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1 # reco_dune35tsim_blur.fcl
2 #
3 #
4 # David Adams
5 # August 2016
6 #
7 # Rename of reco_dune35t_blur.fcl modified to use DataPrep.
9 #include "services_dune.fcl"
10 #include "hitfindermodules_dune.fcl"
11 #include "cluster_dune.fcl"
12 #include "trackfindermodules_dune.fcl"
13 #include "calorimetry_dune35t.fcl"
14 #include "mctrutht0matching.fcl"
15 #include "t0reco.fcl"
16 #include "opticaldetectormodules_dune.fcl"
17 #include "tools_dune.fcl"
19 process_name: Reco
21 services: {
22  TFileService: { fileName: "reco_hist.root" }
23  TimeTracker: {}
24  MemoryTracker: { } # default is one
25  RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
26  message: @local::dune_message_services_prod_debug
27  FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
28  @table::dune35tsim_reco_services
29 }
31 source: {
32  module_type: RootInput
33  maxEvents: 10 # Number of events to create
34 }
36 # Define and configure some modules to do work on each event.
37 # First modules are defined; they are scheduled later.
38 # Modules are grouped by type.
39 physics: {
41  producers: {
42 # random number saver
43  rns: { module_type: RandomNumberSaver }
44 # convert raw::RawDigit to recob::wire
45  caldata: @local::producer_adcprep
46 # cheater reconstruction
47  hitcheat: @local::dune35t_hitcheater
48  clustercheat: @local::dune35t_clustercheater
49  trackcheat: @local::dune35t_trackcheater
50 # actual hit finder
51  gaushit: @local::dune35t_gaushitfinder
52  fasthit: @local::dune35t_fasthitfinder
53  cchit: @local::dune35t_clustercrawlerhit
54 # disambiguation cheater that removes duplicate hits
55  dcheat: @local::dune35t_disambigcheat
56  fasthitdc: @local::dune35t_disambigcheat
57 # dcheatcc: @local::dune35t_disambigcheat
58 # reconstruction using gaushit and disambiguration cheater
59 # fuzzydc: @local::dune35t_fuzzycluster
60  dbclusterdc: @local::dune35t_dbcluster
61  lineclusterdc: @local::dune35t_linecluster
62  blurredclusterdc: @local::dune35t_blurredcluster
63  costrkdc: @local::dune35t_cosmictracker
64  #stitchdc: @local::dune35t_trackstitcher
65  calodc: @local::dune35t_calomc
66  pmtrackdc: @local::dune35t_pmalgtrackmaker
67  pmtrackcalodc: @local::dune35t_calomc
68 # actual disambiguation
69  hit35t: @local::dune35t_hitfinder35t
70 # hit35tcc: @local::dune35t_hitfinder35t
71 # reconstruction using disambiguated hits
72 # fuzzy: @local::dune35t_fuzzycluster
73  dbcluster: @local::dune35t_dbcluster
74  linecluster: @local::dune35t_linecluster
75  blurredcluster: @local::dune35t_blurredcluster
76  costrk: @local::dune35t_cosmictracker
77 # stitch: @local::dune35t_trackstitcher
78  calo: @local::dune35t_calomc
79  pmtrack: @local::dune35t_pmalgtrackmaker
80  pmtrackcalo: @local::dune35t_calomc
81 # kalmanhit: @local::dune35t_track3Dkalmanhit
82  mctrutht0: @local::dune35t_mctrutht0matching
83  mctrutht0dc: @local::dune35t_mctrutht0matching
84  mctrutht0pmtrack: @local::dune35t_mctrutht0matching
85  mctrutht0pmtrackdc: @local::dune35t_mctrutht0matching
86  t0counter: @local::dune35t_t0countersim
87 # photon detector reconstruction
88  ophit: @local::dune35t_ophit
89  opflash: @local::dune35t_opflash
91  }
93  #define the producer and filter modules for this path, order matters,
94  #filters reject all following items. see lines starting physics.producers below
95  reco: [ rns,
96  #optical hit reco, flash, counter, TPC wire signals
97  caldata,
98  #cheater reco
99  #hit reco with cheated disambiguation
100  gaushit, dcheat,
101  #cluster reco with cheated disambiguation
102  blurredclusterdc
103  #3D reco with cheated disambiguation
104  #real disambiguation
105  #hit35t,
106  #cluster reco
107  #blurredcluster
108  #3D reco
109  ]
111  #define the output stream, there could be more than one if using filters
112  stream1: [ out1 ]
114  #trigger_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that modify the art::event,
115  #ie filters and producers
116  trigger_paths: [reco]
118  #end_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that do not modify the art::Event,
119  #ie analyzers and output streams. these all run simultaneously
120  end_paths: [stream1]
121 }
123 #block to define where the output goes. if you defined a filter in the physics
124 #block and put it in the trigger_paths then you need to put a SelectEvents: {SelectEvents: [XXX]}
125 #entry in the output stream you want those to go to, where XXX is the label of the filter module(s)
126 outputs:
127 {
128  out1:
129  {
130  module_type: RootOutput
131  fileName: "%ifb_%tc_reco.root"
132  dataTier: "full-reconstructed"
133  compressionLevel: 1
134  }
135 }
136 ### Here, we overwrite ALL module labels with the ones defined above.
