3 #no experiment specific configurations because SingleGen is detector agnostic
7 module_type: "SingleGen"
8 ParticleSelectionMode: "all" # 0 = use full list, 1 = randomly select a single listed particle
9 PadOutVectors: false # false: require all vectors to be same length
10 # true: pad out if a vector is size one
11 PDG: [ 13 ] # list of pdg codes for particles to make
12 P0: [ 6. ] # central value of momentum for each particle
13 SigmaP: [ 0. ] # variation about the central value
14 PDist: "Gaussian" # 0 - uniform, 1 - gaussian distribution
15 X0: [ 25. ] # in cm in world coordinates, ie x = 0 is at the wire plane
16 # and increases away from the wire plane
17 Y0: [ 0. ] # in cm in world coordinates, ie y = 0 is at the center of the TPC
18 Z0: [ 20. ] # in cm in world coordinates, ie z = 0 is at the upstream edge of
19 # the TPC and increases with the beam direction
20 T0: [ 0. ] # starting time
21 SigmaX: [ 0. ] # variation in the starting x position
22 SigmaY: [ 0. ] # variation in the starting y position
23 SigmaZ: [ 0.0 ] # variation in the starting z position
24 SigmaT: [ 0.0 ] # variation in the starting time
25 PosDist: "uniform" # 0 - uniform, 1 - gaussian
26 TDist: "uniform" # 0 - uniform, 1 - gaussian
27 Theta0XZ: [ 0. ] #angle in XZ plane (degrees)
28 Theta0YZ: [ -3.3 ] #angle in YZ plane (degrees)
29 SigmaThetaXZ: [ 0. ] #in degrees
30 SigmaThetaYZ: [ 0. ] #in degrees
31 AngleDist: "Gaussian" # 0 - uniform, 1 - gaussian
34 random_singlep: @local::standard_singlep
35 random_singlep.ParticleSelectionMode: "singleRandom" #randomly select one particle from the list
37 argoneut_singlep: @local::standard_singlep
39 microboone_singlep: @local::standard_singlep
40 microboone_singlep.Theta0YZ: [ 0.0 ] # beam is along the z axis.
41 microboone_singlep.X0: [125] # in cm in world coordinates, ie x = 0 is at the wire plane
42 microboone_singlep.Z0: [50] # in cm in world coordinates