3 # separate fcl since there is no other place for vertex algorithm configurations yet
4 # please, feel free to move this configuration to a common place when there is such
8 MinTrackLength: 3.0 # min. length of tracks used to find vtx candidates (short tracks attached later)
9 FindKinks: false # detect significant kinks on long tracks
10 KinkMinDeg: 2.5 # min. angle [deg] in XY of a kink
11 KinkMinStd: 5.0 # threshold in no. of stdev of all segment angles needed to tag a kink
13 # InputVtxDist2D: 0.5 # use vtx given at input if dist. [cm] to track in all 2D projections is below this max. value
14 # InputVtxDistY: 5.0 # use vtx given at input if dist. [cm] to track in 3D-Y is below this max. value