1 #include "PionCrossSectionAnalyzer.fcl"
2 #include "services_dune.fcl"
3 #include "ProtoDUNETruthBeamFilter.fcl"
6 process_name: PionCrossSectionAna
10 # Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
11 TFileService: { fileName: "pionxsec.root" }
14 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
15 message: @local::dune_message_services_prod_debug
16 FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
17 @table::protodune_services
18 PdspChannelMapService: @local::pdspchannelmap
19 ChannelStatusService: @local::pdsp_channel_status
21 services.message.destinations.LogStandardOut.threshold: "INFO"
25 module_type: RootInput
27 fileNames: ["input_file.root"]
34 # module_type: RootOutput
35 # fileName: "Beam.root" #default file name, can override from command line with -o or --output
36 # dataTier: "reconstructed"
49 # f1: @local::beam_filter
56 pionana: @local::pionanalysis
69 #physics.analyzers.pionana.SelectEvents: []
70 #physics.filters.f1.PDG: [211]
71 #physics.filters.f1.IsVerbose: true