137 physics.producers.clustercheat.HitModuleLabel: "hitcheat"
138 physics.producers.trackcheat.CheatedClusterLabel: "clustercheat"
139 physics.producers.fasthitdc.ChanHitLabel: "fasthit"
140 #physics.producers.hit35tcc.ChanHitLabel: "gaushit"
141 #physics.producers.dcheatcc.ChanHitLabel: "gaushit"
142 #physics.producers.fuzzydc.HitsModuleLabel: "dcheat"
143 physics.producers.dbclusterdc.HitsModuleLabel: "dcheat"
144 physics.producers.lineclusterdc.HitFinderModuleLabel: "dcheat"
145 physics.producers.blurredclusterdc.HitsModuleLabel: "dcheat"
146 physics.producers.costrkdc.ClusterModuleLabel: "lineclusterdc"
147 #physics.producers.stitchdc.TrackModuleLabel: "costrkdc"
148 #physics.producers.stitchdc.SpptModuleLabel: "costrkdc"
149 physics.producers.mctrutht0dc.TrackModuleLabel: "costrkdc"
150 physics.producers.calodc.TrackModuleLabel: "costrkdc"
151 physics.producers.calodc.SpacePointModuleLabel: "costrkdc"
152 physics.producers.calodc.T0ModuleLabel: "mctrutht0dc"
154 physics.producers.pmtrackdc.HitModuleLabel: "lineclusterdc"
155 physics.producers.pmtrackdc.ClusterModuleLabel: "lineclusterdc"
156 physics.producers.pmtrackcalo.TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrack"
157 physics.producers.pmtrackcalo.SpacePointModuleLabel: "pmtrack"
158 physics.producers.pmtrackcalo.T0ModuleLabel: "mctrutht0pmtrack"
159 physics.producers.pmtrackcalodc.TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrackdc"
160 physics.producers.pmtrackcalodc.SpacePointModuleLabel: "pmtrackdc"
161 physics.producers.pmtrackcalodc.T0ModuleLabel: "mctrutht0pmtrackdc"
162 physics.producers.mctrutht0pmtrack.TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrack"
163 physics.producers.mctrutht0pmtrackdc.TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrackdc"
165 #physics.producers.fuzzy.HitsModuleLabel: "hit35t"
166 physics.producers.dbcluster.HitsModuleLabel: "hit35t"
167 physics.producers.linecluster.HitFinderModuleLabel: "hit35t"
168 physics.producers.blurredcluster.HitsModuleLabel: "hit35t"
169 physics.producers.costrk.ClusterModuleLabel: "linecluster"
170 #physics.producers.stitch.TrackModuleLabel: "costrk"
171 #physics.producers.stitch.SpptModuleLabel: "costrk"
172 physics.producers.mctrutht0.TrackModuleLabel: "costrk"
173 physics.producers.calo.TrackModuleLabel: "costrk"
174 physics.producers.calo.SpacePointModuleLabel: "costrk"
175 physics.producers.calo.T0ModuleLabel: "mctrutht0"
176 #physics.producers.kalmanhit.HitModuleLabel: "hit35t"
177 #physics.producers.kalmanhit.ClusterModuleLabel: "fuzzy"
179 #Optical detector configuration
180 physics.producers.ophit.InputModule: "opdigi"
181 physics.producers.opflash.InputModule: "ophit"
183 #physics.producers.linecluster.ClusterCrawlerAlg.TimeDelta: [2,3,3]
184 #physics.producers.lineclusterdc.ClusterCrawlerAlg.TimeDelta: [2,3,3]