Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "services_dune.fcl"
2 #include "ProtoDUNEBeamCuts.fcl"
3 #include "ProtoDUNEBeamlineUtils.fcl"
4 #include "protoDUNE_reco_data_prolog.fcl"
5 #include "protodune_tools_dune.fcl"
6 process_name: ProtonHitsRemoval
7 services:
8 {
9  #Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
10  TFileService: { fileName: "hitremoval.root" }
11  TimeTracker: {}
12  MemoryTracker: { } #default is one
13  RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
14  @table::protodune_data_reco_services
15  message: @local::standard_info
16  IFDH: {}
17 }
18 #services.BackTrackerService.BackTracker.SimChannelModuleLabel: "tpcrawdecoder:simpleSC"
19 services.SpaceCharge.EnableCalEfieldSCE: true
20 services.SpaceCharge.EnableCalSpatialSCE: true
21 #physics.analyzers.hitana.SaveTrackInfo: true
22 #source is now a root file
23 source:
24 {
25  module_type: RootInput
26  maxEvents: -1 # Number of events to create
27 }
28 #added physics-> productors -> module types
29 physics:
30 {
31  producers:
32  { @table::protoDUNE_reco_data_stage1_producers
33  hitpdune: {module_type: "ProtonHitsRemoval"
34  GeneratorTag: "generator"
35  #BeamCuts: @local::Prod2BeamCuts
36  BeamlineUtils: @local::standard_protodunebeamlineutils
37  #TrackerTag: "pandoraTrack"
38  #HitTag: "hitpdune"
39  #ShowerTag: "pandoraShower"
40  PFParticleTag: "pandora"
41  HitTag: "hitpdune"
42  seglen: 10
44  }
45  }
46  reco: [hitpdune,
47  pandora,
48  pandoraWriter,
49  pandoraTrack,
50  pandoraShower,
51  pandoracalo,
52  pandoracalonosce,
53  pandorapid,
54  pandoracalinoxyzt,
55  pandoracalipidnoxyzt,
56  #pandoracali,
57  #pandoracalipid,
58  pandoraShowercalo,
59  pandoraShowercalonosce,
60  emtrkmichelid,
61  ophitInternal,
62  ophitExternal,
63  opflashInternal,
64  opflashExternal,
65  opslicerInternal,
66  opslicerExternal,
67  #crttag,
68  #crtreco,
69  anodepiercerst0,
70  pandora2Track,
71  pandora2calo,
72  pandora2calonosce,
73  pandora2pid,
74  pandora2calinoxyzt,
75  pandora2calipidnoxyzt,
76  #pandora2cali,
77  #pandora2calipid,
78  pandora2Shower,
79  pandora2Showercalo,
80  pandora2Showercalonosce
81  ]
82  stream1: [ out1 ]
83  trigger_paths: [reco]
84  end_paths: [stream1]
85 }
86 physics.producers.pandoracalo: @local::pdune_sp_calomcsce
87 physics.producers.pandoraShowercalo: @local::pdune_sp_showercalomcsce
88 physics.producers.pandora2calo: @local::pdune_sp_alltrackcalomcsce
89 physics.producers.pandora2Showercalo: @local::pdune_sp_allshowercalomcsce
90 physics.producers.pandoracalinoxyzt: @local::protodunespmcsce_calibrationdedx
91 physics.producers.pandora2calinoxyzt: @local::protodunespmcsce_calibrationdedx
92 physics.producers.pandora2calinoxyzt.CalorimetryModuleLabel: "pandora2calo"
93 physics.producers.pandora2calinoxyzt.TrackModuleLabel: "pandora2Track"
94 outputs:
95 {
96  out1:
97  {
98  module_type: RootOutput
99  fileName: "%ifb_hitpdune.root"
100  dataTier: "full-reconstructed"
101  compressionLevel: 1
102  saveMemoryObjectThreshold: 0
103  }
104 }
105 #add physics block and imbeded
106 outputs.out1.outputCommands: [ "keep *", "drop *_hitpdune_*_Reco1", "drop *_pandora*_*_Reco1", "drop *_anodepiercerst0_*_Reco1", "drop *_op*_*_Reco1", "drop *_emtrkmichelid_*_Reco2" ]