Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/bin/bash
3 # Leave this script in place.
4 #
5 # Run PDSP sig+noise sim + sigproc + imaging using one or more input
6 # depo files in Bee JSON format.
7 #
8 # Example JSON files provided:
9 #
10 # $ unzip sio/test/test_beedeposource.zip
11 # $ ls -R data/
12 #
13 # Then run this script like:
14 #
15 # $ ./img/test/test-pdsp-6apas-bee.sh data/?/?-truthDepo.json
16 #
17 # or for just one "event":
18 #
19 # $ ./img/test/test-pdsp-6apas-bee.sh data/0/0-truthDepo.json
21 cfgfile="${BASH_SOURCE/.sh/.jsonnet}"
22 if [ ! -f "$cfgfile" ] ; then
23  echo "expect to find $cfgfile"
24  exit 1
25 fi
27 if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
28  echo "Need at least one input depo file"
29  exit 1
30 fi
31 depofiles=$(for n in $@; do echo -n '"'$n'"',; done)
33 set -x
34 wire-cell -L debug -l stdout -C "depofiles=["$depofiles"]" -c $cfgfile