1 #standard analyzer for the 3x1x1dp detector
3 #include "services_dune.fcl"
4 #include "pdunedp_analysis.fcl"
10 # Load the service that manages root files for histograms.
11 TFileService: { fileName: "hist.root" }
14 RandomNumberGenerator: {} #ART native random number generator
15 message: @local::dune_message_services_prod_debug
16 FileCatalogMetadata: @local::art_file_catalog_mc
17 @table::dunefddphase_reco_services_legacy
20 services.Geometry: @local::dphase3x1x1_geo
21 services.DetectorPropertiesService: @local::dphase3x1x1_detproperties
22 services.DetectorPropertiesService.Electronlifetime: 1000.0e3 #in us
23 services.RawDigitExtractService.PedestalOption: 3 #1: pedestal saved in rawDigit, 2: pedestal set during detsim, 3: either mean or median (see next line)
24 services.PedestalEvaluationService: @local::adcped_median #adcped_median for median, adcped_mean for mean
26 services.SimChannelExtractService.DPGainPerView: 2.5
28 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoDeconvolution: false
30 services.message.destinations.LogStandardOut.threshold: "INFO"
32 #source is now a root file
35 module_type: RootInput
37 fileNames: ["reco.root"]
44 purity: @local::pdunedp_purity #only purity module configured so far
48 end_paths: [ analyzeIt ]
51 physics.analyzers.purity.CalorimetryAlg.CalAreaConstants: [ 4.966e-2, 4.966e-2 ]
52 physics.analyzers.purity.CalWireModuleLabel: "caldata"
53 physics.analyzers.purity.HitModuleLabel: "dprawhit"
54 physics.analyzers.purity.ClusterModuleLabel: "trajcluster"
55 physics.analyzers.purity.TrackModuleLabel: "pmtrack"
56 physics.analyzers.purity.TotalGain: 5 #total gain of the run
57 physics.analyzers.purity.EnergyCut: 10 #cut on the value Energy/(Average mip * 350cm)
58 physics.analyzers.purity.DriftGap: 30 #Gap the mip track start can be found in (in cm)
59 physics.analyzers.purity.Length: 100 #minimal Length to define a crossing mip (in cm)
60 physics.analyzers.purity.VolCut: [10, 10, 30] #Volume cut for mips going through the TPC