1 #include "calorimetry.fcl"
9 CalorimetryAlg: @local::standard_calorimetryalgmc
10 CalWireModuleLabel: "caldata"
11 HitModuleLabel: "dprawhit"
12 ClusterModuleLabel: "trajcluster"
13 TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrack"
14 TotalGain: 5 #total Gain of the run
15 EnergyCut: 10 #cut on the value Energy/(Average mip * 350cm)
16 Length: 60 #minimal Length to define a crossing mip (in cm)
17 StitchAngle: 30 #Maximal stitching angle between two tracks
18 StitchDistance: 5 #Maximal stitching distance between two tracks
19 VolCut: [10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 ] #Volume cut for mips going through the TPC in cm [minx, maxx, miny, maxy , minz, maxz]
20 NumOfBins: 10 #Num of bins for the purity analysis
21 ADCtoCharge: 0.15 #Conversion between ADC to Charge
22 MinDx: 0.1 #Min distance gathering the dx of the single hits
28 CalorimetryAlg: @local::standard_calorimetryalgmc
29 HitModuleLabel: "dprawhit"
30 TrackModuleLabel: "trajcluster"