1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "ProtoDUNEDataUtils.fcl"
3 #include "ProtoDUNEBeamlineUtils.fcl"
5 #include "ProtoDUNECalibration.fcl"
7 process_name: CRTMatchTrackCaloAna
11 #Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
12 TFileService: { fileName: "crtCalo.root" }
13 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
14 @table::protodune_services
16 message: @local::dune_message_services_prod_debug
17 FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
18 @table::protodune_services
22 #source is now a root file
25 module_type: RootInput
26 maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
39 module_type: "CRTMatchTrackCaloAna"
47 #end_paths is a keyword and contains the paths that do not modify the art::Event,
48 #ie analyzers and output streams. these all run simultaneously
49 #end_paths: [ stream1, crtCalo ]
53 # define the list of LArSoft modules to run through the simulate path
56 physics.analyzers.crtCalo.CalorimetryParameters: {
80 X_correction: "./Xcalo_r5770.root"
81 YZ_correction: "./YZcalo_r5770.root"
82 E_field_correction: "./SCE_DataDriven_180kV_v3.root"
84 physics.analyzers.crtCalo.TrackModuleLabel: "pandoraTrack"
85 physics.analyzers.crtCalo.CalorimetryModuleLabel: "pandoracaloSCE"
86 physics.analyzers.crtCalo.DataUtils: @local::standard_protodunedatautils
87 physics.analyzers.crtCalo.BeamlineUtils: @local::standard_protodunebeamlineutils