOutputLabel: "ShowerLength"
365  ShowerOpeningAngleOutputLabel: "ShowerOpeningAngle"
366  NSigma: 3
367 }
370 showerdirectiontopologydecision:{
371  tool_type: ShowerDirectionTopologyDecision
372  BaseTools: @local::showerbasetools
373  AngleCut: 0.17
374  FirstDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirectionFirst"
375  SecondDirectionInputLabel: "ShowerDirectionSecond"
376  ShowerDirectionOutputLabel: "ShowerDirection"
377 }