5 tool_type: "PDSPTPCDataInterface"
7 APA1InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC001", "daq:ContainerTPC001", "daq:FELIX001", "daq:ContainerFELIX001", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
8 APA2InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC002", "daq:ContainerTPC002", "daq:FELIX002", "daq:ContainerFELIX002", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
9 APA3InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC003", "daq:ContainerTPC003", "daq:FELIX003", "daq:ContainerFELIX003", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
10 APA4InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC004", "daq:ContainerTPC004", "daq:FELIX004", "daq:ContainerFELIX004", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
11 APA5InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC005", "daq:ContainerTPC005", "daq:FELIX005", "daq:ContainerFELIX005", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
12 APA6InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC006", "daq:ContainerTPC006", "daq:FELIX006", "daq:ContainerFELIX006", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ]
13 APA7InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC007", "daq:ContainerTPC007", "daq:FELIX007", "daq:ContainerFELIX007", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX",
14 "daq:TPC000", "daq:ContainerTPC000", "daq:FELIX000", "daq:ContainerFELIX000" ]
15 APA8InputLabels: [ "daq:TPC008", "daq:ContainerTPC008", "daq:FELIX008", "daq:ContainerFELIX008", "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX",
16 "daq:TPC000", "daq:ContainerTPC000", "daq:FELIX000", "daq:ContainerFELIX000" ]
18 MISCAPAInputLabels: [ "daq:TPC", "daq:ContainerTPC", "daq:FELIX", "daq:ContainerFELIX" ] # use for example for coldbox-test data
20 DefaultCrateIfUnexpected: 3 # Use for coldbox data -- unexpected means not in the range 1-6.
22 MinOfflineChannel: -1 # Use to limit range of channels. <0: no limit
23 MaxOfflineChannel: -1 # Use to limit range of channels. <0: no limit. < MinOfflineChannel: no limit
25 RCEDropSmallFrags: true
26 RCESmallFragSize: 500000
27 RCEDropFragsWithBadSF: true # skip fragments with invalid slot and fiber numbers
28 RCEDropFragsWithBadC: true # skip fragments with invalid crate numbers
30 RCESaveFragsToFiles: false
31 RCECheckBufferSize: true
32 RCEBufferSizeCheckLimit: 10000000
33 RCEFIX110: true # shift waveforms for ASIC 3 on FEMB 110
34 RCEFIX110NTICKS: 18 # number of ticks to shift waveforms on FEMB 110 ASIC 3
36 FELIXDropFragsWithBadSF: true
37 FELIXDropFragsWithBadC: true
39 FELIXDropSmallFrags: true
40 FELIXSmallFragSize: 10000
41 FELIXCheckBufferSize: true
42 FELIXBufferSizeCheckLimit: 10000000
44 # enforcement flags. If these are set to true and the data completeness
45 # conditions are not met, then an emtpy collection of raw::RawDigits is
48 # requires that we don't see the same channel twice in in an event
50 EnforceNoDuplicateChannels: true
52 # requires that all channels have the same number of ticks (on each event separately)
54 EnforceSameTickCount: false
56 # requires that all channels have the specified number of ticks
58 EnforceFullTickCount: false
61 # requires that no errors are reported by the unpacker (checksum or capture errors)
63 EnforceErrorFree: false