5 module_type: "T0Counter"
6 TriggerModuleLabel: "simcounter"
7 ClockSpeedCounter: 64 # MHz
8 CombinedTimeDelay: 160 # ns
9 CoincidenceTolerance: 5 # num PENN board ticks
14 dune35t_t0counter: @local::dune35t_t0countersim
15 dune35t_t0counter.TriggerModuleLabel: "SplitterInput:TRIGGER"
16 dune35t_t0counter.ClockSpeedCounter: 64 # MHz
17 dune35t_t0counter.CoincidenceTolerance: 40 # this is so high because the ExternalTrigger timestamp is filled using the nearest TPC tick, which could vary by as much as 32 NOvA ticks. So 40 to be safe.
19 dune35t_counterfilter:
21 module_type: "CounterFilter"
22 T0ModuleLabel: "t0counter"