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1 #include "protoDUNE_reco.fcl"
3 # Example minimal configuration to run EM/track separation in front of 3D track reconstruction
4 # The module produces tracks where a seed (cluster from which track is initiated) has to be
5 # track-like. Since it is still possible that electron track was reconstructed, the resulting
6 # 3D track is checked in its best projection and if CNN output there, using all hits, is below
7 # track-like threshold, the corresponding PFParticle is tagged with PDG code 11 (electron).
9 process_name: RecoEm
11 source.inputCommands: ["keep *_*_*_*", "drop *_*_*_Reco" ]
13 physics.producers.pmtrack.HitModuleLabel: "linecluster"
14 #physics.producers.pmtrack.ClusterModuleLabel: "linecluster" # the ususal way, all clusters used to create 3D tracks
15 physics.producers.pmtrack.ClusterModuleLabel: "emtrkmichelid:emtrkmichel" # 3D track seed has to be track-like over the threshold
16 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.TrackLikeThreshold: 0.63 # and this is the threshold to be track-like (you may need different value!)
17 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.MinSeedSize2ndPass: 3
18 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.Validation: "adc"
19 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.AdcValidationThr: [0.8, 0.8, 1.0]
20 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.RunVertexing: true
21 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.FlipToBeam: true
22 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.MatchT0inAPACrossing: false # use this in FD
23 physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.MatchT0inCPACrossing: false # use this in ProtoDUNE and FD
24 #physics.producers.pmtrack.PMAlgTracking.AutoFlip_dQdx: true
26 physics.reco: [ rns, caldata, gaushit, hitfd, linecluster, emtrkmichelid, pmtrack ]