3 #for now the parameter sets for the different experiments are all the same
5 standard_largeantparameters:
7 OpticalSimVerbosity: 0 #verbosity of optical simulation, soon to be depricated
8 ParticleKineticEnergyCut: 0.01e-3 #in GeV
9 StoreTrajectories: true
10 VisualizationEnergyCut: 10.e-3 #depricated, in GeV
11 VisualizeNeutrals: false #depricated
12 UseCustomPhysics: false #Whether to use a custom list of physics processes or the default
13 ModifyProtonCut: false #Whether to modify the default proton cut
14 NewProtonCut: 0.0 #new ProtonCut value, ModifyProtonCut must be set to set new value
15 KeepEMShowerDaughters: false #save secondary, tertiary, etc particles in EM showers
16 LongitudinalDiffusion: 6.2e-9 #in cm^2/ns
17 TransverseDiffusion: 16.3e-9 #in cm^2/ns
18 ElectronClusterSize: 600.0 #number of ionization electrons to drift in a unit
19 MinNumberOfElCluster: 0 #minimum number of electron clusters
20 EnabledPhysics: [ "Em", "SynchrotronAndGN", "Ion", "Hadron",
21 "Decay", "HadronElastic", "Stopping", "NeutronTrackingCut" ]
22 CosmogenicK0Bias: 0 # 0 is off. N is the number of secondaries to produce.
23 CosmogenicXSMNBiasOn: 0 # 0 is off. 1 works. 2 still in development.
24 CosmogenicXSMNBiasFactor: 1 # Not more than 5-ish cuz of numerical instabilities.
25 DisableWireplanes: false #if set true, charge drift simulation does not run - used for optical sim jobs OR just when you don't wanna drift the e's.
26 SkipWireSignalInTPCs: [] # put here TPC id's which should not receive ionization electrons - used to simulate TPC geom volumes which are actually dead LAr volumes in protoDUNE
27 UseModBoxRecomb: true # use Modified Box recombination instead of Birks
28 UseModLarqlRecomb: false # use LArQL recombination corrections (dependence on EF)
30 #* Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004
31 #* * @f$ dE/dx @f$ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
32 #* * electric field: @f$ E @f$ in kV/cm
33 #* * @f$ R = A/(1 + (dE/dx)*k/E) @f$
34 #* * @f$ A = 0.800 \pm 0.003 @f$
35 #* * @f$ k = 0.0486 @f$ needs to be scaled with Electric field
36 RecombA: 0.800 #< _A_ constant.
37 Recombk: 0.0486 #< _k_ constant, in g/(MeV cm²)*kV/cm.
39 #* Recombination factor coefficients come from Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A523:275-286,2004
40 #* * @f$ dE/dx @f$ is given by the voxel energy deposition, but have to convert it to MeV/cm from GeV/voxel width
41 #* * electric field: @f$ E @f$ in kV/cm
42 #* * `kModBoxB` needs to be scaled with the electric field.
46 #* Recombination factor coefficients for LArQL can be found in https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/larsoft/wiki/LArQL_algorithm
47 #* * @f$ dE/dx @f$ is given by the energy deposition in MeV/cm
48 #* * electric field: @f$ E @f$ in kV/cm
49 LarqlChi0A: 0.00338427
52 LarqlChi0D: 0.000129379
56 # The following parameters specify details of wireplanes or similar
57 # areas with optically parameterized transmissions (Ben J 2013)
59 # volume names to be associated with an optical wireplane model
60 OpticalParamVolumes: ["volTPCPlaneVert_PV"]
62 # specification of which model to use for each volume
63 OpticalParamModels: ["OverlaidWireplanes"]
65 # orientation of each wireplane set
66 # 0 = Xdrift, 1 = Ydrift, 2 = Zdrift
67 OpticalParamOrientations: [0]
69 # This a set of floats which is specific to the particular model used.
70 # For overlaid wireplanes, should be a vector of vectors of
71 # [plane angle, pitch/mm, wire diameter/mm]
73 # This format is chosen to allow for future extensions to the model
74 # for, eg, DUNE wireplane development.
76 OpticalParamParameters: [ [ [60, 3, 0.15],
82 jp250L_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
83 bo_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
84 argoneut_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
85 # The following line is already in simulationservices_microboone.fcl
86 # and so it should not also be included here, for clarity's sake.
87 #microboone_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
88 dune35t_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
89 dunefd_largeantparameters: @local::standard_largeantparameters
91 standard_larvoxelcalculator:
93 VoxelSizeX: 0.03 #in cm
94 VoxelSizeY: 0.03 #in cm
95 VoxelSizeZ: 0.03 #in cm
96 VoxelSizeT: 5000.0 #in ns
97 VoxelOffsetX: 0.0 #in cm
98 VoxelOffsetY: 0.0 #in cm
99 VoxelOffsetZ: 0.0 #in cm
100 VoxelOffsetT: -2500.0 #in ns
101 VoxelEnergyCut: 1.e-6 #in GeV
104 bo_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator
105 jp250L_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator
106 argoneut_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator
107 # The following line is already in simulationservices_microboone.fcl
108 # and so it should not also be included here, for clarity's sake.
109 #microboone_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator
110 dune35t_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator
111 dunefd_larvoxelcalculator: @local::standard_larvoxelcalculator