Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "standard_reco_dune35tdata.fcl"
2 process_name: RecoRobust
4 physics.producers.robusthit: @local::dune35t_robusthitfinder
6 physics.reco: [ rns
7  #optical hit reco, flash, counter, TPC wire signals
8  #ophit, opflash
9  , t0counter
10  , caldata
11  #hit reco with cheated disambiguation
12  #,gaushit #, fasthit
13  , robusthit
14  #real disambiguation
15  #, hit35t
16  #manual real-from-noise hit selection
17  #, handscan
18  # disambiguation using the counters.
19  #, counterhit
20  #cluster reco
21  #, dbcluster
22  #, linecluster, lineclusterch
23  #pmatrack
24  #, pmtrack, pmtrackch
25  #, photont0pmtrack, pmtrackcalo
26  #shower reconstruction
27  #, blurredcluster, emshower, emshower3d, mergeemshower3d
28  ]
30 physics.producers.robusthit.WireModuleLabel: "caldata"
32 services.AdcRoiBuildingService: @local::adcroi_keepall
33 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoDeconvolution: false
34 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoEarlySignalFinding: false
35 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoMitigation: true
36 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoNoiseRemoval: false
37 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoPedestalAdjustment: true
38 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoROI: true
39 services.RawDigitPrepService.DoWires: true
40 services.RawDigitPrepService.SkipBad: true
41 services.RawDigitPrepService.SkipNoisy: false